
Showing posts with the label ApologetiX

Split Brains and Multiple Minds?

This post on the human brain is from an Intelligent Design site, so I thought you might appreciate a heads up. When it comes to the brain and the mind (remember that the brain is not the mind, the mind uses  the brain), secular scientists have conflicting views on consciousness — the soul, if you will. In many cases the brain can adapt. People can have brain portions missing and still function  because of what is called plasticity. In extreme cases of epilepsy, surgery is performed to split the brain. Illustration of split and normal brains, WikiComm / Soccernumber1 ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Literally splitting the brain sounds like a death sentence. However, the adaptability and (in my view) mysterious ways people can still function with damage kind of offset feelings of alarm for the patients. In fact, most have no ill effects after the surgery. Others may have some that diminish. Now back to the confusion of secular views. Make up your minds (heh!), is there consciousness or not? S...

Cotton Candy Planets and the Young Universe

It is amazing how astronomers can use technology to find planets outside our solar system, even so much as to speculate on their size and composition. Pictures of exoplanets are only artist concepts; the planets cannot be seen. Continued observations of activity in their solar systems can raise questions. Transits in the Kepler-51 system caused some confusion, as they were not what was expected. While a number of large planets have been discovered, these seem to have a density comparable to cotton candy. Astronomers are looking for ways to explain what is happening. Bags of cotton candy, Pexels / Magda Ehlers These super-puff planets should not exist according to standard cosmology. Their cores lack density, which means they should not have atmospheres. How these puff daddies formed in the first place is a mystery, and one speculation about what's going on is that there is a great deal of dust kicked up by outflowing atmospheres — which should have dissipated millions of years ago ...

Babies Recognize Languages Very Early

Studies of how unborn children respond are fascinating, and I witnessed how one of my newborn children recognized my voice. I spoke, and he tried to turn his head in my direction! It has been recommended that expectant parents talk to their developing children; some also read to them. It has been discovered that babies have a built-in ability to learn  and are also ready to read . Naturally, it fits right in that they are ready to learn the language of the people around them. It was discovered that they learn it earlier than scientists thought. Baby feet in crib, RGBstock /  Jean Scheijen For that matter, it is known that children are far more adept at learning more than one language, but it is often difficult for adults to learn additional languages. It would be in the best interests for children of parents who do not speak the language of the country where they live to learn that country's language as well as the one their parents speak. That way, the whole family doesn't ha...

Resistance to Question Evolution Day

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Although Reddit is really big on teh interwebs and seems to have evolved from newsgroups , I have little use for it. Interesting because I was involved in newsgroups for a spell. They were like the Wild West; there was no town marshall, so almost anything could be posted. Reddit is a bit moderated, I hear. Someone posted about Question Evolution Day . As expected, atheists and other anti-creationists went ballistic. A cursory glance shows that they still reject rational discourse and logic — yet they claim to be the rational ones. The first thing I noticed (again, cursory glances) is that the substance of QED was not discussed. Instead, they used straw man arguments, prejudicial conjecture, and some fabricated complaints that were decades  old (railing against a book from 1997). One complained that creationists are always lying, which I have pointed out is ludicrous even on the surface: Why would we, who believe in a holy and righteous God who hates lyi...

Noise in the Evolution Signal

Not everyone has state-of-the-art audio receivers always available, and tuning in to a distant broadcast can include static and other noise. If there is too much, we may say "Fuggedaboudit" and move on. It would have been nice to hear the program, though. It is similar when using televisions with aerials. For something that is considered a "fact" or even a "law ," the signal from proponents of descent-with-modification evolution should be clear. It is not. Many scientists and those in academia do not understand evolution, so no wonder the common person is confused. Darwin on television with signal noise, public domain images including Clker clipart A researcher and a professor think they have tools to reduce the noise in statistical rates. However, they were talking about what some folks erroneously call microevolution , which is really just small changes: a bacterium is still a bacterium, a frog is still a frog, a chimpanzee is still a chimpanzee. Basical...

