Radiometric Dating has Fatal Flaws

When someone claims to be a former creationist, there are many telling signs that invariably appear. One is lack of knowledge of biblical creation science. Second, poor knowledge of theology. Third, they attack creationism, defend evolution and especially an old Earth. In their passionate efforts, the fourth trait is to show misunderstanding of dating methods. There are other things apostates show, but their claims that dating methods prove an old Earth are of interest at this time. Also, they are welcomed by atheists and other anti-creationists.

Zircon octahedral crystal, Flickr / candiru (PD)
Radiometric dating is often treated as a creation killer since biblical creationists hold to the earth being thousands of years old while these dating methods seem to show millions or billions of years. Contrary evidence, or evidence supporting recent creation, is downplayed. (I remember an atheist bringing up the age of the earth and using a preemptive strike with the genetic fallacy, saying not to use the RATE Project.) Radiometric dating results are often presented to blind the public with science, but anti-creationists do not realize (or will not admit) that there are fatal flaws in the methods — they do not prove deep time.
Today’s feedback from David G. of USA concerns radioactive dating, an issue that confuses and intimidates many people. It’s answered by CMI’s geologist Dr Tas Walker.

Find out the details at "Evolutionists can’t prove millions-of-years."