Never Mind the Brain
by Cowboy Bob Sorensen One person may admonish another to use his or her brain when thinking is desired, which is a common mistake. That is because the brain itself has no consciousness. The mind uses the brain. Look at this correct wording on Doctor Who between the Fourth Doctor and Harry Sullivan in " Ark in Space ": DOCTOR: You're improving, Harry. HARRY: Am I really? DOCTOR: Yes, your mind is beginning to work. It's entirely due my influence, of course. You mustn't take any credit. Although searching for a place in the brain where consciousness (the soul) resides is a flaming inconsistency in their worldview, materialists (all that exists is matter, no God, no spirits) continue to search. The question is even worse for them when dealing with artificial intelligence . Brain and consciousness, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann (Geralt) Materialists cling to evolution to explain origins as a major part of their worldview. Creationists know that God created man in his im...