Elitist Secular Science Industry Hating on Donald Trump

Readers who are not Americans can still learn useful things from this material. After what has been seen with the secular science industry's politically leftist associations, it should not be surprising that they hate President Donald Trump. (Ideally, science activities should be untainted by politics.) Consider who else they hate. By extension, secular science leaders (and their lapdog media) are going against tens of millions of people who voted for Trump. Those leftist elitists promote causes like global warming, evolution, abortion, and other things. They are better people and smarter than the rest of us. Just ask them. Krasnoyarsk rebellion , Vasily Surikov, 1902 Leftists are undertaking their own little rebellions. In addition to whining on social media posts, certain federal employees disrupt their jobs. Leftists are also attempting to undermine the President, assuming that everything Trump and his party does is bad, and essentially having tantrums that hurt themselves and o...

Defacing the Tomb of Darwin

There are pictures usually taken at strategic moments, then captioned with things like, "Have you ever been so angry that you tackled a horse ?" Well, have you ever been so angry that you defaced classic artwork and also Darwin's tomb? A group known as Just Stop Oil believes that because global temperatures allegedly reached a certain number, we are now in the sixth great extinction. These t3rrorists are stupid on several levels, not the least of which is like other t3rrorists, they enrage people, then expect sympathy for their cause. Darwin's Tomb at Westminster Abbey, Flickr / Amanda ( CC BY 2.0 ) The denizens of Just Stop Oil are buying into evolutionary mythologies including deep time and the so-called great extinctions. Well, those extinction events are based on assumptions merged with storytelling, and they should have considered possibilities outside the evolution box. One in particular is how the Genesis Flood covers the data of one catastrophic event instead...

Monkey Minds Disunderstanding Monkey Minds

When attempting to make a point with rational arguments, misotheists are generally unwilling to "allow" Christians (and especially biblical creationists) to be right about anything of importance. I recently scanned a Page by a bigoted atheist whose material I had used for demonstration purposes a spell back, and he is still at it. That is, he shares Christian material to ridicule and makes comments that display his foolishness. In one share, a valid point was made but he refused to admit it. Monkey in snow, cropped from Unsplash / Shino Nakamura Professing atheists and other defenders of molecules-to-monkey evolution on social(ist) media are often committed to attacking their opponents instead of having any kind of intelligent discussion. It is ironic because they claim to have the upper hand over "theists" regarding reason, yet frequently violate laws of logic. Indeed, many times they clutch their pearls and holler because they do not grasp an argument, nor can the...

When Atheists Attack Dr. Snelling

It is amazing that professing atheists proclaim that they are " good without God ," but so many lie. A lot. I wrote an article about Dr. Duane Gish and the legendary "Gish gallop" debate tactic. It has never been shown to exist , but they gleefully spread this falsehood. Misrepresentation and ridicule should be red flags to thinking people that someone has no valid material to use against his target. (It may also indicate laziness.) Dr. Andrew Snelling is a prominent figure in biblical creation science, and he has to deal with a dishonest decades-old attack. Angry atheist monkey, Freeimages / vangeldere (modified) Many of the assaults we face are actually laughable in their schoolyard simplicity. I'll allow that it's difficult to not respond in kind, which may very well be the kind of distraction that such misotheists are seeking; we go off-topic to chase every little dog that nips at our ankles. Indeed, I have challenged some to show where the science in a...

False Claims of Observed Evolution

So it is 2025, and my unregistered assault keyboard is still under warranty despite heavy use. Proponents of minerals-to-machinist evolution desperately want to convince other people that they are right, pretending the Creator does not exist (Rom. 1:18-23). We have seen shenanigans and hooey used as propaganda. Definitions of words are changed, speciation and variations are called evolution — but no creature has become something else. Indeed, it appears that many of Darwin's disciples do not understand the basics of evolution themselves, so they blow smoke just like Charlie did! Mostly made at  PhotoFunia Atheists and other secularists tell people what  to think about origins.  Biblical creationists want people to learn how  to think — and why. There was a fellow who seemed to live in fear, so whenever a new assertion was made by evolutionists, he would contact others and me, asking, "This can be refuted, right?" Aside from having faith in ever-changing apparent evid...

