
Showing posts with the label Answers In Genesis

Surprising Animals on Noah's Ark

People have concepts about Noah's Ark, but most of them probably come from cutesie books for children. Mayhaps they imagine those floating bathtub things with giraffes sticking their heads out. Atheists (and many Christians) laugh at Noah's Ark because of what the Bible does not  teach. It may come as a shock that paintings and such showing animals going on the Ark were modern animals, and are probably wrong. The artists worked from what they knew. What Noah carried were the biblical kinds from very long ago. Ark Encounter, Pixabay /  Michael Wysmiersk Several articles have been featured on this site from Answers in Genesis regarding several aspects of the Ark, how it was seaworthy, the way it may have been built, how many animals, and more. But the critters themselves? They researched that aspect as well, presupposing the truth of the Bible but also incorporating paleontology and other sciences. Several things to think about are presented. Formerly a zookeeper at Answers in ...

Cursing the Weeds

Anyone who has worked the land, even a small patch, has encountered weeds. Sometimes a plant is called a weed simply because it grows where it is not wanted. Many weeds can be considered aggressive: They are hardy, grow quickly, and hog resources. Indeed, some weeds grow larger and taller than desired plants so they  can get the good stuff. Some even suppress the growth of other plants. Yet weeds can be useful , even helping reclaim damaged land and reduce soil erosion. Dandelions are edible . Multiflora rose is a weed, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen Some plants look good, but they are weeds. Goldenrod (also called ragweed) is an enemy of people with allergies. One name of  Achillea ptarmica is sneezewort ( wort  means plant ). Multiflora rose was actually brought into the Americas to help with soil erosion, but it was realized that the plant should have been left alone. Some weeds are deceptive. Jesus told the parable of the wheat and the tares , and tares (called darn...

Venomous Lizards and Good Creation?

There are many reptiles with venom, most of which are snakes. People think of rattlesnakes, cobras, and others. Ever hear of the gaboon viper? The bite is often fatal, and if not, tissue damage may necessitate amputation. Narrowing the list, there are lizards with venom. Unlike snakes, they do not have injection mechanisms. The Gila monster (pronounced HEE-la) in the American Southwest and down Mexico way a mite, latches on and chews its venom in. Rarely dangerous to humans. It is fair to wonder why these exist when creation was very good (Gen. 1:31). Gila monster, Wikimedia Commons / Josh Olander ( CC BY 4.0 ) The question becomes more challenging for biblical creationists because we maintain that in the beginning, everything was vegetarian (Gen. 1:29-30). But some critters are built to be fatal. God created everything with genetic diversity, and one possibility is that when Adam sinned and brought on the curse, genetic switches were activated so they could survive in the changed wor...

Considering Special Relativity

It seems that theories of relativity are the domain of mathematical geniuses, but it is said that us reg'lar folk can get a handle on them. Uncle Albert Einstein had two theories, General and Special. When physicists study motion, that is mechanics . When the motions of objects in different locations are compared, that is relativity . People have studied motion and relative positions for millennia. Aristotle had some ideas, but got things wrong. Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de' Galilei got on the prod about Aristotle's teachings and did his own studies. This brought changes in physics. Albert Einstein explaining relativity on chalkboard made at Hetemeel Then Isaac Newton got involved and further developed the relativity that Galileo had been working on. Great, Newtonian laws of motion were developed. Then came Albert Einstein and his theory of special relativity. Some folks say that his work replaced Newtonian physics, but that is not the case. He expanded on it. Interestin...

Trusting the Text of Revelation

Scoffers often accuse Jews and Christians of stupidly accepting ancient texts and legends, then incorporating them into our belief systems. They claim Mithras, Osiris, Krishna, and other pagan myths had striking similarities to our beliefs — but those claims are utterly false . False religions and others have presented books and letters attributed to the apostles and other church leaders. In tense times, the canon was decided upon using specific criteria . The book of Revelation was not enthusiastically embraced at first because church leaders wondered if it was authentic. Heaven clipart, Free Christian Illustrations I'll allow that Revelation reads quite a bit differently than other New Testament books, and it has been used by heretics for their own agendas. But then, selecting verses for cultic agendas happens with rest of the Bible itself. Liberal scholars have tried to find reasons to downplay Revelation, but those sidewinders have been doing that stuff for quite a long time — ...

