People Increasingly Distrust the Secular Science Industry

That moment when "Imma have me a sammich" sounds like a good idea, but there is a problem. Opening up the bread wrapper, pulling out the bread, and — mold spots. You cannot discard those slices and trust the rest, either, because it spreads unseen and can be harmful.

People have a confused trust/distrust relationship with the secular science industry. It has been shown numerous times here and elsewhere that they have a leftist bias and that their ethics are craptacular. The leftist corruption spreads throughout science, the media, entertainment, sports, and more.

Moldy bread, Flickr / Lynn Friedman (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
I am once again telling you that there are people working in the secular science industry that have some integrity and want to do their jobs, but the organizations are heavily biased. Unfortunately, secularists embrace materialism (essentially, atheism) and therefore reject the Creator, who is the ultimate source of morality and ethics. They uphold evolutionary ideas.

Scientists are expected to be unbiased, but that's not happening, old son. They are human. Evidence does not rule the day, but whatever naturalistic narrative is in vogue. And money. Evidence is tweaked, tortured, ignored, or whatever else is needed to present fake truth. People who doubt leftist pronouncements are called science deniers.

When COVID was the big news, scientists made pronouncements that made a few people suspicious, but masks and other mandates were obeyed. Eventually the truth was known. One scientist thinks that secularists should learn from marketing professionals, which is a far cry from doing their jobs and letting the results shine. Meanwhile, Conservatives, Intelligent Design proponents, and especially biblical creationists are not allowed to sit at the table with the big people because of who they are and what they believe.
Of all institutions, science was supposed to be trustworthy. But without integrity, science is nothing.

Integrity is soundness of moral character; it is honesty. Scientists must be willing to tell the truth even if it is costly, even when no one is looking. A scientist of integrity will relate true experimental outcomes even if they contradict a favored hypothesis, or displease a funding agency.

You will be amazed by reading the rest of "Institutional Distrust on the Rise Due to Overt Political Bias." While it is primarily about Americans, the mold of leftism is global. Keep that in mind.