More Possible Evidence for Catastrophic Plate Tectonics

In the late sixteenth century, it was speculated that continents were not static, but moved. Others considered this, and eventually Alfred Wegener ran continental drift up the flagpole in 1915, but nobody saluted it. Arthur Holmes provided a better version in 1931. Eventually, it evolved into plate tectonics.

Biblical creation science takes plate tectonics up several levels. Dr. John Baumgardner proposed catastrophic plate tectonics. The ocean floor during the Genesis Flood was subducted into the earth's mantle, and it was done much faster than is happening today.

Common Cross Section of a Subduction Zone, Wikimedia Commons / Eround1 (CC BY-SA 3.0)
That's easy to say, especially since rapid subduction is not seen now. Scientists demand evidence for models (or should do so), and creationists even more so because they go against uniformitarian assumptions (slow and gradual processes; the present is the key to the past). Dr. Baumgardner pointed out evidence for his ideas several years ago. New research by secular scientists provides information that seems to support catastrophic plate tectonics.
Geophysicist Samantha Hansen and colleagues may have just strengthened evidence for catastrophic plate tectonics (CPT), the leading theoretical model for explaining the Genesis Flood. Almost 40 years ago, creation scientist and geophysicist Dr. John Baumgardner suggested that the entire pre-Flood ocean floor logically must have been rapidly subducted into the earth’s mantle during the Flood cataclysm:

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