
Showing posts with the label Astronomy

Lunar Formation, Recession and Deep Time

One of the staples of creation science presentations is how the moon is receding from the earth at a measurable rate, and calculating backward shows that the earth and moon cannot be billions of years old. Residents of the secular science industry dislike this fact. Another problem for secularists is the many speculations as to the moon's formation fall apart. (Since they are so bad, it has been sarcastically said that the moon does not exist.) The recession rate and the formation of the moon are tied together in rescuing devices. Moon from space, NASA / ISS / Col. Jeff Williams (usage does not imply endorsement of site's contents) One Just-So Story for how the earth got its moon is that a wandering big hunk of rock hit our planet when it was still molten, splattered up stuff that accreted into the moon with all of its amazing characteristics. Another story is that something was wandering around minding its own business and got captured by Earth's gravity and kept in orbi...

Abiogenesis and the Silence of the Space Aliens

In their continuing mission to prop up Charlie's Victorian myth, Darwin's disciples are boldly dancing with space aliens in the pale moonlight. That may seem edgy and adventurous, but no aliens are available for dancing — or anything else. All the tax money spent in efforts to find intelligent life on strange new worlds... but none has been found. A survey taken of astrobiologists shows that most believe it must  exist. They have a vested interest, getting paid for studying nonexistent entities. Someone should tell  DOGE about this waste of money . Children watching alien spaceship, Pixabay /  Stefan Keller From a secular perspective, these astronomers and such don't know any better. Although abiogenesis (chemical evolution, life from non-life) is shown to be impossible , they presuppose that it happened anyway. Just not on Earth. Also, they play by numbers based on assumptions: So many stars that would have worlds, the odds are in favor of them having intelligent life. ...

Considering Special Relativity

It seems that theories of relativity are the domain of mathematical geniuses, but it is said that us reg'lar folk can get a handle on them. Uncle Albert Einstein had two theories, General and Special. When physicists study motion, that is mechanics . When the motions of objects in different locations are compared, that is relativity . People have studied motion and relative positions for millennia. Aristotle had some ideas, but got things wrong. Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de' Galilei got on the prod about Aristotle's teachings and did his own studies. This brought changes in physics. Albert Einstein explaining relativity on chalkboard made at Hetemeel Then Isaac Newton got involved and further developed the relativity that Galileo had been working on. Great, Newtonian laws of motion were developed. Then came Albert Einstein and his theory of special relativity. Some folks say that his work replaced Newtonian physics, but that is not the case. He expanded on it. Interestin...

Cotton Candy Planets and the Young Universe

It is amazing how astronomers can use technology to find planets outside our solar system, even so much as to speculate on their size and composition. Pictures of exoplanets are only artist concepts; the planets cannot be seen. Continued observations of activity in their solar systems can raise questions. Transits in the Kepler-51 system caused some confusion, as they were not what was expected. While a number of large planets have been discovered, these seem to have a density comparable to cotton candy. Astronomers are looking for ways to explain what is happening. Bags of cotton candy, Pexels / Magda Ehlers These super-puff planets should not exist according to standard cosmology. Their cores lack density, which means they should not have atmospheres. How these puff daddies formed in the first place is a mystery, and one speculation about what's going on is that there is a great deal of dust kicked up by outflowing atmospheres — which should have dissipated millions of years ago ...

Comet Tsuchinshan–ATLAS and the Age of the Solar System

Comet Tsuchinshan–ATLAS, so named because two observatories discovered it at almost the same time, dazzled the sky in late 2024. It has naturally prompted a great deal of discussion about orbits, eccentricities, and all that good stuff. Biblical creationists have pointed out that short-term comets would have ceased to exist if the solar system was billions of years old. Comets orbit, burn off some of their mass near the sun, repeat and fade. Also, some comets have collisions, get ejected from the solar system, and have their orbits changed, so those disappear as well. Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, NASA / Eric Bordelon (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Of course, secular scientists are committed to a universe that is billions of years old and the solar system of about 4.5 billion years. One rescuing device for the problem of comets is the Kuiper Belt out yonder around Pluto. That has been disappointing them. Also to the rescue is the Oort Cloud, a huge collection of rock...

