Homicide in Modern Health Care

Under the pretense of personal rights, modern medical treatments include bodily mutilation, the murder of the unborn, and other things that were unthinkable at one time. If suffering animals can be euthanized, so can people. One result of a Darwinian worldview is that humans are devalued.

Study on it a spell. Everything came from a common ancestor, and ultimately, "star stuff." Secularists consider people for their value to society, Bible-believing Christians see them as valuable because they are created in the image of God.

Abandoned Hospital Monsour Medical Center, Flickr / Darryl Moran (CC BY-ND 2.0)
It is now being called health care to kill people. Euthanasia can be invoked because of excessive pain or no hope of recovery. Also, "physician assisted suicide" is when medical personnel provide the means of another person to end their own lives.

This can include mental illness, depression, hopelessness, and more. The other day was the one-year anniversary of my wife's death. Read between the lines here: Shortly after that happened, I considered a certain high bridge to be a good jumping-off point. (I coded that so the post isn't censored.) According to some people, I would probably have been able to get pills and stop my suffering. Three days ago on the anniversary of her passing, I crossed that bridge without any evil urges. With prayer, caring people, the grace of God, and other reasons, I got better. Yes, I still hurt frequently, but manage that and strive to keep living.

Darwinian concepts have been used to make an evolutionary worldview that not only devalues people, but includes eugenics. People deemed unfit would not be allowed to reproduce or were forcibly sterilized. Nazis took it to its logical conclusion by actively eliminating the unfit and helping natural selection along. (During my despair, I may have qualified as unfit to live according to some people. My confidence of seeing her again in Heaven, even more so.) But who decides? By what standard? Where do you tinhorns get your ethics? The biblical creation worldview believes in life and making necessary changes in society.

What do a 27-year-old autistic woman, a 51-year-old woman with chemical sensitivities, and a hearing-impaired 61-year-old man hospitalized for a risk of suicide have in common? All of them were loved. None of them were dying. And all of them were Canadians killed by doctors. From the time when Canada decriminalized “medical assistance in dying” (MAID) in 2016 until the end of 2022, MAID had claimed 44,958 Canadian lives. These numbers represent not mere statistics, but people with stories, families, and souls. As Canadian ethicist Daryl Pullman notes, their deaths “are in point of fact, homicides.” So a truer term for MAID is SHAM: “sanctioned homicide actualized medically.” Stripping SHAM of its euphemisms clarifies that SHAM is not simply a political issue but a life-and-death matter bearing earthly and eternal consequences.

To continue reading, see "When Health Care Becomes Homicide." Although article specifies Canada, the principles can easily apply to many countries.