Permissive Earth Makes Evolution Easier?
Recent speculations by minerals-to-magician evolutionists display tenacity, but precious little in the way of science. A new story is...truly bizarre. Remember how evolution is supposed to be without purpose? In addition, it is not an easy thing to accomplish. We have seen that abiogenesis (chemical evolution) is essentially impossible. But it, and also evolution, are two of many presuppositions made by Darwin's acolytes. Add in teleology and pantheism, and suddenly evolution is not so difficult after all — especially after Earth's environment reached a permissive state. Nebula W51, NASA / JPL-Caltech (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Apparently, Earth is an entity. Well, only entities can have desires, make choices, work toward goals, and all that good stuff. This would have also happened all over the universe. Although astrobiologists get paid for studying nonexistent alien life, they're confident it exists. Further, it supposedly has evolved and pr...