
Showing posts with the label COVID-19

People Increasingly Distrust the Secular Science Industry

That moment when "Imma have me a sammich" sounds like a good idea, but there is a problem. Opening up the bread wrapper, pulling out the bread, and — mold spots. You cannot discard those slices and trust the rest, either, because it spreads unseen and can be harmful . People have a confused trust/distrust relationship with the secular science industry. It has been shown numerous times here and elsewhere that they have a leftist bias and that their ethics are craptacular. The leftist corruption spreads throughout science, the media, entertainment, sports, and more. Moldy bread, Flickr / Lynn Friedman ( CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 ) I am once again telling you that there are people working in the secular science industry that have some integrity and want to do their jobs, but the organizations are heavily biased. Unfortunately, secularists embrace materialism (essentially, atheism) and therefore reject the Creator, who is the ultimate source of morality and ethics. They uphold evolutionar...

Uncertainty in Scientific Interpretations

When someone says that the facts speak for themselves , not only is that a bit of the reification fallacy, but facts need to be interpreted. This is taught in introductory creation science where it is pointed out that we all have the same facts. Science is involved, sure, but worldviews are extremely important. From the beginnings of COVID-19 through variants today, people are proclaiming facts that seemingly support differing viewpoints. People supposedly prove the vaccines cause more harm than good, others point to the efficacy of the Fauci jab. However, there is a greater principle involved here. Medical material, Pixnio / Bicanski One of the problems in the peer review process is that results in papers often cannot be replicated. Similarly, there are "facts" that have gone unchallenged for years, then someone wants to do science and discovers that those facts aren't. Some rabidly believe in Scientism  as the only means to truth. It doesn't work that way. Whether i...

Medical Propaganda in Evolutionary Indoctrination

Proponents of universal common descent are rejoicing that more people are accepting evolution, partly through having  escalated their indoctrination efforts toward children . They actively censor Intelligent Design and creation science material with the excuse that they are "religious". That is disingenuous since evolution is foundational to atheism and the religion of secular humanism: They are promoting religion in public schools . Why is it so important to secularists to present only a naturalistic view and derail the learning process? Mostly made at PhotoFunia A frequent piece of rhetoric by secularists is that evolution is essential for medicine. That is the opposite of the truth. As regular readers have seen, evolutionary thinking is harmful  to medical science . Professionals and educators find it to have no practical value and just don't want it . But that doesn't stop some tinhorns from capitalizing on the coronavirus panics , and ramping up their censorship...

On the Origin of New Diseases

Microbes have been around since creation, and are beneficial to many living things. After the fall of man, everything changed. Mutations, one of the heroes of fish-to-fool evolution, helped cause some of the changes in those microbes. The world is not at equilibrium. While we have "new" diseases that are actually variants of those previously existing, there are also some that are genuinely new to us. Did evolution bring them about? Not at all. The whole thing is quite complicated. Our Creator designed things to work together in their proper places, but microbes can be displaced from animals to humans. There is a One Health  concept where microorganisms and such live in human and animal hosts as well as reservoirs. Changes cause things to jump to other organisms. At this writing, there is evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is connected to a lab in Wuhan ( a discussion that is being hindered ), but don't completely disregard the part of that origin story regarding bats. Thr...

Science In Name Only

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  There are a few acronyms ending in -INO, which means In Name Only. RINOs (Republicans), (CINOs) Christians, and others. SINO will not work here because sino means Chinese (based on the Sinae , the Latin word for China). Mayhaps ScINOs? You can study on that and get back to me if something works, okay? People are suspicious of science at times, then they change horses in midstream and adore it. Especially if they think that scientists are paragons of virtue and impartiality, and will use their brilliance to solve le problème du jour . I disremember when, but one of the responses to a public opinion survey was something like, "Scientists will make a pill for it or something". Blind faith. Modified from an illustration by Sidney Paget used in "The Adventure of the Empty House" A term that has received abundant usage is virtue signaling . It is commonly used for people who are trumpeting their support for political and social causes, but can al...

Climate Change Science from a Creationist Perspective

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen For several months, climate change has been put on the back burner. Now things are heating up again with Joe Biden ordering the formerly United States to rejoin the Paris climate agreement , and with  Facebook policing the climate narrative . A biblical creation perspective is important now. Credit: /  ponsulak Some subjects are not ready candidates for creation science discussions, so some creationists think they should stay in their lane. As readers here have seen, the secular science industry has j oined with leftist political causes , often denying science facts , so it becomes necessary to discuss things that overlap from there in theology and science. Taking care and being good stewards of the planet God gave us should  be important to people, especially Christians. It may be tempting to saddle up with environmentalists, but their worldviews are radically materialistic , including the Big Bang, particles-to-politician evol...

Genetic Entropy and You

There are some creationists who advise against using the Laws of Thermodynamics, entropy , and that sort of thing in discussions about evolution. We tend to misuse these things. It is a fact, though, that everything winds down. This applies to you and me. Background image: Pixabay /  PixxlTeufel , modified with COVID-19 image, then FotoSketcher In a way, it should be obvious. Your vehicle will not become less rusty or repair itself. Machines wear out and break down. Foundations in buildings settle and cracks appear in various places. People grow old and die, and then have to stand before their Creator. Before we continue, I suggest reading " Mendel's Accountant Continues to Fluster Evolutionists ". It's not essential, but helpful. Genetic entropy  is extremely strong for affirming recent creation,  and for refuting deep-time minerals-to-misotheist evolution. Although our Creator built in processes to repair our DNA and mitigate damages, mutations do occur and accumula...

