Israel Perseveres while Others Collapse

It is not news that people throughout history have hated the Jews, and many want to eradicate them from their land. Especially Mohammedans, who have thugs working toward that end who murder men, women, and children. Modern Israel is a small strip land that most people would find unappealing.

Yet the Hebrew people have survived persecutions and attempted genocide for millennia. The state of Israel testifies of fulfilled prophecy, which in turn indicates that the Word of God is true. The hand of God can be seen keeping Israel in existence.

Israelites persevered when other Late Bronze Age groups failed, and despite hatred and persecution for thousands of years, the Israelites still exist. The protecting hand of God is obvious.
Israel Flag, Unsplash / Stanislav Vdovin
Other peoples in the area inhabit historic lands, but modern Jews are genetically who they claim to be. Fanatical Islamic groups like Hamas and others want to join with the Palestinians (who have a flag but never had a country) in destroying the Jews. Hatred for Israel seems to have been increasing in recent years, with the American Democrat party supporting terrorists! Hebrews have survived for thousands of years while other people groups failed, even back in what is called the Late Bronze Age.
Archaeology throughout the Near East has revealed a major collapse of great civilizations in the Late Bronze Age. One people group—the Jews—lived through it and thrived, continuing to survive all the way to the present day despite repeated upheavals.

The rest can be read at "Israel Survived Late Bronze Age Collapse of Civilizations."