Liars for Darwin Influencing Elections

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen 

Although this content has special concern to Americans, readers from other countries may want to read and learn see if your own country is doing the same kinds of things. As stated before, it is indeed unfortunate that science material has political content, but the secular science industry is prompting examination.

Two things must be repeated. First, scientists are not dispassionate and willing to follow where the evidence leads. They are biased and have presuppositions like everyone else. Second, note that critical thinking skills apply in many areas of life, but are now seldom taught.

Marionette puppets, Unsplash / János Venczák
Remember, scientists per se are not the problem, as many of them want to do science stuff and hopefully improve the world. The secular science industry is a major concern, and wants to be involved in pulling the strings of political power. They promote causes dear to the cold hearts of the political left, so gullible jaspers accept pronouncements of scientists because they're really smart scientists and have authority.

If more people had been taught critical thinking, many things on the political left and the secular science industry could be brought to an abrupt halt:

  • It's not a baby, it's a blob of cells; conceptus
  • Republicans are all a bunch of modern Nazis
  • Anthropogenic climate change is settled science; believe the consensus
  • Gender is fluid, depending on how someone feels, and has nothing to do with the sex someone was assigned at birth
  • Evolution is a fact — a law, even
It doesn't take a college degree to ask questions, especially, "How do you know?" Many are arbitrary assertions, and some are connected to emotional manipulation: dehumanize Republicans / Conservatives / Christians / Creationists simply through declaration, and some folks gobble that up. Suddenly, your neighbor or family member is your enemy — but you never thought to ask how that became something "true." But hey, secularists are heroes and noble victims trying to do the right thing. Or so they seem.

Pay attention to the last one about evolution as a law. Secular scientists, whether politically influential or those just doing their jobs, have an evolutionary worldview. There is no Creator who makes the rules and holds us accountable, struggle for survival over billions of years, humans deemed unfit should not be able to breed, superior people should rule over (or exterminate) the lesser, and so on.

Let's take this fork in the trail for a moment. 

As most of the world knows, President Donald J. Trump has been railroaded on fake crimes; even some leftists are amazed at the abuses of power to suppress a presidential candidate (look it up). This is yet another effort for the Democrat Party to secure permanent one-party rule for themselves. Leftist news sources were mischaracterizing the Supreme Court ruling that went in Trump's favor. The other day in the workplace breakroom, a couple of leftists were parroting Democrat remarks that the Supreme Court needs to be stopped. These people did not bother to think that possibly the SCOTUS was right and Democrat power-grabbers were wrong. No questioning or critical thinking skills present here, Sport.

Secular scientists have their Darwin spectacles to see the world. Those who believe in biblical creation have creation spectacles that see humans as created in the image of God. Leftists hate that, as it interferes with their machinations for power and money.
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), publisher of the journals Science and Science Advances, is one of America’s leading scientific institutions. CEH distinguishes “science” (knowledge, the pursuit of truth wherever the evidence leads) from Big Science: corporate, institutional science, consisting of journal editors and publishers, academic deans and lobbyists who presume to “speak for the scientific community.” They are not that different from labor bosses in Big Labor who presume to speak for “all workers” even though some workers may disagree with the leadership politically. And just as labor bosses are almost uniformly leftist radicals who send union dues to Democrat candidates, Big Science has gone Far Left long ago (search “Politics and Ethics” in our menu bar for proof).

To read the rest, see "AAAS Tries to Influence Elections."