Mars, Moon Continue to Baffle Secular Geologists

There have been numerous instances where secular scientists have been amazed when the facts do not fit their assumptions. This frequently happens in astronomy and cosmology. Conventional approaches of geologists and astronomers/cosmologists presuppose deep time, which often does not pan out. A big push has been on to find signs of life way out yonder in the universe, and that would prove evolution in their minds. Exoplanets have secularists excited, as do some of the moons and planets in our own solar system. Mars and the moon are comparatively close, but they still cause consternation. Moon and Mars, WikiComm / NASA (PD), usage does not imply endorsement of site contents A word about date ranges before we continue. When biblical creationists present evidence for a young earth, solar system, or universe, those dates are often upper limits. Remember when we touched on how misotheists criticize what they do not understand ? Those uninformed criticisms happen regarding age limits. For ex...

Pluto and the Kiladze Ice Volcano

When I was in school, the solar system had nine planets. The Kuiper Belt was not mentioned, nor were dwarf planets or trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs). Pluto lost its planethood status because of its size; there is a passel of TNOs with Pluto being the first. All of that stuff was expected to be geologically dead, but Pluto and its moons baffle deep time proponents with activity . There are volcanoes out yonder such as Jupiter's moon Io , and some that expel ice instead of lava. Pluto has some of these. Artist's concept of New Horizons visiting Pluto, with moon Charon in the distance, : NASA/JHU APL/SwRI/Steve Gribben Ice volcanoes throw out water ice as well as methane and others are more accurately called cryovolcanoes . Pluto has one named Kiladze, named after the Georgian astronomer Rolan I. Kiladze. This volcano shares its wealth abundantly, then its caldera collapses. Then erupts again and repeats the cycle. The energy necessary to do this should not exist according to deep...

Astrobiology and Fantasy Moons

While having breakfast with Hammond Suisse at the eatery in town, Russell Watchtower sauntered in. He is in charge of the Ministry of Truth at the Darwin Ranch and seemed unusually full of himself that day. He spotted us and we invited him to pull up a chair. Russell, like misotheists and other evolutionists, is fond of assertions. But those are neither evidence nor facts. With people like this, I tend to ask questions that make them uncomfortable. (Some get irate, others end the conversation. I hope they study on things later.) Watchtower gloated about life on other worlds. Space fantasy, Pixabay / gene1970 After warming up to his subject, he pushed back his chair and began slowly walking with a hand grasping his lapel. He gestured with the other hand, saying how moons of Uranus may support life. I asked him how he knows that, and he said that there may be water under the surface of some moons. That means life could evolve out yonder. Then I proceeded to ask if there is any actual evi...

More Bad Cosmic Evolution News for Secularists

Secular scientists had high hopes for the James Webb Space Telescope , that extremely expensive device to help bolster cosmic evolution. Dark matter, dark energy, extrasolar planets, the Big Bang — nothing has been found that supports those things. Indeed, cosmologists brought their presuppositions of deep time and cosmic evolution, but were disappointed. Discoveries that were problematic for the Big Bang were made . Biblical creationists presuppose the Creator and recent creation, and the JWST confirms creation cosmology . Newer discoveries show things getting worse for secularists. Digel Clouds, Flickr / NASA's James Webb Space Telescope ( CC BY 2.0 )  When I went to Flickr to get the above image, the typical unproven and unprovable assertions about "stellar nurseries" and such were on display; they are wrong according to secular science and according to reality. Several articles show that findings were unexpected, and some things were previously unknown that need to b...

Lunar Volcanism and other Solar System Warmth

As many people already know, the solar system is about 4.5 billion years old according to standard dating ideas. The moon looks like a cold inactive rock. Other planets have moons that should also be uninteresting rocks, as are some planets and other objects up yonder. However, that is the opposite of the truth. Believers in deep time and cosmic evolution presuppose billions of years, but are constantly being surprised when planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and other things do not "act their age." Many of those things show comparative youth and geologic activity. Silvery Moonlight ,  John Atkinson Grimshaw, 1882 Our own moon has quakes, indicating tectonic activity — it is still cooling and shrinking after its recent creation. There is water (in the form of ice) on it as well, but the shaking and other activity makes some of the ice go away. Even so, that is a threat to deep time ideas because water can't last billions of years up there . Not so long ago, a ChiCom probe...

