The Falcon and the Bomber

Humans have always been inquisitive, seeking to use things to their advantage. In biomimetics, people attempt to imitate what is observed in nature, but seldom give credit to the Creator whose work they are copying.

A product of military secrecy (and probably the subject of UFO reports in its early days) is a bomber known as the B-2 Spirit. Twenty-one stealth bombers were made and they had impressive capabilities. While delta wing designs (the capitalized fourth letter of the Greek alphabet looks like a triangle) are common, the B-2 was more unique.

Biomimetics is when people study nature and imitate what is found, not praising the Creator. The B-1 bomber draws heavily from the peregrine falcon.
B-2 bomber, Unsplash / Steve Harvey (modified at PhotoFunia)
This child has a memory of an F-14 Tomcat moving its extended wings because of a "need for speed" into a delta shape. What a thrill when it flew overhead! The B-2 also has moveable wings. Peregrine falcons have an aerodynamic design that helps them in their missions despite their low strike rate. It can be clearly seen that the Master Engineer built falcons and other birds of prey, and people are drawing inspiration from them.

The B-2 Spirit seems to have the spirit of the peregrine falcon. It was in fact part of the design inspiration. Those wings minimize drag from the air which improves speed. It is irrational to think that the entire apparatus, either bird of military hardware, is the product of evolution.
Inspired by God’s creation mandate in Genesis 1:28, humans across the centuries have sought ways to optimize processes, solve problems, and ultimately “subdue” the world for our benefit. The quest to observe and record the laws of nature has taught us many helpful concepts in a variety of fields, particularly in topics related to science and technology.

For the rest of the article, fly over to "A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush."