Mammoth Problems in Greenland

Secular scientists are committed to uniformitarianism ("the present is the key to the past") for the most part. Slow and gradual processes do not support observed evidence, so their worldview keeps them attempting to find explanations.

Greenland is an icy place, but it was not always that way. There are canyons there (yippie ky yay, Bill Nye), plants were found underneath the ice sheet, the ice deposited quickly and not over huge amounts of time, and more. An ecosystem in the northern part of Greenland has been detected.

Greenland has presented many difficulties for secular scientists, and the discovery of an ecosystem, including mammoths, is causing consternation.
Greenland north coast image credit: NASA / Michael Studinger (usage does not imply endorsement)
The science of genetics, pioneered by Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him) has developed in some amazing ways. In this case, soil was analyzed and critters that lived in northern Greenland could be determined. But mammoths? How did those get up there? This is pretty far north. The biodiversity is a tough thing for secular scientists to explain in the first place, and this just makes things worse. I'll allow that biblical creationists are also challenged, but observed evidence fits models for the Genesis Flood followed by the Ice Age, and that includes animal migration.
Scientists have developed a new method for discovering which animals inhabited an area. This method analyzes the environmental DNA (eDNA) in the soil from plants and animals that once lived in the region. The method was applied to the Kap København Formation in northeast Greenland, where research has been conducted for nearly 40 years. The area today is a polar desert, home to just a few plants, hares, and musk oxen. Scientists had previously found macrofossils from coniferous boreal forest trees and a rich insect fauna, but they were greatly surprised by what they discovered recently.

You can read the rest at "Surprising ecosystem in northeastern Greenland supports biblical Ice Age."