Lunar Formation, Recession and Deep Time
One of the staples of creation science presentations is how the moon is receding from the earth at a measurable rate, and calculating backward shows that the earth and moon cannot be billions of years old. Residents of the secular science industry dislike this fact.
Another problem for secularists is the many speculations as to the moon's formation fall apart. (Since they are so bad, it has been sarcastically said that the moon does not exist.) The recession rate and the formation of the moon are tied together in rescuing devices.
Moon from space, NASA / ISS / Col. Jeff Williams (usage does not imply endorsement of site's contents) |
The history of modern lunar origins theories traces back to George Darwin in the 1800s. Such naturalistic theories have presumed that the moon is extremely old, but all have been plagued by irresolvable difficulties. In addition, the moon is slowly receding from the earth, a phenomenon which establishes an upper limit for the moon’s age of approximately one-third the conventional age of 4.6 Ga. This issue has been a long-standing challenge to conventional chronology. Use of adjustable tidal parameters presumes conventional age rather than proving it, so is no support for a long chronology.
To read the rest of this somewhat technical paper, visit "The moon’s recession and age." For a less technical approach, check out the links contained in "Lunar Recession and the Young Earth."