
Showing posts with the label Abiogenesis

Permissive Earth Makes Evolution Easier?

Recent speculations by minerals-to-magician evolutionists display tenacity, but precious little in the way of science. A new story is...truly bizarre. Remember how evolution is supposed to be without purpose?  In addition, it is not an easy thing to accomplish. We have seen that abiogenesis (chemical evolution) is essentially impossible. But it, and also evolution, are two of many presuppositions made by Darwin's acolytes. Add in teleology and pantheism, and suddenly evolution is not so difficult after all — especially after Earth's environment reached a permissive state. Nebula W51,  NASA  / JPL-Caltech (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Apparently, Earth is an entity. Well, only entities can have desires, make choices, work toward goals, and all that good stuff. This would have also happened all over the universe. Although astrobiologists get paid for studying nonexistent alien life, they're confident it exists. Further, it supposedly has evolved and pr...

Abiogenesis and the Silence of the Space Aliens

In their continuing mission to prop up Charlie's Victorian myth, Darwin's disciples are boldly dancing with space aliens in the pale moonlight. That may seem edgy and adventurous, but no aliens are available for dancing — or anything else. All the tax money spent in efforts to find intelligent life on strange new worlds... but none has been found. A survey taken of astrobiologists shows that most believe it must  exist. They have a vested interest, getting paid for studying nonexistent entities. Someone should tell  DOGE about this waste of money . Children watching alien spaceship, Pixabay /  Stefan Keller From a secular perspective, these astronomers and such don't know any better. Although abiogenesis (chemical evolution, life from non-life) is shown to be impossible , they presuppose that it happened anyway. Just not on Earth. Also, they play by numbers based on assumptions: So many stars that would have worlds, the odds are in favor of them having intelligent life. ...

Ten Million Reasons to Show Abiogenesis

No, abiogenesis — chemical evolution — has not, and cannot  be scientifically demonstrated. Thanks for reading. Good day. Okay, you want a mite more. People calculate astronomical odds against life coming from non-life , and it has been proven to be impossible , some atheists and other evolutionists still cling to that absurd hope. Dr. James Tour challenged secularists to answer some origin of life (OoL) questions. They did not answer . Also, there is a $10 million dollar prize waiting for someone to meet the standard and become comfortably well-off. Taken from public domain images  here  and  here , then heavily modified The ID article featured below made grandiose claims about the importance of abiogenesis happening. However, even if it was demonstrated, it would only show that it was made possible in that prize-winning instance. Pull back the reins on that pony and slow down, Hoss! Many questions would then be raised. Also, the same unethical secular science indus...

More Problems for Life in Rings of Saturn

The secular science industry desperately wants life to exist elsewhere in the universe, but those who believe this  walk by faith, not by science . Despite lack of evidence, huge amounts of money are spent to see if anything can be found supporting their speculations. Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ on teh interwebs insist that the origin of life is separate from evolution, deliberately ignoring that the OoL is also known as chemical evolution or abiogenesis. Life supposedly evolved from dead things and some organic chemicals, and the search is on out yonder in the rings of Saturn. Saturn image: NASA / JPL / STScI (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Secularists do not get a freebie on the origin of life so they can build from there. That's why so many scientists are working on the problem. Saturn's rings have a few of the components necessary for life, but no useable water. Time is vitally important in particles-to-planetologist evolution, and those rings (some of...

Dancing with Space Aliens in the Pale Moonlight

The other day, Lisa Myworries, the Winkie Guards supervisor from the Darwin Ranch, stopped by my place to discuss some Darwin doubts that she dared not say at work. At one point, she blurted that there were so many stars, there just had to be other planets with life on them. Then she suddenly asked, "So where are they?" Darwin's disciples are dancing with space aliens in the pale moonlight, it is important to prop up Charlie's Victorian myth. All of alien speculation is based on naturalistic presuppositions and assumptions. Darwin dancing with space alien in pale moonlight, made at Bing AI , edited at What Lisa was doing was expressing a common thought: Space is so big, it simply must have intelligent life out yonder. (Many Christians think the Creator did not stop with us, but that idea is theologically unsound.) In addition, she indirectly brought in the Fermi Paradox. One big reason for secularists to want to find extraterrestrials is that they thi...

