
A Flock of Bird Evolution Stories

When reading numerous creation science articles, one can gain knowledge on many topics. A subject that frequently occurs is that birds are more intelligent than most people think. (Of course, when American Robins stand on concrete roads listening for worms, their intelligence is questionable.) Crows are demonstrably more intelligent than apes, and their corvid relatives are also quite bright. Darwin's disciples have demonstrated the truth that evolutionary thinking is unnecessary. On the other hand, some seem compelled to insist on inserting evolution to make their research seem more sciencey and stuff. Crows in a tree, Unsplash / Foad Roshan In the post featured below, the first two subjects do not spend much time on Darwinian ideas, so real science may be possible in areas of emu intelligence and energy efficiency in sea birds. Crows are smart, so what does "caw" mean? (I say, "Hi, guys!" but they do not reply.) AI was hooked up to study voice inflections for ...

Science Authorities Self-Destruct in Cancel Culture

Although it seems less frequent nowadays, cancel culture  is a method of punishing those who dare to go against the prevailing viewpoint. I believe that people want to be "right" or in the "best" movement, whether it is religious (including atheism), a political party, or something else. Those who disagree are shunned and even canceled. A form of this happened when C. Richard Dawkins was "deplatformed" at the University of California, Berkeley. He said something people did not like about Islam. He has said other things that caused people to dislike him. These come about because someone goes against the trend. Image from "The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton" by Sidney Paget , Strand Magazine , 1904 (enhanced at iLoveIMG ) Creation science and the Intelligent Design movement are unwanted on social(ist) media, and many times atheists try to have it stamped out. Calls for trolling raids, feculent comments, ridicule, and more are common fare ...

Cloning a Woolly Mammoth

Weird dreams causing fatigue, work pressure, and other things made me want to just be alone. My reading by lantern light was interrupted by the sound of a buckboard approaching. I inwardly groaned, but was pleasantly surprised to see Stevia Dolce, the baker from the Darwin Ranch. She brought croissants. Those and her pleasant demeanor put aside my gloom. Stevia heard Dewey Lye and others at the ranch talking about efforts to clone a woolly mammoth and was intensely curious. Yes, there is talk about that among certain scientists. Mammoth sculpture image cropped from Pixabay /  hansbenn Using a passel of deep time and evolutionary presuppositions, scientists think that humans killed off the Ice Age animals in Siberia. They brought in several cold-weather critters to deal with the wetland, but it only got worse. Cloning a mammoth (well, a hybrid with an existing elephant's DNA and the mammoth DNA) should solve the problem. Not hardly! Using a biblical creation science Ice Age model wo...

SETI Non-Progress Report

While it has been discussed at length that believers in atoms-to-alien evolution have an incoherent worldview, they do try to live it. (Of course, morality and such cannot be rationally explained by atheistic materialism, so they have to draw from the Christian worldview.) Study on it a spell and see that evolutionists believe that the Big Bang ultimately gave rise to life (“You are star stuff, and to star stuff you will return," said Carl Sagan). Other stars had alien races evolve, so we should be able to detect them. Person under starry sky, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann (geralt) Many organizations and individuals around the globe have been interested in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, and NASA is one of those. They even have an astrobiology section, though there is no astro to biologize — no alien life to study. NASA had a SETI section that had its government funding cut, restored, cut, then funded through private contributions. The beginning listeners for alien signals ...

Early Duck Not a Duck — Because Evolution

Some of us are not surprised when bad science and malfeasance are found among Darwinoids, but some stuff gets me on the prod . They have a materialistic worldview that requires deep time, so interpreting evidence through those glasses is to be expected. Manipulation of that data is another story. Know that "tangled web we weave" line about practicing to deceive? The so-called earliest bird has been discovered in Antarctica. Purveyors of evoporn are web=tangled indeed, conflicting stories are more fun than a pig in a steel barrel. Ducks and Ducklings , John Frederick Herring, Sr. (1850) Evolution is not a person, except when it makes choices and does experimentation. That's pantheistic, old son. The Chicxulub impact caused dinosaur demise, but that story is unraveling and not all dinosaur scientists accepted it anyway. The discovered bird is just like a modern duck, but gets its own classification — because evolution. Wait'll you get a load of the guy who has faith th...