Resistance to Question Evolution Day

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Although Reddit is really big on teh interwebs and seems to have evolved from newsgroups , I have little use for it. Interesting because I was involved in newsgroups for a spell. They were like the Wild West; there was no town marshall, so almost anything could be posted. Reddit is a bit moderated, I hear. Someone posted about Question Evolution Day . As expected, atheists and other anti-creationists went ballistic. A cursory glance shows that they still reject rational discourse and logic — yet they claim to be the rational ones. The first thing I noticed (again, cursory glances) is that the substance of QED was not discussed. Instead, they used straw man arguments, prejudicial conjecture, and some fabricated complaints that were decades  old (railing against a book from 1997). One complained that creationists are always lying, which I have pointed out is ludicrous even on the surface: Why would we, who believe in a holy and righteous God who hates lyi...

Folded Rocks and the Rapid Formation of Grand Canyon

Denizens of the secular science industry have a habit of telling stories, especially when they need to protect deep time. After all, the Bearded Buddha needs many years to make his evolution story seem plausible, so they give it to him. Evidence for the Genesis Flood is rejected out of hand. Some time ago, Dr. Andrew Snelling was pondering the folded rocks at Grand Canyon. Try to bend or fold a rock now, it shatters under the force. He wanted to take some rocks for examination, but government officials discriminated against him and refused permission . Monument fold in the Tapeats Sandstone, Flickr / Nate Loper ( CC BY 2.0 ) Fortunately, Dr. Snelling won the lawsuit and was able to collect fifty-three samples. His goal was to see if secular scientists could adequately explain rock folds or if they were just using the principle of Making Things Up™ again to bolster their story of 500 million years to fold those rocks. Tomorrow is Question Evolution Day The samples were processed with g...

Bad Design Arguments about Horse Riding

While woolgathering the other day, I thought back to a small get-together at my prospector friend Stormie Waters' place. There were equine games. I knew Stormie's friend Ruby Slippers was skilled at horse riding, but in the speed, turns, and fine maneuvering, she and the horse were like a unit. In the heyday of the nineteenth century American cattle drives, riders and horses worked together. Such unity is common. Long ago, people were using horses for transportation (riding and pulling wagons), pack animals, and more. So why say there were not designed to be ridden? The Cowboy , Frederic Remington, 1902 We have looked at dysteleology  arguments (that something supposedly had bad design, so the Creator does not exist or is incompetent, therefore evolution) several times. Sorry, Wilbur, but the argument can be used about the horse. Of course. Although poor design imaginings are used to prop up evolution, they are theological opinions, not scientific, in nature. Interestingly, th...

Groundhog Day, Superstitions, and Christians

Admit it, you have occasionally tried to avoid bad luck or enhance good luck. If you study on it a spell, you can see that luck is treated like an entity that dispenses favorable or unfavorable events. Mayhaps it is like the Force of Star Wars , or  the Fates . Many superstitions are widespread but have no known origins. A remark attributed to Groucho (Julius Henry) Marx is if a black cat crosses your path, it means the animal is going someplace. It is bad luck in some places but good luck in others. Groundhog, Pexels / Abdullah Dawud It is interesting that Groundhog Day actually has an old history, and the rodent was first associated with it by Germans. Many of them settled in Pennsylvania, so their traditions eventually blossomed into Punxsutawney Phil, the weather predictor with a lousy track record. Why that name, Cowboy Bob? I dunno. This burrowing cousin of squirrels (who can climb trees) has other monikers. How about Woodchuck Day? Better yet, Whistle-pig Day? How ...

Comet Tsuchinshan–ATLAS and the Age of the Solar System

Comet Tsuchinshan–ATLAS, so named because two observatories discovered it at almost the same time, dazzled the sky in late 2024. It has naturally prompted a great deal of discussion about orbits, eccentricities, and all that good stuff. Biblical creationists have pointed out that short-term comets would have ceased to exist if the solar system was billions of years old. Comets orbit, burn off some of their mass near the sun, repeat and fade. Also, some comets have collisions, get ejected from the solar system, and have their orbits changed, so those disappear as well. Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, NASA / Eric Bordelon (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Of course, secular scientists are committed to a universe that is billions of years old and the solar system of about 4.5 billion years. One rescuing device for the problem of comets is the Kuiper Belt out yonder around Pluto. That has been disappointing them. Also to the rescue is the Oort Cloud, a huge collection of rock...