The Million Monkeys Typing Shakespeare Gambit

A hoary old canard used by Darwin's disciples to make the origin of life, and also evolution itself, seem feasible involves monkeys. There are several versions of the concept and the actual origin seems uncertain, but Thomas Henry Huxley made use of it way back when. The idea is that given an infinite amount of time and a million immortal monkeys, they could eventually type out out the works of William Shakespeare. The concept is actually plausible the way it is written but is not realistic. Researchers tell us what we already know. Bronx Zoo Postcard — Chimpanzee at Work, 1907, Flickr / Jim Griffin (PD) The monkey theorem is a way to get Darwin doubters to admit that something absurd is actually possible, never mind the logic. From there, all sorts of lucky breaks result in evolution bringing all the wonders of life. The Creator is then displaced. However, dealing with the real universe, even secularists see there ain't no way nohow. The “infinite monkey theorem” began in som...

Number of Animals on the Ark, and How it Survived the Flood

As stated before, when comparing worldviews it is necessary to see if they are consistent within their own frameworks. Christians claim to believe that the Bible is the written Word of God. Biblical creationists go further by declaring that Genesis is a record of recent creation, so written details are accurate. Many people know that the people at Answers in Genesis have the Ark Encounter , which is a theme park featuring a full-sized replica of Noah's Ark built according to biblical specifications. This raises questions about the Bible and the Ark itself. AI-generated Noah's Ark image, Pixabay / dlsdkcgl For the Ark Encounter, Answers in Genesis has conducted a great deal of research. In this first of two articles, the feasibility of the number of animals on the Ark is considered. They did not use the easiest or safest numbers. Mockers will say something like, "The Ark couldn't have held all those animals. Because atheism," or words to that effect. They don't...

Blood Falls and Judgment

If you take a great notion to head south — way, way south past Australia — you will encounter Antarctica. No country owns it, but there are named regions. It is primarily used for scientific research. A notable curiosity on Taylor Glacier is Blood Falls. People who played the violent (but unremarkable graphics by today's standards) game Doom II may remember a map called Bloodfalls. The one in Antarctica exists and was given its name because the water does indeed look like blood. It is flowing because it has salt. Lots of salt. Blood falls, Victoria Land, East Antarctica, Flickr / DLR German Aerospace Center ( CC BY 2.0 ) Interestingly, Wickedpedia is yet again promoting deep time and evolution, so their article on Blood Falls includes some contradictory remarks. The red color is due to iron oxides. There is an ecosystem of microbes living in it that don't care that the area has no oxygen to speak of. The article mentions a "poorly understood interaction" relating to...

Nature is not Unlimited

On more than one occasion, I have encountered Darwin's disciples online who say that if there is a little  evolution, there must eventually be a lot of it. That is, favorable mutations accumulate until something becomes a new creature, made by nature. It may seem plausible at first. Biblical creationists accept natural selection and speciation. Some refer to small changes microevolution . However, it is recommended that we educate other creationists to avoid using micro- and macroevolution ; one is horizontal  change, the other is unobserved vertical  atoms-to-astronaut change. Esopus Creek near Mt. Tremper, NY, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen What people who believe in such accumulations of traits do not realize is that they are showing their lack of knowledge; there are built-in biological limits to change. Clearly, many evolutionists try to substitute Nature, Evolution, Natural Selection, and other things for the true Creator. Yes, people use nature, evolution, and natu...

Evolutionists Use Disability for their Story

It often prompts outrage when someone uses infirmity or disability for their own advantage, and some of Darwin's disciples have done just that. In a new low, a family in Turkey does not walk properly, essentially walking on all fours like a bear. It was claimed that they reverted to an animal state. Such a statement reeks of desperate storytelling to further belief in evolutionism. It is not even incorrect speculation according to science, as the proponents had no idea what they were talking about regarding bipedalism. Chimpanzee out for a stroll, Wikimedia Commons / Tony Hisgett ( CC BY 2.0 ) Not only do those sidewinders make numerous assumptions made about the past, they also invoke disputed speculations. That is, evolutionists slap leather with each other about the origin of bipedalism. Some Darwinists wanted to set the record straight, the family walking with the aid of their hands suffered from a genetic disability. The whole lot of these scientists need to cowboy up and ad...