Lunar Magnetic Field Problematic for Deep Time

No need to head for deep space to trouble believers in cosmic evolution, just look up about 238,800 miles (384,400 km). We saw how they have difficulties with the rate the moon recedes from the earth, and how it formed in the first place. There is also the moon's magnetic field. No, there is none there now. But those bags of nice expensive rocks that the Apollo astronauts (and other robotic missions) brought to Earth showed that there was a lunar magnetic field in the past. The secular science industry finds that troubling. Moon core cutaway (original image NASA, PD ) with folded generator (WikiComm /  Herbert Ortner ,  CC BY 4.0 )* Scientists have some guesses about what causes the magnetic fields of Earth and other planets, the most popular of which is a dynamo hypothesis. It is a case of, "We got nuffin, but this is better than admitting recent creation." Indeed, the dynamo (or generator) hypothesis even violates laws of physics  — yet secularists think the moon had o...

The Consistency of Nature is Only Rational in the Biblical Worldview

The morning of the one-year anniversary of my wife's passing, I wanted to commemorate the day. It began by going to the Hudson River in the morning. Those parks open at sunrise, which I looked up online. It happens on a predictable basis. Why should it? Some folks do not like this, but presuppositional apologetics  has its ultimate starting point in the authority of God's Word and character as revealed in the Bible. Science, logic, and other things are not possible in a worldview of atheistic materialism; they only make sense in a biblical worldview. Morning on the Hudson River, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen We all have presuppositions and an ultimate starting point. The sun will rise tomorrow, a lighter will make a candle burn, pictures on the wall will not float upward. Things happened before, so they will again — but that is circular reasoning! God holds the universe together, making logic (inductive and other kinds) possible. From there, science is possible. And mathematic...

Concealed Layers of Design

Those with Atheism Spectrum Disorder suppress evidence for the existence of God that is clearly seen (Romans 18:1), needing to repeat the mantra that things only appear  designed. They would have to count many Darwin beads and chant very fast when seeing hidden layers of complexity. In medical science and other areas of biology, advances in technology enable us to view microscopic things we never realized existed, such as cellular machines. In the trees, under the soil, in the oceans are amazingly complex worlds testifying of the Designer. View of Onteora Lake, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen George Washington Carver was a Christian and a creationist. He prayed for wisdom, and God guided him to discover about 300 uses for the peanut. The peanut . It was designed to have many uses. Indeed, Proverbs 25:2 tells us that God has concealed things, and kings discover them. They are not hidden because he does not want them found, but concealed so his work is gradually seen in many areas. H...

Non-Evolution of Bat Limbs and Wings Causes Surprise

One way Darwin's disciples evosplain common traits in unrelated creatures is to invoke convergent evolution , which is lazy and convenient. Study on it a moment. Evolutionists cannot explain a trait, so they distract the issue by claiming it evolved in other critters also. No evidence, though. This was fecklessly about the wings of birds and bats. Powered flight for both is displayed in the fossil record, and despite the efforts of Darwinists, bats have always been bats . This is what creationists have said all along. Now additional news surprises evolutionists. Wing-stretched bat,  Department of the Interior / USGS   (PD, Usage does not imply endorsement) It was wondered why there are flightless birds but no flightless bats. Apparently it is because their limbs and membranes are pretty much united. Wings on both creatures exhibit specified complexity. To believe that they are the products of time, mutations, natural selection, random processes — that's a passel of faith in ...

Evolving Evolves in a Doom Loop

From the extremely silly material turned in with straight faces as "research," it is no wonder that the secular science industry does not want financial scrutiny. It does not take a scientist to use logic and coherence to determine a...truly bizarre paper. Evolution is supposed to be without purpose because it is not an entity. Sure, figures of speech can treat something like a person, everyone does that. Then Darwin's votaries really do get into pantheism and treat evolution as a being. Luis Zaman claims evolution itself evolves. Video game console and effects, Pixabay / Vika_Glitter The worshipful description of evolution evolving because evolution is evolution and evolution evolves probably embarrassed even Rusty Swingset and the hands at the Darwin Ranch (up near Deception Pass). What was Zaman's research method? Essentially, a glorified video game that oversimplified their subjects. The software itself is known to be faulty. This tinhorn seems utterly committed t...