James Tour and Lee Cronin on the Origin of Life

Darwin skeptic Dr. James Tour has been in the news related to Intelligent Design lately, quite probably because he is a brilliant scientist and outspoken Christian. He issued a challenge to ten origin-of-life researchers , but not one rose to accept it. A few months back, he had a debate with atheopath Dave Farina. It did not go well. Farina is abusive and irrational, and Dr. Tour also got excited but was not offensive . Something similar happened with Drs. Tour and Cronin. My Pond-Full-o-Algae photo modified at PhotoFunia In a pair of articles by Casey Luskin, we learn that Dr. Lee Cronin agreed to have a public discussion with Dr. Tour. Apparently Cronin was civil, he still managed to say things that were untrue about Tour, and he spent a quite a bit of time focusing on his opponent rather than dealing with the science. James talked about origin-of-life science and its tremendous problems, but Lee seems to have avoided the subject for the most part. There was a recent exchange at The...

Cyanide on Enceladus Causes Evolutionary Imaginings of Life

There are several kinds of cyanides used in various industrial applications , and it is present in many of the foods we eat. Low levels, of course. People have heard of cyanide in spy movies and such. In the correct form and concentration, cyanides are deadly. Believers in abiogenesis love it. Life from non-life has been disproved for a very long time, but Darwin's disciples desperately cling to the hope that it happened out yonder in space. Cyanide was invoked as something on the early earth to make abiogenesis possible. It exists on Enceladus. South polar region of Enceladus, NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The discovery of this poison on a moon of Saturn has evolutionists all a-twitter, but there is no valid scientific reason for the excitement. Cyanide is only useful according to evolutionary storytelling, not actual science. Some of the mania expressed by some scientists and the propaganda outlets is amazing. It's ...

Secularists Make Excuses for No Space Aliens

Lisa Myworries, supervisor of the Winkie Guards at the Darwin Ranch, recently mentioned having problems. Someone on the staff was selling peyote buttons to the Guards. She said it was difficult enough to keep them on task, then someone gets that stuff to them. The ranch hands hallucinate, which explains some of their Just-So Stories in the name of evolutionary science. Space aliens are the imaginary invisible friends of secularists, and both the ranch hands and the Guards think they are talking to the aliens. Scientists studying space alien, made with Bing AI Image Creator It is a reasonable conclusion that materialists put so much time, money, and effort into finding extraterrestrial life is that they believe it would prove not only evolution, but also a Creator-free origin of life. Think about it: Origin of life studies are not going forward; they are disjointed. Mayhaps someone should ask Dave Farina why their is no unity and so much failure in OoL research. All that wasted educati...

Why James Tour Lost the Origins Debate to Dave Farina

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edited for wording 23 February 2025  Something that keeps getting slipped over the transom in my study is news about Dr. James Tour. He is a professor of several things including chemistry at Rice University, and friendly with the Discovery Institute, an Intelligent Design organization. He makes Darwin sad by refuting claims of materialists on the origin of life. No, I refuse to accept the claims of Darwin's acolytes on social(ist) media and elsewhere that the OoL has nothing to do with evolution, as that claim has been handily refuted many times over. Background image by Cowboy Bob Sorensen , photos from James Tour's YouTube post, then modified* Dave Farina considers himself an educator on science topic and has made good use of the popularity of YouTube. His channel is Professor Dave Explains . (People can give themselves whatever name they want in their channels, but in science and academia, claiming titles like doctor or professor is akin to stolen val...

The Missing Microbes of Mars

Secularists are still gnawing on that bone of extraterrestrial life, and they have not given up on Martian life. Most naturalists know that there is no chance for abiogenesis on Earth, so they look for it elsewhere, wasting our tax money in their efforts to show that the Creator is unnecessary — or does not even exist. Apparently nobody is holding out hope for finding signs of complex life forms or an advanced civilization in the distant past; they seem to think it would make Earth unremarkable. Microbes are a different matter. Mars, NASA / JPL-Caltech (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Although not advanced life, microbes on Mars (or anywhere else up yonder) are thought by naturalists to support their beliefs if they are ever found. There are numerous fantasies masquerading as science about the unobserved distant past of Mars, including how it was a really swell place. Building a Just-So Story upon another, mayhaps there was microbial life underground. Yeah! That...

