
Showing posts from September, 2023

The Enlightenment and Misrepresenting Religion

In many philosophies, to be enlightened  means to have attained a superior mental or spiritual place. Professing atheists use it to claim that they are free from the bondage of religion, therefore, are superior to religious people. This in itself is fallacious and gives lie to their claim. Misotheists even have a period in history called the Enlightenment (or Age of Reason). This was an intellectual movement that the philosophers of the time adored. Modern secularists say that religion held back scientific progress and brought in the falsely-named Dark Ages. Storming of the Bastille , Anonymous, 1789 Enlightened atheists — alleged freethinkers — are making assumptions and spreading them as facts. The most egregious is that Christianity imprisons minds, but that's the opposite of the truth. Science was more of a curiosity than something useful for many years (nor did it have the worshipful status that Scientism  has today). Nonetheless, the founders of scientific disciplines we...

The Marvel of Chameleon Vision

The 1981 remake of the song "Bette Davis Eyes" was a huge hit, but this child failed to see what was special about them. Could she move each one independently? Mayhaps a rewrite about someone who "has chameleon eyes" would be interesting. When discussing alleged facts by evolutionists, likely, probably, scientists think,  and other terms are used to dodge the issues but still promote their faith. In this case, discussing how the eyes and vision of chameleons operate practically require such words — the reptiles are not talking. Chameleon on a branch, Pixabay / Shilona We have examined the most obvious trait of chameleons before, the ability to change color . It seems their vision has been underrated, which presents problems to evolution. No other land animal has the independent eye motion which still makes sense because of the brain's intricacies. What we have here is yet another example of the Master Engineer's work. Most vertebrate animals have their eyes ...

Dinosaurs Jump Through Hoops for Evolutionists

Yeah, sure. Evolution is the manipulation and omission of facts so that evidence gives the appearance of supporting it, especially since people are deceived. (This is because they have not been taught to think critically.) Secularists can tell tales of dinosaurs and make them seem to obey the bidding of naturalists. Some famous illusionists may seem to make huge statues disappear, have their heads drop off, levitate, or even the comparatively tame card tricks — which can still be impressive. The tricks have the appearance of legitimacy because only a select few know important details. Dinosaur jumping through hoop made at NightCafe AI image generator As you have probably gathered, the tricks are on those on the receiving end of evolutionary propaganda. Some of us know how to watch for weasel words where probably, scientists think, and other things are used to get people excited because they think they are learning scientific facts. They won't because dinosaurs were created, not ev...

Information in a Single Hair

Something that prompted me to watch television shows on forensic science in crime scene investigations was learning that origins science is forensic in nature. Biblical creationists, Intelligent Design enthusiasts, and evolutionists attempt to use forensic science to determine events in the past. In detective shows based in modern times, technicians are glad to find strands of hair (even better if the root is intact). The hair contains DNA and other information. However, the hair itself is distinct from animal fur, which is readily apparent under a microscope. Human hair under a microscope, Flickr / BobMacInnes ( CC BY 2.0 ) Our hair is different than that of the beasts, old son. While misotheists and other evolutionists like to insist that humans are animals (which can be true from a classification standpoint ), we are much more than that. There are many biological distinctions which reflect the fact that we are distinctly created by God. Hairs are one of the most common biological p...

Carnarvon Gorge Explained by the Genesis Flood

In Central Queensland, Australia, away from city life on the coasts, in Carnarvon National Park. In there is a place known as Carnarvon Gorge. Not only is it interesting geologically, but it is also the home of numerous different kinds of critters. In the gorge is Carnarvon Creek, and like Grand Canyon in the formerly United States, the tale is told that the gorge was carved out by the creek. When geologists make claims, whether uniformitarian long-age geologists or catastrophist biblical creationists, it is fair to expect observed evidence to support them. Carnarvon Gorge, Flickr / Roderick Eime ( CC BY-ND 2.0 ) A basic working knowledge of the Genesis Flood is important. It was global, and not just caused by forty days and nights of rain. The "fountains of the great deep" burst open, plus volcanic activity, tsunamis, great storms caused by warmer oceanic waters, mountains were uplifted, and more. There was deposition when the waters were rising, and also when they receded ...

