Non-Science in Dinosaur-to-Bird Evolution

In Through the Looking-Glass by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (writing as Lewis Carroll), the White Queen boasted of having been able to believe six impossible things before breakfast. That book was published in 1871, and Charles Darwin had published On the Origin of Species in 1859. Believing impossible things seems to have been growing in popularity.

Although the idea of dinosaurs evolving into birds is treated as a scientific fact by many of Darwin's disciples, actual scientific facts are ignored or denied. Evidence and dating systems of secularists work against them, but they still believe impossible things.

Archaeopteryx was disqualified as a transition between dinosaurs and birds, but some evolutionists still believe the story anyway.
Archaeopteryx by Dr. Thompsons Seifenpulver, ca. 1900
An early attempt to bolster Darwinism was Archaeopteryx. This bad boy should have been left alone, as most secular paleontologists admitted that it was just a bird, not a transitional form between dinosaurs and birds. Secular dating methods as showing Archie as being older than dinosaurs. Yet some secular paleontologists still cling to the absurd story.

A few creationists think there is evidence that dinosaurs had feathers (which are complex structures), but they are using the same faulty logic and imprecise evidence as secular paleontologists. In reality, there is no evidence of dinosaurs having feathers. Even if it was conclusively proven, so what? It would mean some dinosaurs had feathers. It would not prove they evolved from birds.

There are other impossible things to be believed as well. All of this posturing is based on faith, not science. They need to cowboy up and admit that the evidence points to a young creation, and then believe real things.
Most evolutionists now believe that birds evolved from dinosaurs. However, there are well-informed evolutionary dissenters who are experts on birds, such as Alan Feduccia, his late colleague Larry Martin, Theagarten Lingham-Soliar, John Ruben, and Storrs Olson. As with many issues, we should differentiate between observations and interpretations of these, and between the direct teachings of Scripture and models to elucidate these teachings. While Scripture is non-negotiable, models should be held loosely.

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