Death and the Advancement of Evolution

Scoffers sometimes refer to Christianity as a "death cult," which is an ad hominem  and a straw man; we believe that death is an enemy (I Cor. 15:26) that has been defeated by the bodily Resurrection of Jesus. It is indeed ironic that those scoffers uphold evolution which actually is a death cult. Strangely, people have a fascination with fear and death, but also a simultaneous aversion to them. In movies, violence and gore are extreme and people pay their hard-earned money to see them. Try to talk about their own mortality and people often change the subject. Cemetery, Pixabay / Patty Jansen Those of us who have experienced the death of someone close seem to have a stronger aversion to it than others. My wife died fourteen months ago today, and I have no interest in stories with numerous killings, and gore. I have long been put off by large body counts, but more so now. Indeed, others who experience grief often try to help others get through it. Darwin taught a version of na...

Stoned Apes, Evolution, and the Future

It has been said that people throughout history have found ways to get high, which frequently includes alcohol. Generally speaking, drunkenness is something for disreputable people. The first instance in the Bible is Noah (Gen. 9:21) and it is usually spoken of unfavorably (consider Prov. 23:29-35). Part of the disfavor toward any form of intoxication is the loss of control (Eph. 5:18). In the 1960s, drug use was considered a way of opening or expanding the mind. Our evolutionary ancestors supposedly got high. Hippie-type van, Unsplash / Nick Karvounis Materialists have long denied the existence of consciousness or tried to explain it away, but this goes in the opposite direction. Dr. Bobby Azarian thinks that in the distant past, our apelike ancestors got stoned. (I can imagine a bunch of apes riding in a hippie van, wearing big sunglasses, acrid smoke and Grateful Dead music pouring out the windows...) It's supposed to open your mind, maaan! Far out! What great benefit to humanit...

Beauty and the Transcendent

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Although I am not fond of trends, I like a new one on my radar. "Beware of Smartphone Zombies" can be seen on T-shirts, possibly  real road signs , and many places on the internet. People do not watch where they are walking, forcing others to go around them — if possible. It illustrates a deeper problem related to the stupidification of society, especially younger people. Our Creator gave people minds to use, but their attention is on electronic entertainment and getting dopamine from a sort of electronic culture . They miss out on true beauty. Rondout Creek joining the Hudson River, several things happening, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen I'll allow that people want their entertainment and don't want to be interrupted. For instance, I was uninterested in going on "color tours" to see the autumn leaves changing because I had things I preferred to do. We all have some entertainment priorities or some things just have no appeal. However...

Teaching Evolutionary Medicine is Worthless

Everyone has a worldview, even if they have not spelled it out succinctly. It involves how they view life, what is important, morality, life and death, and all that good stuff. Descent with modifications is more than academic and scientific parlor talk, it is a worldview. Although evolution fails many tests, people presuppose that it is true and must be a part of their decision making processes. Some physicians have their spleens in a twist because they insist there should be more Darwinism taught in medical school. That should prompt cries of outrage because evolutionary thinking in medical science has actually been harmful , not helpful (see " Evolutionary Thinking Wrecks Modern Medicine "). Yanking out tonsils, adenoids, and downplaying the appendix may have been profitable, but if those doctors had bothered to think that the Creator put things in their places for a reason, patients would have been much better off. So, why isn't evolution taught very much in medical sc...

Longevity and the Instruction Manual

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  There was a story told some time ago about a salesman who came across a man cutting trees in the forest, and he was using just an axe. The sales rep said the man could cut down many more trees if he used the chainsaw he was selling. Sold! A couple of days later, the salesman came back and asked how things were going. "Lousy!" replied the man. "All day yesterday with that blasted chainsaw, and I only cut down two trees . I want my money back!" "Easy, friend," replied the salesman. "Let's see what's wrong with it." He pulled the starter and there was a loud vroooom. "Whoa, what is that noise? " cried the man. Car in the woods, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen Amazing that he got any  trees cut when he didn't even know how to start up the chainsaw. Every once in a while, someone makes news for having lived an amazing number of years. People ask, "What's your secret to a long life?" Answers va...