Trusting the Text of Revelation

Scoffers often accuse Jews and Christians of stupidly accepting ancient texts and legends, then incorporating them into our belief systems. They claim Mithras, Osiris, Krishna, and other pagan myths had striking similarities to our beliefs — but those claims are utterly false.

False religions and others have presented books and letters attributed to the apostles and other church leaders. In tense times, the canon was decided upon using specific criteria. The book of Revelation was not enthusiastically embraced at first because church leaders wondered if it was authentic.

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I'll allow that Revelation reads quite a bit differently than other New Testament books, and it has been used by heretics for their own agendas. But then, selecting verses for cultic agendas happens with rest of the Bible itself. Liberal scholars have tried to find reasons to downplay Revelation, but those sidewinders have been doing that stuff for quite a long time — especially since Charles Darwin hit the scene. Revelation has historical attestation and many ancient manuscripts, which are powerful points in its favor.
A recent Biblical Archaeology Society (BAS) article asks the question: Can a pre-Christian version of the book of Revelation be uncovered? The idea that there can be a pre-Christian version of the book of Revelation is a bit like the idea that there could be a pre-Islamic Quran—utterly ridiculous to even think about. But it’s a good opportunity to look at exactly how the New Testament books were written.

The rest of this manuscript is located at "Was There a 'Pre-Christian' Book of Revelation?"