Atheism and Evolutionism are Collapsing

While the belief that there is no God has been around for centuries, obstreperous misotheism had its heyday in the early 2000s. Ridicule of Christians, biblical creationists, and the Intelligent Design was rampant. Some people like that are still around on social(ist) media.

Ironically, atheists claim to believe in science and reason, but precious little logic can be observed. The face of this version of atheism has been C. Richard Dawkins. He and others have been making money from hatred and bigotry, playing to like-minded folks. Some are dying off and replacements are not sought.

While atheism has been around many years, the angry form of the early 2000s is becoming irrelevant. Its primary weapon is evolution, which failed them spectacularly.
Colorized version of "1889 Guy" with shattering atheism image provided by Why?Outreach
Indeed, atheism is becoming irrelevant. People are seeking answers instead entertainment through bullying. Christians who know about presuppositional apologetics and epistemology surprise professing atheists by standing up to them instead of cowering from the superpowers of the Mighty Atheist™. Societal trends change, and angry atheists have proven disappointing.

People were actually driven to belief in Christ in one form or another because of the way atheists conducted themselves. Now it seems that this form of atheism is running out of steam. After all, atheism is incoherent.

Fish-to-fool evolution was utilized as a Big Bertha gun against "religion," especially Christianity. Knowledgeable creationists were able to show multiple significant flaws in the evolutionary arguments; this Big Bertha was actually a comedic pistol that unfurled a flag that read, "Bang!" Regular readers have seen hundreds of linked articles that show the paucity of evidence and risible logic used to prove evolution.

Neil Thomas is author of the Intelligent Design article linked below. Last I knew, he is a professing agnostic. Christians, please pray with me for his salvation. He delves into some of the items discussed above, and presents some thoughts on the history of negative theology and atheism. Some of his biblical material is not quite right, but surprisingly close.
By the early 1970s the initial furore attending the publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species and Descent of Man seemed little but the ghostly remnant of a long-forgotten controversy. Over the decades it seemed that an informal concordat had been reached by all parties concerned, acknowledging that evolutionary theory and religion were discrete epistemological spheres of apprehension and discourse — separate magisteria in the phrase coined by the late Harvard biologist Stephen Jay Gould. The accommodationist modus vivendi was, however, to be rudely reneged upon in 1976 with the publication of The Selfish Gene by Oxford biologist Richard Dawkins. Little though we knew or even suspected at the time, that volume was to be but the opening salvo in what was to become a veritable cannonade of atheist activism awaiting us in his further publications.

To read the rest of this interesting article, head over to "Some Unintended Consequences of Atheist (and Theist) Discourse."