
Showing posts with the label Albert Mohler

The Coronavirus and Faith in Scientism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  There are people who label biblical creationists with the absurd pejorative "science deniers" because we reject atheistic interpretations of historical science regarding fish-to-fool evolution. (Labeling is easier than thinking.) Having faith in operational science is justified to some extent, but some do it religiously. Before we continue, it should be noted again that mockers accuse creationists of creating the distinction between operational and historical science, but that is demonstrably false . The COVID-19 novel Coronavirus has people frightened. This is exacerbated by several factors: leftist politicians using the situation to gain power and instill fear, confusing and unreliable models , fake news sites citing  spurious "studies" , Darwin's disciples falsely claiming that it is evidence of evolution , and so on. In the midst of all this, the public wants scientists to make things better. Unfortunately, God has been evic...

Save the Planet by Killing Humans?

Updated and addendum added 4-23-2020.  It should not be surprising to learn that Earth Day is on the birthday of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin), since good ideas about taking care of the environment are a masque for more sinister purposes. Environmental extremists hold to old Earth and evolutionary views. I didn't realize it was the 50th Earth Day anniversary until it was happening. Credit: Pixabay / ÄŒeÅ¡tina Atheists and leftists (Lenin was both) will manufacture a false crisis or exploit a real one. For example, they have been saddling up and riding with the Darwinists to manipulate facts and emotions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic .  To enact Draconian controls over the sheeple and institute Marxism, some falsely claim that Earth is overpopulated and that such growth is unsustainable. Such views often come from the ridiculous assertions of Paul Ehrlich who based his views on Malthus . Of course, Marx approved of Charles Darwin, and neither believed that peopl...

Worldviews and Secular Morality

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When I go for an oil change, call technical support, order a pizza, see a doctor, or other things, I do not ask about the views of these people. I am more interested in getting the requested service done properly. Perhaps an opportunity to share the gospel or have an interesting discussion will occur. Credit: RGBStock / Sanja Gjenero These days, it seems to be the opposite. There are times when the way you self-identify (ethnicity, sexual preference, political affiliation, environmental extremist, etc.) is more important to misotheists than what you have to offer. In many cases, people with agendas will manufacture a crisis and manipulate the emotions of people. Tinhorns are gleefully hijacking the COVID-19 situation for their own fundamentally flawed worldviews. Dr. R. Albert Mohler discussed how there is an abundance of false research that is supported by the mainstream media. Why? It is no secret that the media are anti-Christian, anti-creationist, ...

Denying the Order of Creation

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There are certain elements in our lives that, try as some people may, still reflect what our Creator has designed us to know. When we say that something is morally right or wrong, we are appealing to a higher authority. This may be simply the law or cultural trends, but we ultimately appeal to God's laws. Men and women are made to be different and complement each other in marriage . Despite notions to the contrary, the truth that is inside us (Rom. 2:15-16) still affirms the order of creation. The Holy Family by Martin Schongauer, 1480 - 1490 Believers in universal common ancestor evolution are unable to cogently explain why sexual reproduction even exists. After all, it's a mite inefficient in an evolutionary worldview because asexual reproduction is better. The plan of our Creator was for marriage to be between one man and one woman. In an episode of The Briefing, Dr. Mohler was discussing articles about what is called homosexual "marria...

Baby Yoda and Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is not a review of Star Wars -related entertainment, although I did like the first three movies that were released (Episodes 4, 5, 6) somewhat. However, an evolutionist took a notion to use an almost fanatical devotion to Darwin and commence to asserting that The Child ("Baby Yoda") figures into human evolution. Credit: Pixabay / K. Some time ago, we looked at the science of cuteness and how evolutionists have tried to make it seem that we evolved to respond to cute things. We like babies. Near the first of the year, stores are filled with calendars, and you can expect to see some of baby animals. Someone offers to show pictures of their children or grandchildren, and people (usually the women folk) make ooh and aww noises over them. I find other ways to be occupied. From my observations i t seems that males are less inclined to involve themselves in the adoration of infants. All of this is supposedly based on an evolutionary urge to r...

The Birth of Jesus and the Curse

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  It may be a surprise to learn that that extremely famous Christmas hymn "Joy to the Word" was not written by Isaac Watts to be about Christmas. He wrote it about the return of Christ. Like many other hymn writers, it was based on Scripture. In this case, the 98th Psalm. So many things work together when singing this song at Christmas. Credit: Pixabay / Ria Sopala Indeed, there is a great deal of strong theology in many hymns, especially those about Christmas. (I think that's one reason that cults like the Jehovah's Witnesses isolate their people; you won't have them coming along to your Christmas Eve service. After all, they may hear, "Hail the incarnate Deity!" and similar lyrics.) Dr. James R. White pointed out that "We Three Kings" is also deep, despite the erroneous traditions that we do not know how many "kings" there were, only that there were three gifts. A line in the song " When He Come...

Intolerant Tolerance from the Secular Science Industry

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Science is supposed to be about  the search for knowledge, and scientists are inaccurately considered to be dispassionate seekers of objective truth. Actually, scientists can be just as avaricious as you and me, and the secular science industry is allowing itself to be hijacked for leftist causes . Creationists, Christians, and other people cannot be tolerated by these sidewinders. In an episode of The Briefing , Dr. Albert Mohler discussed how Brigham Young University was dropped from job postings by a couple of geology organizations because of their morality code. While I reject Mormon views, they have a right to have and practice their beliefs without being coerced to change them. Recently, I asked someone who is involved in hiring at his company if they were interested in views of applicants. That company (like most others, I reckon) are more interested in the ability of people to perform the job. The organizations affecting BYU are giving po...