No Evolution Needed for Plagues

My prospector friend Stormie Waters was heading out Folly Road, but she was woolgathering and not paying attention so she missed her turn-off. Out past Stinking Lake, near Deception Pass, almost to the Darwin Ranch when she met up with Jacqueline Hyde. For some reason, they commenced to jawing about evolution and plagues. Original image: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Modified with oil painting effect from FotoSketcher (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents by anyone anywhere) As I heard about it, Jacqueline was saying that the hands at the Darwin Ranch are trying again to make everything about evolution, like they are doing with the COVID-19 . Those sidewinders should learn that evolution corrupts science. There were two studies released in the week of July 20, 2020 regarding plagues and diseases. One involved mosquitoes that involved speculations that were self-refuting, the other was about smallpox and the activities of viruses. Instead of app...

COVID-19 and Consensus Confusion

When people talk about consensus, it generally means that there is an overwhelming agreement. The public has a strange mixture of admiration and suspicion for scientists, but they tend to fall in line when confronted with "consensus science" claims about universal common descent evolution, anthropogenic climate change, and more. With the COVID-19 crisis, we are learning more about how scientists act. Made from Piltdown Gang  by John Cooke, 1915 As we saw in " An Abundance of Dubious Models ", healthcare professionals and scientists had to learn as much as possible in a short amount of time. Not only does the COVID-19 coronavirus research have leftist political influences, but there is no "consensus science". Indeed, the professor with the dire predictions that affected so many people was so wrong, he resigned in disgrace . We also see quite clearly that science is no done from an intellectual or morally neutral approach: everyone interprets data fro...

More Evolution and the Coronavirus Pandemic

It will be nice to be able to stop writing and posting about COVID-19, but we have to keep going so we can provide useful information and also refute falsehoods that tinhorns for Darwin are spreading. We saw this in " Evolution and the Coronavirus Pandemic " and " COVID-19, Up Jumps Incendiary Darwinist Opportunism ". Now we have a bit more from opportunists who believe in not allowing a good crisis go to waste — may as well propagandize, huh, Darwinists? Following that is a second article showing how their worldview is inconsistent. Before we get to the two articles linked below, there is something that I have not seen discussed in creationist material. That is the concept of herd immunity (also known by the cumbersome title of community immunity ). We saw in another article that the Wuhan Virus is something for evolutionists to celebrate , since it mostly kills the elderly and those with preexisting medical conditions. Correct me if I'm disunderstandi...

Climate Change Factors Part 1

There is global warming. The Creator designed Earth to heat up and cool down, and he even put the sun up there on the fourth day of Creation Week to facilitate the process. There are some people who insist that we  are the cause of global warming. However, there are important facts that get ignored.  The first facts that climate change alarmists need to realize is that  it is not "settled science" . It cannot be, especially since we do not have all the facts and understand all the sources of what can contribute to climate change. Credit: PIXNIO / Tim Hill A big part of climate change is rooted an atheistic beliefs in deep time , and an a priori commitment to naturalism — God is not there, and therefore not in control. (Also, keep in mind that the extremists have leftist political agendas and have been known to twist the data and even lie outright to achieve their ends. It's really sad that some people have to politicize science and others of us have to point ou...

The Coronavirus and Faith in Scientism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  There are people who label biblical creationists with the absurd pejorative "science deniers" because we reject atheistic interpretations of historical science regarding fish-to-fool evolution. (Labeling is easier than thinking.) Having faith in operational science is justified to some extent, but some do it religiously. Before we continue, it should be noted again that mockers accuse creationists of creating the distinction between operational and historical science, but that is demonstrably false . The COVID-19 novel Coronavirus has people frightened. This is exacerbated by several factors: leftist politicians using the situation to gain power and instill fear, confusing and unreliable models , fake news sites citing  spurious "studies" , Darwin's disciples falsely claiming that it is evidence of evolution , and so on. In the midst of all this, the public wants scientists to make things better. Unfortunately, God has been evic...

Save the Planet by Killing Humans?

Updated and addendum added 4-23-2020.  It should not be surprising to learn that Earth Day is on the birthday of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin), since good ideas about taking care of the environment are a masque for more sinister purposes. Environmental extremists hold to old Earth and evolutionary views. I didn't realize it was the 50th Earth Day anniversary until it was happening. Credit: Pixabay / ÄŒeÅ¡tina Atheists and leftists (Lenin was both) will manufacture a false crisis or exploit a real one. For example, they have been saddling up and riding with the Darwinists to manipulate facts and emotions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic .  To enact Draconian controls over the sheeple and institute Marxism, some falsely claim that Earth is overpopulated and that such growth is unsustainable. Such views often come from the ridiculous assertions of Paul Ehrlich who based his views on Malthus . Of course, Marx approved of Charles Darwin, and neither believed that peopl...

An Abundance of Dubious Models

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Models and simulations are important in many areas related to science, but they are only as good as the information that are utilized. Regular readers have seen many posts with links to articles discussing faulty models (including yesterday's " Increasing Dark Matter Desperation ") using mathematics and various scenarios. Credit: Freeimages / Sanja Gjenero No researcher is completely unbiased and objective. They operate from their worldviews, presuppositions, and agendas. Many times, important data are ignored or even suppressed, which frequently happens with global climate change models. Michael Mann used a fraudulent "hockey stick" graph to support global warming. Indeed, environmentalists are driven by their emotions and agendas, with predictions that have failed many times over the years, often suppressing pertinent information and indulging in fake science (see " Climate Change Alarmism vs God " and " Deluded...