The Leader in Fraud and Retracted Papers

Interesting that the nation that leads in fraud and retracted scientific papers is China, which has a political culture that embraces Marxism and evolutionism. Also, it should come as no surprise that countries with the most computer fraud, including China, also have weak national worldviews.

Wickedness does not necessarily equate with stupidity. People in China know that there is a problem, such as at Jining First People’s Hospital in Shandong. People are buying fake papers to submit because they are under pressure (bless their hearts), so authorities want to put a damper on that.

AI-generated computer fraudster, Pixabay / deeznutz1
Keep in mind that secularists who cheat are being consistent with their evolutionary worldviews. They are doing what they think will help them survive better — just like Papa Darwin envisioned in his evolution story. The integrity culture at many institutions has poor foundations.

Although the article at an Intelligent Design site that inspired this post does not reach the conclusion, it should be obvious to Christians that these people are denying the Creator. This has not only moral and eternal consequences, but intellectual as well. You may be interested in reading "China Leads the World in Retracted Science Papers."