When Atheists Attack Dr. Snelling

It is amazing that professing atheists proclaim that they are "good without God," but so many lie. A lot. I wrote an article about Dr. Duane Gish and the legendary "Gish gallop" debate tactic. It has never been shown to exist, but they gleefully spread this falsehood.

Misrepresentation and ridicule should be red flags to thinking people that someone has no valid material to use against his target. (It may also indicate laziness.) Dr. Andrew Snelling is a prominent figure in biblical creation science, and he has to deal with a dishonest decades-old attack.

Angry atheist monkey, Freeimages / vangeldere (modified)
Many of the assaults we face are actually laughable in their schoolyard simplicity. I'll allow that it's difficult to not respond in kind, which may very well be the kind of distraction that such misotheists are seeking; we go off-topic to chase every little dog that nips at our ankles. Indeed, I have challenged some to show where the science in an article is wrong, but they are unable to do so. Quite often they respond by changing the subject and attacking more. Dr. Snelling had enough of a particular lie set and laid out the facts for all to see and use.
When our opponents cannot attack our science, they attack us personally. So it is hardly surprising when skeptics repeatedly use accusations against our integrity made by opponents, even those made 30 years ago that have repeatedly been responded to.

Back in the early 1990s, the creation ministry in Australia was under ferocious attacks from a group called The Australian Skeptics, led by several university and other prominent academics. This was due to the ministry’s high public profile because of regular ministry in public schools and on university campuses.

There is some useful information in here that some of us can apply. I'd be much obliged if you would read the rest over at "The Real Dr. Snelling Stands Up."