More Bad Cosmic Evolution News for Secularists

Secular scientists had high hopes for the James Webb Space Telescope, that extremely expensive device to help bolster cosmic evolution. Dark matter, dark energy, extrasolar planets, the Big Bang — nothing has been found that supports those things.

Indeed, cosmologists brought their presuppositions of deep time and cosmic evolution, but were disappointed. Discoveries that were problematic for the Big Bang were made. Biblical creationists presuppose the Creator and recent creation, and the JWST confirms creation cosmology. Newer discoveries show things getting worse for secularists.

Digel Clouds, Flickr / NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (CC BY 2.0)
 When I went to Flickr to get the above image, the typical unproven and unprovable assertions about "stellar nurseries" and such were on display; they are wrong according to secular science and according to reality.

Several articles show that findings were unexpected, and some things were previously unknown that need to be considered. Current cosmic models are challenged. Galaxies formed earlier than thought, so they want to adjust the formation rates — torture the data to fit the models instead of discarding failed models.

These owlhoots go to great lengths to deny the evidence that the universe was created recently.You can read about these things and more by looking at "JWST State of the Universe Address."