Brace Yourselves, Alien Contact is Very Soon

Make yourselves presentable, pet the neighbors and wake the cat, because the invisible imaginary friends of evolutionists are sure to make an appearance within the next few years. Our long wait is finally going to be over and it will be a big thing. Yee haw boy howdy! How do they know? Because reasons. Why will it happen? Because evolution. Atheists presuppose materialism and evolution. Although they cannot account for the origin of life, they are certain that it happened with the help of deep time, so aliens have evolved and are very advanced in many ways. Alien encounter with children, Pixabay / ImaArtist Their presuppositions prompt assertions of a near-future alien contact, playing the odds that some of those extrasolar planets must  have those advanced civilizations. Somehow, seekers have funding for another project to listen for alien communications. Because of all the hype and promises that never came true, it would be surprising if the public became excited. Secularist...

Chemical Evolution and Asteroid Question

Japan launched a peregrine falcon into space in 2014. That is what hayabusa means in Japanese, and JAXA took a notion to send Hayabusa2 out to an asteroid named Ryugu. Hayabusa2 sent landers down to the asteroid, and some were successful. After returning to the probe, samples were returned to Earth. Some of the material was shared with NASA, who in return expects to share samples from their own study of asteroid Bennu in 2023. Hayabusa2 will continue its mission. Ryugu asteroid, Flickr / JAXA / Kevin M. Gill (background changed) ( CC BY 2.0 ) Space exploration is fascinating. Too bad it seems to be driven by a desire to uphold evolution and pretend that God does not exist. Despite the lies of misotheists, abiogenesis  has a great deal to do with evolution. Indeed, another name for it is chemical evolution . A great deal of time and money are spent on getting life from non-life, which would support foolish notions that the Creator does not exist. Ryugu had amino acids, which ...

Exoplanets: No Goldi-LUCKS Zone

When watching a television program recently, I heard a character use the old remark that since there are so many stars up yonder, there must  be millions of inhabited planets as well. Interest in this obviously increased with the discovery of extrasolar planets. Astrobiologists (astro, but no biology) and other scientists have come up with the habitable zone . It has to be just the right temperature so water can be present on a planet, and they expected to find a passel of thise planets. It did not go well. Assembled from various public domain images, plus a modified NASA / JPL-Caltech image; they do not endorse this site The Goldilocks zone isn't having much luck. It has been modified to include several other factors, such as the temperaments of stars planets are orbiting, space "weather", and more (see " Hopes for Extraterrestrial Life Dimming .") Although Darwinoids spread the false claim that abiogenesis, a.k.a. chemical evolution , has nothing to do with e...

Lying for Darwin on the Origin of Life

On Question Evolution Day , I had some greenish soup that I called "Darwin's warm little pond." Darwin speculated to a hooker — "That was Joseph Hooker, Cowboy Bob. Pay attention!" Oh, right. He thought maybe life came from a warm little pond. Some evolutionists think it is the likely scenario for the OoL, other have far different ideas. One of the big lies from Darwin's disciples is that abiogenesis has nothing to do with evolution, but that is repeatedly shown to be false. Made at Redkid What is probably the main reason OoL is disassociated from evolution is that it cannot happen by itself , and defies many facts of science. What is probably the main reason naturalists distance themselves from the abiogenesis problem is that the logical conclusion is our Creator made it happen. (Ironically, one term for the OoL is chemical evolution .) Instead, many evolutionists want everyone to spot them that insurmountable problem so they can commence to dealing from th...

Refuting the D.M.S. Watson Quote Mining Accusation

Acolytes in the Darwin Death Cult™ tend to lie. A lot. Especially those patrolling the web, seeking to destroy infidels who have the unmitigated gall  to dare question evolution. Evidence against evolution, evidence for  special creation, those are bad enough. But quotes by evolutionists who express doubt? Katie, bar the door! When creationists quote Darwinists who admit that there are problems with their belief system, things get...truly bizarre. Although the secular science industry, its press, and supporters on the internet have had their dishonesty documented numerous times, they accuse us  of lying. Pixabay /  Henryk Niestrój It really puts burrs under the saddles of misotheists and evolutionists when we point out that evolutionists are not in agreement, and many know they don't have science on their side. There are far more than one might expect. A principle in US law applies here: remarks that work against people saying or writing them are admissible in court ...