Butterflies, Learning, and Memory

Spatial learning. Sounds like something out of science fiction, but the real meaning is actually quite interesting. Living things get information about their environments, remember, organize, and use it. A dog ventures out of the yard but a bigger dog snarls at him. He hurries back home to safety, having utilized his spatial memory. Humans and large animals have it, and insects that live in communal nests have been studied. Then scientists took a notion to study certain butterflies. Heliconius butterfly, Flickr / Wildcat Dunny ( CC BY 2.0 ) Complex learning skills were found in the Heliconius  butterfly genus. They seek out pollen for feeding along their routes, exhibiting long-term memory because they returned to their favorite diners. Researchers praised evolution, but that was a matter taken by faith, not actual evidence. In reality, the evidence shows that these tiny brains and how they are used are the products of design by the Creator. Gone are the days when many people (bi...

Domestic Cat Evolution Story Fails

Those of us who have known our cats and had some with us for years understand that the love exchanged remains long after they are gone. Basement Cat has been gone for over three years but I still get misty-eyed. God has created many gifts for us, whether food or things to discover and use, to better our lives. I fully believe that pets are a part of it. Believers in chemicals-to-cat evolution tell a tail about gradual domestication and call it evolution. Even though the story seems plausible, there is no evidence of evolution. Basement Cat on computer looking at Basement Cat, photo by Robert N. Sorensen Cats may have become domesticated from certain wild cats in Africa. Many are the size of house cats ( Rusty-spotted cats are a bit smaller). Some cats have a nasty disposition that can never be tamed. An example of the deceptive nature of evolutionary storytelling is the claim that thirteen genes changed by natural selection in the domestication process. Akshully, that number between ...

The Folly of a Tranquil Genesis Flood

There are professing Christians that cannot accept the book of Genesis as written, so they insert huge amounts of time between the first two verses of Genesis , say that the creation account was a "framework" , and more. Why these jaspers feel the need to add atheistic interpretations of geology to the Word of God is baffling. It seems that some people grab onto practically anything, no matter how silly, if it makes them feel better. How about a Flood that did not disturb anything? No torrential waters, no flood deposition (which biblical creationists have abundantly documented), but it was tranquil . Leaf floating in water, Pexels / Mathias Reding The theological aspects of a tranquil Flood are easily dispensed by looking at both the Old and New Testaments. Let's consider the physical. Granted, there was not a passel of physics and hydrology back when the idea was proposed like we have today. Even so, it should have been laughed away. Such an amount of water leaving no m...

The Rhythm of the Woodpecker

A few days ago, I met up with Ruby Slippers, a good friend of Stormie Waters. She told me they had been out riding in Stormie's buckboard on a nice day and found themselves near the Darwin Ranch. Russell Watchtower was practicing his upcoming lecture on woodpeckers. When the girls told me about it, I was a mite surprised. As we discussed before, woodpeckers showcase the skill of the Master Engineer , so it would be smart for evolutionists to skirt that subject. Instead, they have some more fact-free science to present to the gullible. Hand-feeding a Downy Woodpecker, Unsplash / Tevin Trinh Apparently the woodpecker has a certain gene in common with songbirds, therefore, evolution. It is  interesting that in addition to pecking to get into trees and such to chow down on insects, they use their specially-reinforced beaks and heads to drum those rapid bursts. Drumming substitutes for singing a bird song. This testifies of the Creator, not evolution, old son. The sweet melody of songb...

