Passing the Creation Information Barrier

There is a gap between biological information and matter, and it can only be breached by the Creator. (Indeed, matter itself contains some information.) It needs a sender and receiver. An analogy may be helpful.

Morse code is extremely simple, rendered as dots and dashes. (Interestingly, it is like all computer binary with on/off, yes/no, one/zero, and so on.) Developed by creationist Samuel F.B. Morse, it was sent across electrical telegraph lines beginning in the 1840s. Operators had to convert text to Morse code for sending and receiving. Many Western movies show someone keying a telegraph device.

Morse Telegraph (1837), Wikimedia Commons / Zubro (CC BY-SA 3.0)
It has been said that telegraph operators could identify each other by their keystrokes: "This is coming from the Virginia City, Nevada station. Bart must have the day off, this is a different sender." After a spell, it became the first of radio wave communication. Technology developed in several ways, so the telegraph ("singing wire") was made obsolete.

Morse code is still around and quite a few people know how to use it. My wife had a police scanner which would occasionally pick up the beeping of Morse code radio messages. It requires far less energy to send radio Morse code than a voice message and is still useful today.

That history lesson shows that information exists, but it requires a sender and receiver who can understand and respond to it. In biology, the Creation Information Barrier reaffirms the Law of Biogenesis, that life can only come from other life. This destroys chemical evolution (spontaneous generation, abiogenesis) ideas of atheistic materialists. Only the omniscient Creator God of the Bible can create life, and DNA is a complex information system in living things.

Chemicals are separated from living tissue by the Creation Information Barrier (CIB). This serves as an unbreachable barrier between matter and the abstract, information-bearing codes that can be placed upon it. The introduction of abstract, non-material information into material matter can only be accomplished by the intervention of an intelligent designer.

At the heart of the CIB lies Creation Information (CI). CI is something that is imposed upon matter, which, in turn, gives life and function to the laws of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology that existed in God’s mind before creation. CI is the very expression of the mind of God.

To read the rest of this somewhat challenging but very interesting article, click on "The creation information barrier." My suggestion for viewing the following video about Morse code is to click on the YouTube link, then find the settings and play it at 1.5 speed. He speaks very slow.