Resistance to Question Evolution Day
by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
Although Reddit is really big on teh interwebs and seems to have evolved from newsgroups, I have little use for it. Interesting because I was involved in newsgroups for a spell. They were like the Wild West; there was no town marshall, so almost anything could be posted. Reddit is a bit moderated, I hear.
Someone posted about Question Evolution Day. As expected, atheists and other anti-creationists went ballistic. A cursory glance shows that they still reject rational discourse and logic — yet they claim to be the rational ones.
The first thing I noticed (again, cursory glances) is that the substance of QED was not discussed. Instead, they used straw man arguments, prejudicial conjecture, and some fabricated complaints that were decades old (railing against a book from 1997). One complained that creationists are always lying, which I have pointed out is ludicrous even on the surface: Why would we, who believe in a holy and righteous God who hates lying, resort to that tactic? Oh, please!
Another said that all opposition to evolution is from Christians. Not hardly! Apparently this character has never heard of Dissent from Darwin or the fact that a growing number of secular scientists admit that they have doubts. If you want to read the galactically atheopathic comments or even join in, see "Happy QUESTION EVOLUTION DAY! Break the conditioning! Feb. 12."
A drum I keep banging on is that it is important not only for biblical creationists and other apologists to learn to spot (and avoid using) basic logical fallacies, This skill is also useful in may areas of our lives. In February 2025, White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt was doing her job in taking questions from the press. As we know, many are so left-wing, they fly in circles. A reporter asked a complex question, and she said, "I reject the premise of your question," then proceeded to give pertinent information.
A simple but related trope is, "Do you still beat your wife? Answer yes or no." To play by those rules, the guy that answers will confess to wrongdoing even if none was ever present. You see, mockers will ask a question or make a statement that smuggles in unargued conclusions. From Reddit: "Why is it, after all this time on here, you still don’t have the capacity to even say what evolution even is?" How does this questioner know the capacity of someone? Sneaky. Also, knowledgeable creationists are aware that "evolution" has many definitions. Calling minor changes or speciation "evolution" to imply that Darwin was right is the ol' bait 'n' switch. And we are the dishonest ones?
You may have gathered by now that evolution must be protected from inquiry; it is foundational to atheism. Creationists believe in free speech and encourage hard questions, and creation material has places where scientists say that we do not have all the answers yet, and that some areas need to be more fully developed.
Taking this further, many professing atheists say they want information, but seldom honestly examine it (see "Want Evidence for a Global Flood?") Biblical creationist organizations have published letters attacking their material and their ministries, but they show where the critics are inconsistent, uninformed, and even dishonest. Similarly, they deal with some egregious material from secular organizations. Answers in Genesis is doing a series on National Geographic's Lost Treasures of the Bible series. Down 'Straya way, Creation Ministries International has taken on falsehoods by New Scientist at length.
There are several articles up yonder for your edification. Other creationists and I strive to tell people how to think and use critical thinking skills, the secular science industry tells people what to think. You can get involved in Question Evolution Day your ownselves, even if it's simply sharing a creation science link with a #questionevolutionday hashtag on social(ist) media.