Creationists Standing for Integrity

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen 

We saw that scoffers play a "Gotcha!" game by pretending they found contradictions in the Bible. Another version of this game is to use ad hominem attacks against creation scientists, such as claiming they did not graduate from credentialed colleges or Duane Gish used the "Gish Gallop" (a falsehood that I refuted). One creationist was apparently involved in wrongdoing.

Biblical creationists must tread carefully so they do not give skeptics reasons to mock. More importantly, we want to glorify God by living and acting biblically in daily and professional lives. Here is an exception.

Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge over Hudson River from Poet's Walk, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen
In 1989, Russian creationist Dr. Dmitri Kouznetsov wrote a peer-reviewed paper for International Journal of Neuroscience. There were some people who checked the references Kouznetsov used but several were not found. (Do the peers who review check references or just assume they are valid?) When creationists got wind of it, they required Dmitri to respond. He did not, so they cut ties with him.

This is a clear example of people trying to honor the Lord in their work. Dr. Kouznetsov apparently cheated, so biblical creationists took action. Study on this: Secularists are opposed to God and especially Genesis, which is foundational to many Christian doctrines. God hates lying. It would be absurd to think that God and Christians approve of deceit or lying to get people to believe our side of the story. No, we leave lying and "the end justifies the means" to the secular science industry.

Two interesting points here. One is that, after all these years, the peer-reviewed paper under discussion has been retracted. The other point is that it does not really matter, as fraud in secular science is dramatically increasing and retracted papers still get referenced.

An Intelligent Design site discussed this retraction and how a secular magazine used it to attack creationists. That did not go well. Kouznetsov was not exactly a major figure in creation science, and this paper seems to have been erased from the sole creationists source that adapted it for reprint.

As mentioned, secular science material suffers from fraud and retraction. It is frequent, but makes little news. We strive to please a holy Creator. They have no consistent moral foundation.