Your Inner Fish — and Heart Problems

This post is about hearts. Mine is broken. Yesterday, my wife died from complications after surgery. She is now with Jesus and others who have gone on before. That takes some of the edge off my immense sorrow. Please pray for me and all I have to deal with in the next few weeks. Long before she was stricken, I wrote this post. Interestingly, I learned that she was greatly distressed over my time away for heart surgery. Now it is the opposite. She expected me to return home, now I will meet her in our eternal home... One of the most outrageous comments I ever saw from an atheist was regarding how a biblical creationist should not be allowed in the space program. The reason? A Christian's beliefs may cause him to do stupid things and jeopardize lives of astronauts or wreck space probes and such. Obviously, he did not know what creationists actually believe, so he filled up on bigotry and prejudicial conjecture — without evidence. What if we applied the same reasoning to fish-to-fool ...

Deceptive Science Journals and the Leftist Science Agenda

Science is supposed to be about searching for knowledge, but special interests have long sought to keep inconvenient information hidden from consideration ( just ask Galileo ). Although creationists publish in peer-reviewed journals, it must be on acceptable topics — the Genesis Flood and recent creation are streng verboten . There is tremendous pressure on many in the secular science industry, and some scientists have a "publish or perish" sword dangling over their heads. That and personal greed  motivate quite a few to cheat so they can have their names on display in prestigious journals. Many topics are either taboo or the narrative is preordained by secularists in power. Sure, go ahead and discuss climate change or other subjects near and dear to the cold, hard hearts of the left. Just make certain that the contents follow the limitations; no one here will save you, just replace you. Got that, chief? For that matter, adherents of Scientism often think that peer review is...

Validating the Early Israelite Kingdom

It may seem unusual to find material about ancient Bible history on sites that primarily focus on creation science, but we also uphold the accuracy, inerrancy, and authority of Scripture. Some among the faithless claim that Saul, David, and Solomon were minor actors in unimportant tribes. It may seem like reasonable speculations at first glance, but such ideas cannot be supported. While criticism is ramping up in some areas, archaeological evidence is being discovered that supports the Bible and refutes the critics. Meeting between the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon , Piero della Francesca, 1466 There will always be scoffers who try to undermine the historicity of the Bible. There are numerous instances where it was said to be wrong because "archaeology never found..." (which is a fallacious argument from silence), and then Scripture has been vindicated by later discoveries. We're talking about thousands of years, so many things have turned to dust and been blown away by...

Racial Brain Collecting and Evolution

Everyone has presuppositions and worldviews, and these things drive science. Secular science assumes that the universe is billions of years old and that cosmic, chemical, biological, and other evolutions happened. Biblical creation science affirms recent creation, and modifications are not evolution. Evolution extends beyond academic and scientific discussions and influences the lives of people. While people disliked other ethnic groups different from their own, Darwinian evolution (and modifications) gave rise to "scientific racism" and greatly increased the problem. Smithsonian Building, Wikimedia Commons / Noclip (modified at Fotosketcher ).jpg Evolutionists often become incensed when it is pointed out that Charles Darwin was a blatant racist. Some try to improve history , but the facts cannot be changed. In the Victorian era and later, scientists attempted to justify racism and eugenics. They insisted that darker people were physically and mentally inferior to white folk...

Homology, Convergence, and Evolutionary Mythology

Proponents of descent with modifications evolution have several fundamental beliefs, many of which are comprised of inference, ignoring relevant data, and Making Things Up™. Homology involves studying similar characteristics in living things and insisting that they have common ancestors. Convergence  is another fundamental dogma, asserting that totally different organisms evolved the same traits. Convergent evolution is — face it — a secular miracle. Both convergence and homology rely a great deal on assumptions and imagination. Further, evolution is presupposed to be the only explanation for what is observed. Astyanax mexicanus , Wikimedia Commons / Citron ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Blind cave fish have lost traits (which for some reason inspires praise to Darwin), and developed adaptations. In addition to various cavefish species, other cave-dwelling critters also have adaptations. To appeal to convergence is a science stopper. Instead, creatures should be investigated for the built-in...

