
Showing posts with the label Baraminology

Mitochondrial DNA and the Crocodylia Baramin

Although the system of taxonomy was initially made by creationist Carl Linnaeus , secularists have made it into their own, rejecting anything biblical out of hand. Creation scientists use taxonomy, of course, but they are developing baraminology,  which is based on the created kinds . The biblical kind is somewhere around  order  or family  in the traditional classification system. Like other fields in science, baraminology has differing views on how it should be developed and applied. Creation science technical journals publish articles where differing views are presented. Crocodile, Pixnio / Steve Hillebrand , USFWS Data from research is often made available to everyone, which is very helpful to both creationist and secular scientists. An examination of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was undertaken to see commonality in relationships in the Crocodylia order. Comparing this information with other data on these reptiles (which have features unlike other reptiles) sug...

Coming to Terms with Species and Biblical Kinds

There was a big ruckus at the Darwin Ranch recently, but it was nothing new. Just old anger flaring up again. Russell Watchtower of the Ministry of Truth asked Sherwood Tellit for a precise definition of species . Dewey Lye joined in with his definition. Things escalated and Lisa Myworries even had to bring in the Winkie Guards from the property line to settle things down. Those folks know that the word species  is disputed, and there are maybe 300 or so breeds of horses, and those are grouped into five basic types . The same with cats, dogs, etc. Then we have the kinds  in creation science. Wild horses in Mongolia, RGBStock / Stella Bogdanic Secularists laugh at creationists who are working on the created kinds  concept because that's just Bible stuff, not science. Oh, really? Those folks can't nail down a good definition of species. Also, modern taxonomy began with Linnaeus, a creationist. In his early days, he believed in the "fixity of species" where there was no ...

Living Things Engineered for Change, Part 3

This post features the third part in a series by Dr. Robert Carter, first two of which were made available in this post . I thought he was done, but he had some more to discuss with us. In this article, he discusses a model for the created kinds, baramins , of Genesis. Darwin's "Tree of Life" simply does not work. Biblical creationists have pointed out that created kinds are like an orchard, or branching trees in a forest. Dr. Carter believes that this concept should be developed another way. Corals extend tentacles, NPS / A. Bourque (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Many secularists get furious — furious , I tell you — that creation scientists reject  their  classification system (which materialists stole from creationist Carl Linnaeus and modified to fit atheistic naturalism), and are working on baraminology , the study of created kinds . No, creationists do not believe in the "fixity of species" (no speciation, everything stayed the same). T...

Creation Science and Studies of Baraminology

Believers in universal common ancestry get a mite riled when biblical creationists discuss the created kinds (e.g., Gen. 1:25). Ironically, Carl Linnaeus, who got the taxonomy ball rolling, was a creationist who believed in the created kinds . Creation scientists are working out the details of baraminology .  Credit: RGBStock / Graeme Rainsbury Don't be disunderstanding me now, creationists do believe in speciation and variations . There are some creation scientists who are exploring the created kinds , which would be a larger category than species . As with any scientific model, there are differing views that need to be worked out. Remember that creation science models come and go, but creationists who propose them agree on the truth of God's written Word. Two distinct views used in the pursuit of this science are discussed. New genomics-based statistical approaches have helped us in baraminology research. There is currently much genomic data available in the public data...

Examining the Created Kinds Concept

A source of contention between biblical creationists and other biologists is the created kinds that we read about in Genesis. We are not given a great deal of information about what exactly they are, which prompts discussion among creationists as well. The study of biblical created kinds is called baraminology. Creationists believe that Basement Cat and lions developed from the original cat kind. The same with dogs, horses, and such. We are all from the same human kind. The system of taxonomy we use was devised by creationist Carolus Linnaeus , and scientists have made adjustments to it for many years. He was attempting to determine the created kinds in Genesis, and at first, thought that kinds were on the level of species. Biologists of the creation persuasion tend to think that kinds most closely line up with the classification of family, but there is some variation on that theme. Sometimes a creationist will say “there are no transitional species” or “animals do change, bu...

The Lion Kind and Other Breeds

If you ever watch some of those documentaries on cats, you can see that the furry critters that own us as pets can be found in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors (the Maine Coon is a whopper.) Go to the zoo or watch a different documentary and you see the big ones such as lions, tigers, cheetahs, leopards, bobcats, and a passel of others. Where did they originate? Liger (lion-tiger hybrid) image credit: Ali West ( CC by 2.0 ) Darwinists are content with " it evolved " and spin some yarns, but it is obvious from their amazing abilities such as vision, smell, hearing, and others that the Master Engineer designed them. Biblical creationists believe in the created kinds  of Genesis, and the study of the kinds is called baraminology . They're all cats, and can interbreed. Lions and tigers can breed. The largest domestic cat (although  domestic  is disputed) is the Savannah cat , a cross between a domestic and an African serval . Lions are discussed in the Bible...

Elephant Genome Study Supports Creation Science

While biblical creationists recognize the established (and not so established) categories such as species, genera, family, and so forth, they also study biblical kinds. Secularists get on the prod about this, preferring their own classification system as "right", but the definition of species is in dispute. Part of the problem there is speciation, hybridization, and interbreeding. Also, the biblical kind is a larger classification than species, more closely fitting with the family level. Credit: RGBstock / Sias van Schalkwyk A very extensive genome study was conducted among living elephants, and since remains of American mastodon were more than happy to provide samples, those were included as well. The results were startling in several ways. For one thing, Darwin's "tree of life" should have been chopped down and composted long ago, and the study results support that notion. Hybridization and breeding between these big critters was found as well, challeng...