Dark Matter Needed but Still Elusive

Michael Crichton said, “There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period." Really, it is a way around doing actual science and fitting in with the crowd. Seems to this child that mavericks were the ones who impacted science the most. There has been consensuses about atoms-to-astronomer evolution (although adherents frequently slap leather over many aspects of it) and also about dark matter. Because of the way galaxies act, dark matter is supposedly an important part of the universe. Hubble image of galaxies,  NASA , ESA, & J. Lotz & HFF Team (STScI) (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Cosmologists agree that most of the universe is comprised of this stuff that nobody has seen or can detect. (There seems to be no consensus about what percentage of dark matter makes up the universe.) But yee haw boy howdy, it must  exist because dark matter is presupposed and inferred, and it is ...

The Lonely Life of a SETI Enthusiast

Years ago, there were Maytag appliance advertisements focusing on their dependability and the loneliness of the unneeded repairman . Similar but also different for SETI enthusiasts. Initial excitement, hopes, and dreams need constant rekindling — without good reasons. The Wow! Signal in 1977 kept scientists hoping that they had some kind of signal from intelligent extraterrestrials. It took many years to find out that the so-called signal was just hydrogen acting up. Then there was the time that scientists were fooled about ET signals that were actually from a microwave oven . Scientists studying space alien, made with  Bing AI Image Creator Kind of like being teased, but there is no entity behind the teasing. Indeed, secular scientists desperately want to find intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. They seem to think it would vindicate their rejection of the Creator in favor of evolution. The James Webb Space Telescope was sent partly in hopes of finding support for the Big B...

Big Bang Demise and the Doppler Model

Back in 1929, Edwin Hubble realized that the farthest galaxies had a redshift in the spectrums, and those also had the greatest redshifts. That became known as the Hubble Law , and was the beginning of what became the Big Bang origin of the universe story. Based on assumptions and speculations, secular cosmologists and cosmoginists did the math and expected evidence for the Big Bang in the Hubble telescope. It did not happen. The James Webb Space Telescope was built to be bigger and better — perhaps too good for their purposes. Phantom Galaxy M74, Flickr / James Webb Space Telescope ( CC BY 2.0 ) Amazing photographs were produced (but what we see is adjusted because the JWST works in the infrared). Secularists were alarmed because images were not comporting with the Big Bang tale . Worse, information actually supported biblical creationist predictions . The difficulties are compounding for the frequently-Frankensteined Big Bang, which should have been abandoned long ago. Hubble's ...

This Mars is not my Home

People have wanted to visit and even colonize Mars for a very long time. Science fiction is filled with stories of doing so, and people continue to have high hopes. For that matter, secular scientists keep trying to find evidence for some kind of life there. There are science fiction stories that explore some of the problems that were known during the times they were written, but more trouble has been recently discovered. These include making the journey itself, visiting, and especially trying to stay on Mars. Mars,  NASA  / JPL-Caltech (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Mayhaps I should say "spoiler alert," but people are not likely to be bothered if I tell them that the very first episode of The Twilight Zone  in 1959, "Where Is Everybody?" was about the problem of loneliness in space travel. Indeed, those who take such a long trip would be expecting a one-way trip that lasts quite a spell. Then they have to get along on the red planet — if they g...

More Problems for Life in Rings of Saturn

The secular science industry desperately wants life to exist elsewhere in the universe, but those who believe this  walk by faith, not by science . Despite lack of evidence, huge amounts of money are spent to see if anything can be found supporting their speculations. Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ on teh interwebs insist that the origin of life is separate from evolution, deliberately ignoring that the OoL is also known as chemical evolution or abiogenesis. Life supposedly evolved from dead things and some organic chemicals, and the search is on out yonder in the rings of Saturn. Saturn image: NASA / JPL / STScI (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Secularists do not get a freebie on the origin of life so they can build from there. That's why so many scientists are working on the problem. Saturn's rings have a few of the components necessary for life, but no useable water. Time is vitally important in particles-to-planetologist evolution, and those rings (some of...