Malaria Invading USA Again

Wait, what? Malaria has been eradicated in these parts for decades. Well, not really. In a way, it is not entirely surprising for infections to show up. Folks go to countries where it still exists, get bitten by an infected mosquito, then exhibit symptoms later. What is disconcerting is when malaria is locally acquired. On this big continent, conditions have to be right for it to spread. Someone can be a carrier, get bitten by a mosquito, then that  noxious critter bites someone else and gives the gift of malaria. It is not always fatal, and is a disease involving four different parasites. Plasmodium vivax schizonts, CDC / Dr. Mae Melvin It is apparent that Plasmodium vivax has been designed. This touches on an area where creationists have to be ready to explain themselves. Yes, everything was created, and it was very good  at the end of creation week. When Adam sinned, things began to fall apart. Death and disease showed up. Like other things like viruses and bacteria, Plas...

Out-of-Place Pollen Makes Darwin Sneeze

Down South America way in an interesting meeting place of Venezuela, Brazil, and Guyana is flat-top Mount Roraima. Mountains like this are said to have been planed flat by erosion, but planation surfaces are troublesome to secular geologists. One reason is that it is not seen happening today. Mr. Roraima contains a small problem: fossilized pollen. It should not exist, but occurs here and in other places as well. Secular dating methods indicate that the mountain is 1.8 billion years old. There was not supposed to be multicellular life on Earth yet. Mount Roraima, Wikimedia Commons / M M ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Obviously, pollen comes from plants. According to fundamentalist evolutionists, there were no plants 1.8 billion years ago. This is not a new discovery, either, since it was known from 1963. Some secularists wanted to adjust the data to fit their views, even saying that there was contamination. Nope. Instead of admitting that their evolutionary views have been falsified, they put it o...

Secularists Avoiding the Important Questions

Time and time again, materialists demonstrate disdain for freedoms of speech and thought. One way this is demonstrated is when misotheists insist that certain things cannot be questioned, such as atoms-to-atheist evolution. They frequently tell people what  to think. Such an approach is contrary to true science. Indeed, it suppresses free speech — and thought. Biblical creationists encourage critical thinking, which includes asking questions. Not just to clarify, but difficult questions as well. Materialists have a tendency to leave important or even obvious questions unanswered in their reports. Question mark in system, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann (Geralt) Some very basic questions can raise the hackles of secularists, and if consumers of secular science will study on some things, they can ask probing questions as well. Asking such things takes some of the power out of the propaganda efforts; shut up and believe. This is good practice in critical thinking and may prompt secularists t...

Creation and the Fine-Structure Constant

Mathematicians are obviously fond of numbers, but some are exceptionally intriguing to them. A few have been discovered in comparatively recent times. In nature and architecture there is the Golden Ratio , and physics has a passel of constants that physicists wrestle over. Theoretical physicists have long been puzzled by the unsolvable fine-structure constant . This bad boy makes appearances in many areas of physics, and apparently relates to charged particles and the electromagnetic force. If it were different, life would not be possible! Expression of fine-line constant according to Bing AI image generator Secular scientists have no idea of the source for the fine-structure constant. That, and its importance to life, are two probable reasons that this number becomes an obsession for some quantum mechanics physicists. It even sets the size of atoms! The fine-structure constant is so important and unique, it is clearly an example of the Creator's genius. The job of physicists is to...

Cave Formation and the Genesis Flood

Speleology is the study of caves, but seems to be of lesser importance to geology as a whole. These holes come in many shapes and sizes. Secular geologists took the standard uniformitarian view that involves acidic water dripping down, but they are realizing that this view does not address observed evidence. Admittedly, there are several areas where creation science needs more experts and more robust explanations. One of these is speleology. There are a few creationists who explore and discuss caves, and one aspect of the history comes from a rather surprising source. "Church Organ" - Howe Caverns, Flickr / Shelby L. Bell ( CC BY 2.0 ) Exploring caves can be great fun, and being on an organized tour in some of the larger caves keeps people from wandering off and getting lost. Speleology is a younger discipline and based on the idea of water seeping down and carving out the caves. Studying caves began to be taken seriously in Romania. People didn't pay new ideas from the ...

