Longevity and the Instruction Manual

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen 

There was a story told some time ago about a salesman who came across a man cutting trees in the forest, and he was using just an axe. The sales rep said the man could cut down many more trees if he used the chainsaw he was selling. Sold!

A couple of days later, the salesman came back and asked how things were going.

"Lousy!" replied the man. "All day yesterday with that blasted chainsaw, and I only cut down two trees. I want my money back!"

"Easy, friend," replied the salesman. "Let's see what's wrong with it." He pulled the starter and there was a loud vroooom.

"Whoa, what is that noise?" cried the man.

Car in the woods, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen
Amazing that he got any trees cut when he didn't even know how to start up the chainsaw.

Every once in a while, someone makes news for having lived an amazing number of years. People ask, "What's your secret to a long life?" Answers vary, but most have clean living, no smoking, little or no alcohol, physical activity, and all those other things considered necessary for a long life. Good inherited biology helps, too.

I was surprised to learn about Blue Zones, where people live long and healthy lives. There are currently five of them, no two in the same country. Again, diet, physical activity and so on are credited with longevity. The Blue Zones concept is viewed with suspicion by some folks, especially since there seems to be financial and even political interest in promoting it.

Assuming that there is something to the idea, it is clear that the Master Engineer designed people to live in a certain way. Many scoffers object to restrictions in the Bible because they view God as a cosmic killjoy who wants to spoil our fun. Biblical guidelines are given for our benefit by our loving Creator who wants what is best for us. Our joy and health suffer when we don't follow the instruction manual.

It seems there is a link between sex and longevity in Blue Zones: Many people age sixty-five and older are mattress dancing. Sexuality affects physical and mental health, and healthy people seem to be interested in engaging in sex. This is not just mechanistic sex, but people who have bonded and grown together over the years.

Blue Zones or not, it has been established that people who believe in God as a lifestyle (walk the talk, not just talk the walk) have physical and mental health benefits. This flies in the face of materialism and evolutionary thinking, especially when biblical provisions for health and marriage are taken into account. The healthy result of so many non-material factors put together help demonstrate that we have a Designer. Biblical creationists know who that Designer is: the God of the Bible.

If you want to see the Intelligent Design article that inspired mine, visit "Longevity as Evidence of Original Design."