Monotremes Show the Opposite of Evolution

Living monotremes are marsupials, but not all marsupials are monotremes. Believers in universal common descent admit they have trouble finding the alleged ancestors of either group. Monotremes are especially puzzling because they are mammals that lay eggs.

The majority of marsupials live down Australia way (and some in New Guinea), and both of the existing monotremes are residents of 'Straya. Research on monotremes had the usual hopes of learning about their evolution, but if the authors were paying attention, they received an unpleasant surprise.

Echidna, Pixabay / PublicDomainImages
Remember, Darwin expected evidence to be found to support his conjectures — which is the opposite of how science is supposed to work. Then and now, the search is on for transitional forms (something in process of turning into something else), and there should be a huge number of the things.

With monotremes and marsupials, a study shows more diversity millions of years ago according to secular reckoning methods than exists today. That is the opposite of what is expected according to evolution. Creationists have no problem with the evidence.
The internet is abuzz with news about a new fossil discovery in Australia. . .

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The defining features of marsupials are their unique reproductive systems. The young are “born” in a relatively undeveloped state and then mature within a pouch located on their mother’s abdomen. They number over 300 species and include a wide variety of animals including kangaroos, koalas, opossums, wallabies, Tasmanian devils, wombats, and bandicoots.

The origin of both marsupials and monotremes has stymied evolutionists. One of the more promising lines of research in claimed marsupial and monotreme evolution concluded . . .

You can read it all by going to "New Monotreme Fossils Fail to Support Evolution." Also of interest is "Is the Echidna One of God's Pranks?"