Evolutionists Getting Nutty over Lampreys

Lampreys are unattractive, seldom invited to dinner parties outside of the secular science industry. They are jawless fish. Several species exist, some are freshwater and there are also sea lampreys. Sea lampreys divide their time between fresh and sea water. They are not eels.

Interesting that the design of their mouths are used in different ways. Young sea lampreys are parasitic and attach to other fish, while some other kinds use their sucker power to latch onto something to hitch a ride. Believers in fish-to-fool evolution think they are in our lineage.

Lampreys are unattractive jawless fish that latch onto objects or other fish. They are unchanged living fossils, and evolutionists say we are related.
Sea lamprey, Flickr / NOAA Great Lakes (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Let's go back to the basics of evolution. Things change, yes? Lots of changes due to time, chance, mutations, evolutionary pressures, environment, natural selection, and all that good stuff. Lampreys have not seen fit to change over millions of Darwin years and are considered living fossils. Research also has a passel of maybes and other weasel words trying to link us to them. The truth is that such evolution is malarkey — life was created, and it happened much more recently, Horation, than dreamt of in your philosophy.
Lampreys are a group of strange-looking jawless fish of the order Petromyzontiformes. Since evolutionists reject the biblical origins model, they must embrace these creatures as our ancient ancestors. But looking to the fossil record, evolutionists see lampreys going back unchanged for many millions of years. In other words, living fossils argue against the hypothetical evolutionary timeline.

To read the rest, visit "Lamprey Lunacy."