Birds of the Galápagos and Natural Selection

It may seem that when creationists mention natural selection, we are giving Darwinists a foothold. Wrong-o! Natural selection was first discussed by creationists, then the Bearded Buddha hijacked and twisted it for his own agenda. The true concept is very real. Darwin was on what must have been an exciting five-year mission aboard the Beagle , and there was a long stop at the Galápagos islands. We looked at the tortoises , now we will consider the even more iconic birds. Flightless cormorant, WikiComm / Lip Kee ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia Environments change, so living things must adapt to survive. Interestingly, evolutionists maintain that the loss of features  (such as when certain insects and birds — cormorants — become flightless) is evidence for their conjectures, but the truth is quite the opposite. Also, the islands have boobys, which are closely related to gannets. There are three main varieties that have differences in their actions. Natural selection at wor...

The Horse Series is Bad Evolution, of Course, of Course

Out at the Darwin Ranch, Russell Watchtower of the Ministry of Truth and his pal Al Buehterawl were a mite giddy. Word has it that they were all excited about a new report on the horse evolution. Although the horse series has been touted as one of the best examples of evolution, it is full of difficulties . The flimsy story is something that biblical creationists have been using for many years as an example of interpreting data from a fundamentally-flawed presupposition, ignoring other possibilities for observed data, and just bad logic. But those old boys are thrilled that the mystery of the disappearing toes has been solved. Horse hoof, Pexels / Barbara Olsen Darwin's disciples selected candidates for the horse lineage from (among other things) size. They also claim that over time, the toes on the critters reduced until we have the single hoofed animal we see today. That has been a problem. Some evolutionists think that all four toes are still present, but vestigial. Hail Darwin,...

RNA Editing in Octopuses Defies Evolution

Sometimes a search on free-to-use graphic sites for alien  yields octopuses. While most of those search engines are terrible, there are people who think that because the octopus has so many amazing traits, it is actually an alien being. In reality, the Creator blessed them with several amazing characteristics.  They are cold-blooded, but their heads are susceptible to temperatures. Some researchers got a notion to study the two-spot octopus and its neurological functions. The genome was sequenced, so they had that going for them, which is nice. Two-spotted octopus, Flickr / Jerry Kirkhart ( CC BY 2.0 ) According to evolutionary speculations, mutations gradually accumulate over a long period of time. However, they are nowhere near as random as thought . In addition, the RNA is changing the coding and proteins. Mutations are not permanent, and the RNA editing happens very quickly. This is clearly evidence of the Master Designer's work. Octopi are incredible and intelligent crea...

Filtering Out their own Noise

Another word that can be used in a variety of ways and depends on context is noise . It may be rap "music," trash collection at 5 AM, or other annoying sounds. However, noise may not always refer to sound! Some critters emit odors of their own but need to sniff out things without being overwhelmed by their own. Remember neurons , for which Darwin's acolytes cannot explain the origin? Biological noise canceling happens at that level. It works in a similar manner as noise cancellation in headphones, where a receiving neuron sends information to the sending neuron to cancel the noise. Elephant fish, Wikimedia Commons / F.E. Clarke , 1866 (public domain) Experiments were conducted on mormyrid fish (such as the elephant fish), which can emit and receive electrical currents. It sends out pulses, but must be able to tune them out when necessary signals are returned. Of course, credit is given to evolution and not the Creator who designed these systems. It would be interesting if...

Geological Dating Confused by Assumptions

There are numerous problems with the standard version of geology. It is based on uniformitarianism (slow and gradual processes; the present is the key to the past), and observed facts do not fit their paradigm. Replying to a recent post about unconformities (a problem well known in secular geology), one jasper stated that unconformities are only a problem to people who do not understand geology. That is like the absurd, "People reject evolution because they do not understand it." Unfortunately, geology is tainted by a dedication to furnish millions of years so that evolution can happen. Creek in canyon, Pixnio / Maysam Yabandeh Charles Lyell sought to free the science of geology from Moses. Actually, secular geology needs a reformation to free the science from Darwin! Like biological evolution, secular geologists tap dance around observed problems in procedures, including dating methods. When necessary, secular geologists have appealed to catastrophic processes happening with...