Fossil Discoveries Fit Creationist Expectations

Descent with modifications evolution maintains that, biologically speaking, all life forms go back to a common ancestor. The claims of evolutionists should be verified in living things today as well as through the fossil record; there should be an uncountable number of transitional forms.

Biblical creationists reject evolution partly through lack of evidence. While they believe in speciation, diversity, and the biblical kinds (similar to the family level in modern reckoning), they maintain that there are no transitional forms in the fossil record.

Aerodactylus scolopaciceps with soft tissue, Wikimedia Commons / Steven U. Vidovic, David M. Martill (CC BY 2.5)
What in the wild world of paleontology is a-goin' on here? Some recent examples show why creationists are not surprised because the discoveries fit their expectations. Secular reckoning has sharks as ancient critters, and a small group suddenly appeared in the fossil record. No evolution. A web-spinning spider allegedly 310 million Darwin years old is just as modern as the one stringing down over your head. There are other examples that testify of recent creation and oppose evolution.
Current news from the field of paleontology is what creationists expected and even predicted. Whether recent fossil discoveries are invertebrates or vertebrates, they will not document gradual evolutionary progression from one kind into another kind.

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