Consciousness and Sleep Defy Evolution

For the most part, believers in universal common descent evolution are naturalists. That is, nature is all that exists. No room for spirits, the Creator, or other intangibles. Atheists and evolutionists cannot legitimately account for consciousness so they dismiss it as an illusion.

Naturalism cannot be lived consistently, as logic, morality, love, and other things are not material. They have those in their lives anyway. Somehow, naturalists are reluctantly admitting that consciousness cannot be a product of matter, and believe it is manifest in all sorts of things, which is panpsychism.

Evolutionists tend to believe that consciousness is just an illusion. Some admit it is real. The benefits of sleep also show the reality of the mind.
Sleeping Sailor / Henry Scott Tuke, ca. 1905
Consciousness indicates that something exists beyond naturalism, so secularists try to find physical answers for the mind and have bizarre ideas for the soul. They also have to take sleep into account. Sleep is necessary and it is restorative. The Creator also designed us to have physical and mental benefits during sleep time, but also the physical processes occur to wake us up and use those intangible minds of ours again.
Evolutionary researchers encountering evidence for consciousness have been forced to shift their weight to the other foot, so to speak, and acknowledge the reality of consciousness rather than asserting that the essence of mind is merely an illusion. Evidence on the question of consciousness extends from flowers to butterflies.

To read the rest of this article by a supporter of Intelligent Design, click on "Consciousness — At Odds with the Flesh." For the multimedia that is usually attached to these posts and articles, I am referring you to more material from the ID folks at the Discovery Institute. This short article links two podcasts about sleeping and waking. Use discretion in all these things, as ID is definitely not creationist.