Mysteries on Language Origin, Usage

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen 

There are many ways in which living things communicate, none of which can be explained by Darwin's acolytes. For example, facial expressions can indicate how someone is feeling and may even be a signal to other people. Chimpanzees have vocal patterns that resemble those of humans, but they are not language.

Our Creator gave animals the means to communicate with each other on basic levels and occasionally with us. Impressive as they may be on occasion, animal communications do not compare with human language, which testifies of the Creator.

The Card PlayersPaul Cezanne, 1892
Remember how I said that the Intelligent Design community has serious limitations? They have a "big tent" approach, and I believe that many are theistic evolution Deists. Most ID folks seem to believe in deep time and even guided evolution. There are other things as well, so it becomes difficult to tell where some of them are coming from.

When perusing Evolution News and Science Today, I noticed three posts by Denyse O'Leary. First, "A Mystery: How Human Languages Came to Exist." It is a mystery to evolutionists that chimpanzees have all the hardware to talk like humans but do not have language. (After all, they should because they are our supposed evolutionary cousins.) Dr. D. Charles Jackson said that monkeys have the hardware but not the software drivers. Evolutionists realized that chimps do not have the requisite intelligence. Well, why should they? From a creationist perspective, they were created with what they needed for survival. That's enough.

A second article by Denyse is "Do We Need Language to Think?" This one goes into some deep biological territory on the human brain. Speech is enabled its language centers. However, a kind of abstract thought does not use language, such as mathematics. The answer to the question titling the article appears to be negative. O'Leary's conclusion did not give me much to think about, but the overall content had some interesting points.

Finally, "Researchers Are Stalled in Understanding the Origin of Human Language." Well, of course they are! Time and time again, evolutionists presuppose evolution and when observed evidence is recalcitrant, they are baffled. In this case, they used assorted apes in their research and came up with nothing but speculations that may look good to the secular science industry, but had little actual value. In fact, one researcher made a statement that was the opposite of what the research was supposed to demonstrate.

Secularists need to cowboy up and admit that the existence of language and the inability of animals to use it speaks (heh!) of the Master Engineer. We are created in God's image, recently, and studies such as how "Oldest Language in India Only 4,500 Years Old" belie deep time claims. As apes have enough vocalization so they can survive in their niche, humans were given languages from the beginning. This was done by the Creator so we can survive and thrive... I wonder if they can explain why there are so many languages without resorting to (essentially), "EvolutionDidIt."