Cursing the Weeds

Anyone who has worked the land, even a small patch, has encountered weeds. Sometimes a plant is called a weed simply because it grows where it is not wanted. Many weeds can be considered aggressive: They are hardy, grow quickly, and hog resources. Indeed, some weeds grow larger and taller than desired plants so they can get the good stuff. Some even suppress the growth of other plants. Yet weeds can be useful , even helping reclaim damaged land and reduce soil erosion. Dandelions are edible . Multiflora rose is a weed, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen Some plants look good, but they are weeds. Goldenrod (also called ragweed) is an enemy of people with allergies. One name of Achillea ptarmica is sneezewort ( wort means plant ). Multiflora rose was actually brought into the Americas to help with soil erosion, but it was realized that the plant should have been left alone. Some weeds are deceptive. Jesus told the parable of the wheat and the tares , and tares (called darn...