The Folly of Life Originating from Chemicals

The idea that life could come from non-life defies reason, but people believed it for years. One reason is that people considered it scientific, and like sheeple today, would "follow the science" even when it was bad. Universal common ancestor evolution itself is an ancient pagan idea, and spontaneous generation (also known as abiogenesis or chemical evolution) likely originated from ancient Greek philosophers. Some scientists doubted spontaneous generation, and began disproving it in the sixteenth century. Some people still believed until Louis Pasteur put the kibosh on it. Flickr / Cowboy Bob Sorensen  ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Evolutionists falsely claim that "abiogenesis has nothing to do with evolution", but textbook writers, makers of documentaries ( including David Attenborough ), and others apparently never got that telegram. By distancing themselves from the origin of life (even resorting to directed panspermia , where the OoL becomes a problem for space aliens), th...

Early Earth Oxygen Levels

It is necessary for believers in deep time and universal common descent to let the imaginations jump the corral fence and run wild. Then they come up with some stories that are...truly bizarre. Take a look at chemical evolution. Papa Darwin told Joseph Hooker that he envisioned life originating in a " warm little pond ". As evolutionary mythology progressed, scientists realized that while oxygen is necessary for life, it also would destroy abiogenesis. So, they dreamed up a world that had little to no oxygen. The evidence for this exists through inferences and assumptions. Catskill Mountains near Ashokan Reservoir — photo by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Things get worse for secularists because their foundation is fundamentally flawed, so it should be no surprise that earlier evidence for a low-oxygen Earth have been challenged by more recent studies. All of these exercises in conjecture are contradictory, but it's still more important to maintain naturalism and give Darwin billion...

Evolutionists have Nowhere to GOE

Many of the stories used to support universal common ancestor evolution are just that: stories. We have seen many times that evolutionists presuppose many things (assuming that evolution happened in the first place), but they are piles of unwarranted assumptions. Consider the Great Oxidation Event. Fighter pilot with nice eyes wearing an oxygen mask Credit: Flickr / Aviatrix (public domain) We do like our oxygen, but scenarios for the evolution of Earth cannot allow for it because oxygen is deadly to chemical evolution (the origin of life myth). Somehow, when conditions were right, the GOE occurred. But like many other evolutionary tall tales, this needs rescuing. Some scientists think that it should be discarded, but others insist on keeping it on life support and adding material (the narrative is more important than facts and truth). All of the so-called science is nonexistent. What is worse is that because people try to justify their rebellion against our Creator and Redeemer, the...

Origin-of-Life False Positives in Minerals

Despite the frequent falsehood that the origin of life has nothing to do with evolution, Darwin's acolytes continue to seek it. This reveals a strong caution about letting the narrative and presuppositions control what is actually observed. For example, claims of life in Martian meteorites. Credit: D. McKay ( NASA  / JSC ), K. Thomas-Keprta ( Lockheed-Martin ), R. Zare ( Stanford ),  NASA (Image modified, usage of any form of this is not an endorsement of site contents) The pseudoscience of astrobiology is a blatant attempt to use materialistic philosophies in denying credit for life to our Creator. In addition, there's big money in giving secularists what they want, so rushed announcements accompany incomplete research. We know that pareidolia is where the mind seeks to make sense of patterns, so we "see" things that are not actually there (like a ghostly face in a mirror). What is it called when votaries of the secular science industry observe things that are nonex...

Secular Miracle Proposed for the Origin of Life

Secularists ridicule Christians and creationists for rejecting naturalism and believing in the Creator God of the Bible, then they believe in all sorts of fake miracles of their own design . This is increasingly common in origin of life scenarios. Mostly made at Glass Giant , which no longer appears to be functioning Science, logic, the orderly universe, and more only make sense in the biblical worldview — beginning with Genesis 1:1. Materialists cannot account for these things. Ironically, many times knowledgeable creationists have to correct feckless mockers on their own mythology; they "know" we're wrong, but cannot provide cogent arguments for their positions. Some anti-creationists claim that the origin of life has nothing to do with evolution, which is gelastic even on the surface. (Apparently textbook writers, evolutionists like David Attenborough , and others need to be informed that abiogenesis —  chemical evolution —  is irrelevant to the Bearded Buddh...