When Atheists Attack Dr. Snelling

It is amazing that professing atheists proclaim that they are " good without God ," but so many lie. A lot. I wrote an article about Dr. Duane Gish and the legendary "Gish gallop" debate tactic. It has never been shown to exist , but they gleefully spread this falsehood. Misrepresentation and ridicule should be red flags to thinking people that someone has no valid material to use against his target. (It may also indicate laziness.) Dr. Andrew Snelling is a prominent figure in biblical creation science, and he has to deal with a dishonest decades-old attack. Angry atheist monkey, Freeimages / vangeldere (modified) Many of the assaults we face are actually laughable in their schoolyard simplicity. I'll allow that it's difficult to not respond in kind, which may very well be the kind of distraction that such misotheists are seeking; we go off-topic to chase every little dog that nips at our ankles. Indeed, I have challenged some to show where the science in a...

The Capsizing the Ark, and Corrupted Animals Questions

Stevia Dolce, the baker at the Darwin Ranch, made one of her stealth visits to my place. (This is because she does not dare show doubts about evolution for fear of her job.) As I chewed on a croissant she brought, Stevia said that her questions may have been tolerated by foreman Rusty Swingset, but she was not sure. The first question is quite reasonable for believers and unbelievers alike: In the Genesis Flood scenario creationists describe, how could the Ark avoid capsizing? Second, why were the animals punished and called "corrupted?" Ark Encounter, Pixabay /  Michael Wysmiersk Those are  good questions. After complimenting Stevia about her thinking (and baking), I admitted that I had a bit of work to do because I had not considered either question very much. Now, I don't think the Ark was the very first ship built, ever; Noah and his sons would have had shipbuilding skills . Also, while the Flood and many aspects of it were miraculous, not everything involved was . Co...

Nature Taking Back the City

To use a bit of reification, nature does not like to be controlled. (It could be that the second chapter of Genesis had a couple of hints about this, as Adam was supposed to tend the garden and not let it do whatever.) After Mt. St. Helens erupted, arthropods , fungi , and other humble parts of nature began to reclaim it. The island of Surtsey was formed from a volcano and now critters are living there. Over the years, plant roots grow and crack concrete. When left alone, nature tries to reclaim desolation and also urban areas. Remnants of cement works at Sojourner Truth State Park, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen Some critters are making themselves at home in cities. Peregrine falcons like the tall buildings so they can go into power dives after some tasty pigeon meat, coyotes are becoming more frequent in American cities (occasionally breeding with pet dogs), and others living things are seen in cities. Our Creator provided his creation with genetic diversity so organisms can adapt. ...

Lucy and the Human Evolution Ladder

It has been fifty years since Lucy ( Australopithecus afarensis ) was discovered, but amid secular shouts of joy and dancing in the street, some evolutionists are unconvinced that Lucy ( or Lucifer ) is such a big deal. Indeed, there have been unconvinced scientists from the beginning. There are numerous reasons for doubting this ape as a transitional form. Scattered bones over a wide area, mistakes in the mix, other critters also existed, key components are missing, and more. Evolution at that time needed a boost, and this child believes that Lucy was manufactured, not discovered. Australopithecus afarensis , WikiComm /  Wolfgang Sauber  ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Paleoanthropologist Dr. Bernard Wood rides for the Darwin brand and is a respected name among evolutionists. He pointed out that in the 1970s, evolution was portrayed as resembling a ladder with apelike critters at the bottom and more "advanced" organisms toward the top. That idea, and Lucy, are hooey. November 24, 2024, mar...

When the Magi went to Bethlehem

Many people grew up knowing about (and possibly playing with) crèche scenes of the Nativity of Jesus, which are useful to communicate the birth of Jesus. There are many traditions in Christianity that have little to do with the Bible. Do not disunderstand me, there is nothing wrong with such images. But they are not quite right. One wrong detail is that Jesus was born in a stable because there was "no room in the inn," and another has the three wise men or magi with the family, shepherds, and animals all together. Magi yard decoration, Pixabay / Michelle Raponi Don't be using this knowledge to show off and annoy people, pilgrim. The "wise men" probably did not reach Bethlehem for a couple of years after all the excitement of the birth of Jesus. The Bible tells us of three gifts , but there was probably a sizeable group of people that made the trek. The magi were important people, which is one reason Herod got all agitated by them. It is interesting to note that...