Secularists Affirm Global Catastrophes Elsewhere but not Earth

Things got interesting at my place with surprise visitors and all. First, Darwin Ranch foreman Rusty Swingset and his lady friend Jacqueline Hyde (who was not herself that day) dropped in on their way to Deception Pass. We yakked about what may be getting built in town, and they left. About five minutes later, I was surprised when Stevia Dolce (the baker at the Darwin Ranch) knocked at my door. She brought some croissants. However, she said she waited until the others had gone because she did not want them to know that she visited. Color-enhanced image of the delta in Jezero Crater on Mars, NASA / JPL et al. (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Stevia keeps mum about her evolution doubts because she needs the job at the ranch. (I know the feeling, as I have to do the same when dealing with "pride" month and science deniers who have "preferred pronouns".) Anyway, I told Stevia that she doesn't need to give me baked goods or other gifts, that I fre...

The Moon Io Continues to Thwart Deep Time

It is obviously human nature to want to know things. A wagon train-load of grotzits has been spent on space exploration even before rockets went up yonder. Telescopes, bigger and better telescopes, telescopes in space — not enough, people want to go and look. Cameras, telescopes, and communications equipment were loaded onto various space probes. Sending humans were just not feasible, so that was the next best thing. Jupiter and its moons have had several visitors from here: Pioneer , V'ger  (I mean, Voyager ), and others have shown Jupiter's moon Io to be recalcitrant to deep-time beliefs. Infrared view of Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io, NASA / JPL et al. It has been known for quite some time that Io is volcanically active, which should not happen if it was billions of years old. The Juno mission showed further images of volcanic activity. Secularists are attempting rescuing devices to explain what is observed, including how it spews lava, reconsumes it, and do it again hundreds ...

Scientists Doubting Big Bang Principles

When a theory or hypothesis is presented, it is reasonable to expect supporting evidence to be displayed as well. Predictions are often made. Scientists are supposed to do that sort of thing. Unfortunately for science, poor reasoning and incomplete procedures are all too common. We have seen that the Big Bang as an explanation for the origin of the universe has been Frankensteined so much that it has little resemblance to Grandfather's Big Bang model of the 1930s. At least, the original had superficial plausibility. Recently, cosmologists attended a conference, doubting fundamental principles of the source of cosmic evolution. The Passion of Creation with JWST image from NASA , both modified According to secular scientists,  homogeneity is expected, meaning a certain degree of sameness regarding the spreading of energy and matter. Ain't happening, Zeke. There are structures of sorts in the universe, such as the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall of galaxies. Things like tha...

Death Star Moon Fails Astrobiology

"He's heading for that space station." "That's no space station, it's a small moon." The secular science industry is all a-twitter about space probe information from Mimas, suggesting there is water under its surface. Interesting that the big crater named Herschel shows an impact that, if it were any stronger, this moon of Saturn would be crumbs. Believers in cosmic evolution seem to believe that if water is found, there will be life. Though the origin of life cannot be explained on Earth, it must have happened elsewhere in the universe. Because evolution. The Farce is strong in them... Mimas, NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute, modified at PhotoFunia (usage does not imply endorsement by anyone) It seems that whenever news arrives that is disastrous to deep-time beliefs, adherents put on happy faces and claim to be excited. Like paleontologists that skirt around the problem of dinosaur soft tissues, these jaspers divert people's attention. Some a...

What is Really Seen from the Webb Telescope

Secular cosmologists, cosmogonists, and astronomers are frequently astonished when their expectations are not supported by space exploration. So are deep-time creationists and many in the Intelligent Design community. They expect to see evidence supporting their beliefs in cosmic evolution. There were high hopes that the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) would reveal the primordial universe. Galaxies still forming, stars with only the lightest elements, and certain aspects of the redshift. Instead, they were astonished — again — and rescuing devices ensued. M80 galaxy, Flickr / NASA's James Webb Space Telescope ( CC BY 2.0 ) Over ten years ago, some atheopaths started a Page on Fakebook for the purpose of attacking me personally because of my stand on biblical creation science. (Attack the person instead of rationally dealing with the's who they are and what they do.) I had written that there is no evidence of stars forming, and they found a secular piece that cla...