Getting into the Genetic Fallacy and Others

Some years ago, I briefly discussed the genetic fallacy. We need to give it another look. In one way, it is simple: People reject information because they dislike its source. That is a cop out to avoid dealing with subject matter that may be pertinent.

Recently, I wrote in Resistance to Question Evolution Day that someone posted about QED on Reddit and angry atheists had many illogical comments. The poster was asked if people should pay attention to someone called "Cowboy Bob." The genetic fallacy was weaponized and the content of QED was ignored.

Plato and Aristotle dazzle the School of Athens with basketball displays
Regular readers know that I encourage people to know basic informal logical fallacies. It can be quite fun. Christians (especially biblical creationists) need to know these things not only to catch deceit and manipulation from misotheists and Darwin's disciples, but also to keep from doing it ourselves and dishonoring the Lord.

One challenge is that logical fallacies can be mixed, blended, or piled on. Yesterday I shared a post to The Question Evolution Project from Dr. Jason Lisle. An atheist trolled by simply linking to another atheist's site that called Dr. Lisle a "loon." The genetic fallacy was used with the ad hominem fallacy.

A bit of education in logic can go a long way. Sometimes we may not be able to identify the fallacy, but we know that someone is acting like Daffy Duck, "Ho! Ha ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!" They may be trying to dazzle the st00pid djumb Christian, but we can call them out on their evasion and hold them to the point under discussion.

Ever heard of a syllogism? The classic form is three lines with a major premise, minor premise, and a conclusion. Although simple, they can be tricky:

All men are mortal.
Socrates was a man.
Therefore, Socrates was mortal.

Woody Allen messed with this many years ago. It's funny but helpful:

All men are mortal.
Socrates was a man.
Therefore, all men are Socrates.

Politicians have logic that can be summed up in syllogisms. Like the above fallacious example, the conclusions can be false — especially if one or both of the premises is false. As shown here numerous times, just because someone has an advanced degree, it doesn't mean that he or she is presenting something logically. Again, we can learn to spot when we're being buffaloed, and need to glorify God by being rational and not being manipulative.
Christians are supposed to be imitators of Jesus Christ. In John 1, He is called the ‘Word’, which in the original Greek is Logos/Λόγος, from which we derive the word logic. Jesus masterfully employed logic in His teachings; therefore, Christians should be logical in their reasoning.

To read the rest and learn, bounce on over to "Genetic fallacy and politician’s logic."