An Elephant is now a Person?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen I never thought that by the time I turned sixty, I would be writing about the foolishness of people who want personhood status for animals. It happened. It made a bit of sense when some activists failed in their attempt to obtain legal status for a chimpanzee  since they resemble humans somewhat. But an elephant? Credit: RGBStock /  Stella Bogdanic Just over an hour south of me at the Bronx Zoo  is an elephant named Happy. Animal rights extremists are unhappy and want the elephant to have personhood status. Let's ride this short side trail a spell. A woman was a vegetarian for many years, but ate a hamburger and was converted . Now she's a butcher and a pig farmer. She did the vegetarian thing because she was converted by reading a book by "bioethicist" Peter Singer . That name should get the attention of some people, as he is known for animal rights, but also abortion and infanticide. Don't eat meat because animals have rights, ...

Evolutionary Thinking and Fake Reality

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It is interesting to me that many of us who reject the concept of space aliens and unbelievable science in fantastic fiction still tend to put our disbelief in the stable and watch or read these things. Computer simulations can be like high-end video games, totally dependent on programming. Add to these the idea that we are living in a computer simulation. My current favorite is Stargate SG-1. Image credits: The one on the tablet is an artist's conception from NASA , the larger image and modification from PhotoFunia The idea of "you may be just a brain in a vat" has been around a spell. You know how it goes: we're imagining everything we experience but nothing is real. This idea, as well as those "we're living in a computer simulation" concepts, give rise to a passel of science fiction movies like The Matrix, They Live (well, it sort of fits), and others. I have to add a science fiction short story that I read (I disremem...

Breastfeeding — Because Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It has been known for a long time that when a mother breastfeeds her child, something special happens. Bonding is an important part of the process, as is the obvious benefit of providing that unique nutrition. There is something else that is given to the baby that we may not expect. Bottles of pumped breast milk image credit: Wikimedia Commons /  ParentingPatch ( CC by-SA 3.0 ) Young mothers who cannot be stay-at-home moms will often express their milk into special containers so it can be used later. This part of the article will make germaphobes (who actually hinder their immune systems with obsessive cleanliness) cringe: There is also a transfer of bacteria to the child. We need microbes for our digestive processes  and many other functions . The offspring is getting a dose of them from the milk and the nursing process from the get-go. I can imagine someone saying, "This isn't really science yet, it needs something". " It evol...

Atheism, Grief, and Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  While I was studying a podcast by Dr. Albert Mohler on grief without God, a trolling raid millennial atheists began at The Question Evolution Project . They did not have anything of value to say, preferring instead to build up their own egos and rebellion against our Creator with ad hominem  attacks, straw man arguments, and basic affirmations that we are stupid. This is nothing new, and you will often find professing atheists who claim that they are happy and fulfilled since they ditched God. Some of the "former Christians" betray that falsehood because their comments show that they never were in the faith. I had a cyberstalker who claimed to be a Christian, but he originally belonged to a religion that is distinctly unchristian. Although claiming to be happy and fulfilled, he was angry, hateful, and bitter. How do "happy" atheists deal with tragedy? Credit: Freeimages /  Glenda Otero In Dr. Mohler's podcast, he discussed a wo...

Another Evolution Propagandist Speaks Out

The spirit of Sanballat can be seen in many atheists and anti-creationists who implore us to be reasonable and put aside our foolish creation-believing ways. They utilize ridicule, intimidation, misuse of the law or rules (when possible), and other methods. Then the Sanballats offer to be pals, which should get your spider sense a-tingling. Background image courtesy of Why?Outreach "Who is Sanballat, Cowboy Bob?" You can find him discussed in the Old Testament in the book of Nehemiah. The displaced Jews were given permission to rebuild the wall, but Sanballat and his cohorts got on the prod about it. He pulled his shenanigans with Nehemiah including a "Why can't we all just get along?" bit. Nehemiah was not having any of it. See " Ten Lies Satan Tells to Biblical Creationists " for more. The National Review is ostensibly a Conservative publication in the United States, so it seems out of place for it to be publishing a Darwinism propaganda ...

Understanding the Opposition

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In the May 2, 2019 episode of The Briefing , Dr. Mohler discussed Emperor Naruhito taking the throne in Japan after his father's abdication. Al presented some fascinating history about World War II, Douglas MacArthur and then-emperor Hirohito. I saw some things that can apply to Christians and creationists when dealing with atheists and evolutionists. General Douglas MacArthur and Emperor Hirohito, September 27,1945 US Army photo by Lt. Gaetano Faillace (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents by the US Army) The Japanese and American cultures were vastly different, and Americans seemed to have a superficial understanding of the Japanese people. If you know your World War II history, an invasion of Japan to end the war would have resulted in a horrendous loss of life on both sides, so the decisions were made to drop two atomic bombs to cause Japanese surrender. Some people wanted to have Hirohito stand trial as a war criminal and then e...

Some Pretty Wretched Evolutionary Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen I missed out on the big money. At one time, this child had the notion that he'd be a right fair science fiction writer. Since I am not good at dialogue and story development, I gave up. It turns out that I should have pursued my interests in science, since naturalists saddle up some really wild ponies and gallop away with their strange ideas. Credit: Freeimages / Leandro Cavinatto The stuff is easy if you study on it. The public has a love/hate relationship with science, being suspicious on one hand but adoring scientists as priests and kings on the other hand. As many of us have observed, if people are told that "scientists say" or some-such, they tend to believe whatever it is. This makes things very helpful for materialists who seek to deny the work of our Creator. For that matter, people accept the dubious authority of the likes of Bill Nye the Not Really a Scientist Guy, Clinton Richard Dawkins, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Laurence Krauss, a...