Pagan Myths and Bible Cosmology

In some ways, professing Christians give aid and comfort to enemies of the gospel message. Many liberal theologians do not believe that the Bible is the Word of God and try to find flaws with it. After their scoffing is published, atheists and others use their words as ammunition against God. Scoffing can be seen with studies of Ancient Near East (ANE) cultures and mythologies that are used against the Bible. Since biblical creation and the Genesis Flood are primary targets of skeptics, its cosmology comes under fire. Pond off Sawkill Road, Kingston, NY, Unsplash /  Cowboy Bob Sorensen , modified with  FotoSketcher Numerous assumptions are made. One is that the Hebrews were just like their ANE neighbors, so why not incorporate their mythologies into sacred texts? Not only does that show profound ignorance of what they taught and believed, but rejects how the Hebrews knew that they belonged to Yahweh the Creator. Also, the greater context is ignored, including passage throughou...

Number of Animals on the Ark, and How it Survived the Flood

As stated before, when comparing worldviews it is necessary to see if they are consistent within their own frameworks. Christians claim to believe that the Bible is the written Word of God. Biblical creationists go further by declaring that Genesis is a record of recent creation, so written details are accurate. Many people know that the people at Answers in Genesis have the Ark Encounter , which is a theme park featuring a full-sized replica of Noah's Ark built according to biblical specifications. This raises questions about the Bible and the Ark itself. AI-generated Noah's Ark image, Pixabay / dlsdkcgl For the Ark Encounter, Answers in Genesis has conducted a great deal of research. In this first of two articles, the feasibility of the number of animals on the Ark is considered. They did not use the easiest or safest numbers. Mockers will say something like, "The Ark couldn't have held all those animals. Because atheism," or words to that effect. They don't...

Blood Falls and Judgment

If you take a great notion to head south — way, way south past Australia — you will encounter Antarctica. No country owns it, but there are named regions. It is primarily used for scientific research. A notable curiosity on Taylor Glacier is Blood Falls. People who played the violent (but unremarkable graphics by today's standards) game Doom II may remember a map called Bloodfalls. The one in Antarctica exists and was given its name because the water does indeed look like blood. It is flowing because it has salt. Lots of salt. Blood falls, Victoria Land, East Antarctica, Flickr / DLR German Aerospace Center ( CC BY 2.0 ) Interestingly, Wickedpedia is yet again promoting deep time and evolution, so their article on Blood Falls includes some contradictory remarks. The red color is due to iron oxides. There is an ecosystem of microbes living in it that don't care that the area has no oxygen to speak of. The article mentions a "poorly understood interaction" relating to...

Transhumanism Builds Deceitful Gospels

As established in previous posts, it is good to find methods of enhancing human performance, alleviating suffering, and all that good stuff. Sometimes it takes the form of metal and plastics, and even computerized devices such as insulin pumps . Science and technology are quickly growing in these areas. Transhumanism  goes beyond the good things, becoming a religion in itself. (Like atheists, many deny that their belief system is a religion by ignoring most dictionary definitions.) It is based on a form of evolution where we are our own creators. A.I. Cyborg adored by mindless masses* I keep banging on that ol' drum that worldviews need to have internal consistency to be taken seriously in the first place. This evolution has teleology (purpose, which is supposed to be heresy to fundamentalist evolutionists), and they also believe in a self-determined salvation boldly going into the future where there are no flaws. There are several views in transhumanism. One has human consciousnes...

Dismantling a Secular Humanist Book for Younger Readers

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Regular readers know that I encourage people to ask questions and use critical thinking skills. This time, I will demonstrate that in the first part of this post — regarding a creation science article. Yes, I am questioning one of our own. The article linked below is about a book for younger readers and material taught to them in public schools. It almost got by me because it fit in with my existing information, but I wanted more. The introductory generalities do not rightly set well with me, but the rest has good information. USSR school, Wikimedia Commons / Vyacheslav Argenberg ( CC BY 4.0 ), creepy Darwin added Dr. Jerry Bergman is the author of the article, and there can be no doubt that he is exceptionally well-educated and brilliant. He has written scores of books and articles on creation science and other topics. Answers in Genesis, like other creation science ministries, has editors that check submissions before publication. Those things make certai...