Creepy Charlie Never Followed Through

It is amazing how things change over time, especially when evolutionists are the ones writing popular versions of history. Charlie Darwin took his voyage on the Beagle ship, observed nature, and brilliantly formulated evolution through natural selection. The scientific world praised his genius.

Stuff and nonsense. His version of evolution was resisted at first, and scientists wanted him to back up the claims in his 1859 tome, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life,

Title page of Origin of Species with creepy 1871 Vanity Fair caricature added
Darwin made excuses, such as claiming illness — and then published material on other topics. He was going to write a massive book of evidences supporting his hypotheses, but it never happened. Charlie made Natural Selection an entity, wrote many notes, frustrated scientists, but ultimately his promised book was never written.

Well, something was published as part of his "big book" in 1975. Keep the faith, baby!

If evolution is a "fact" or a "law" then it should be easy to back up without obfuscation, bad science, and outright fraud. Darwin's votaries light prayer candles with his image on them and live by faith. Indeed, he was doing it himself by admitting evolution had a dearth of evidence, but sometime in the future it would be found. That is faith, old son, not science. Despite his promises and efforts in other areas, he did not cowboy up and admit that the evidence points to recent creation and the global Genesis Flood; it does not support his story.

Charles Darwin (1809–1882) has become a mythical figure of gigantic proportions, and his theory drives a surprising amount of popular discussion. I often hear pundits referring to “evolution,” and by that they always mean Darwinism. It’s as much science as they care to know, in most cases.

Although the rest of the article is not from a biblical creation-friendly source, this article is worth reading. To finish it, see "Darwin’s Unfulfilled Promissory Note."