Adam, the Genesis Flood, and Ancient Egypt

Although scoffers will reject history from and about the Bible out of hand, there are some intriguing things for inquiring minds as to whether or not ancient cultures knew about creation, Adam, and the Genesis Flood. Those of us who know and believe the Bible are aware of the dispersion at Babel, but biblical creationists have worked mighty hard to put together details involving people, places, and languages . These include names and large-scale identifiers that can be found even in Egypt. Egyptian hieroglyphs, Pixabay / Michael Baragwanath People after the Flood still tended to have long lives, so they remembered firsthand accounts of the Flood or even read the written account (before Moses edited it into the book of Genesis). Names of Ham's sons are attached to Egypt, as they were involved in settling that area. Yes, ancient Egypt knew of Adam and the Flood, but their degraded versions of the truth need expert help for extraction. While living in Cairo, I became enamoured with Eg...