Why James Tour Lost the Origins Debate to Dave Farina
by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
Edited for wording 23 February 2025
Something that keeps getting slipped over the transom in my study is news about Dr. James Tour. He is a professor of several things including chemistry at Rice University, and friendly with the Discovery Institute, an Intelligent Design organization. He makes Darwin sad by refuting claims of materialists on the origin of life.
No, I refuse to accept the claims of Darwin's acolytes on social(ist) media and elsewhere that the OoL has nothing to do with evolution, as that claim has been handily refuted many times over.
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Dr. Tour did not even know about Farina until someone flagged him that he was being attacked in one of Dave's videos. Something else that is common among militant atheists is resorting to ad hominem, genetic, and poisoning the well fallacies like he did here. Essentially, if someone is "religious", then they have no business discussing science. Not only is that an anti-knowledge, anti-science belief, it is completely irrelevant to a topic at hand.
Farina also conflates evolution with science; the ol' bait 'n' switch. Those of us who question or even reject evolution are, therefore, science deniers. Such a trick is sneaky and dishonest, and is another tactic common among professing atheists. He also made use of straw men and red herrings.
Dave seems to have not blipped on the radar of biblical creationists, but his pot shots at the Intelligent Design movement and its proponents finally got him some attention with them. When he attacked Dr. Stephen Meyer, Dr. Günter Bechly responded with a lengthy series of posts dismantling Farina's material. (Bechly was attacked for responding to Dave's rant against Casey Luskin.)
Let's move forward two years from Farina's previous diatribes against James Tour. He made a generous offer so that Dave Farina could debate him in person. I do not know how much of the offer was accepted, but a debate was indeed held at Rice University. It did not go well.
The debate was structured reasonably well. The actual content was a cacophony, and the moderator did not do his job effectively. Whether Tour and the moderator knew about logical fallacies or were simply unwilling to call Farina out, I am clueless. Dave use ad hominems again, and added elephant hurling, straw man, and appeal to motive (among others) to his fallacies. Also, he used the false "Gish Gallop" claim, which I have refuted here.
Farina called Tour a liar, which regular readers know gets me on the prod. Not much chance that Dave will see this, but listen up: Disagreement is not lying! Nor is having reached a conclusion that one disagrees with. Nor is being wrong. Nor is simply disliking the evidence someone presents. For an accusation that someone is a liar, it is necessary to indicate that they are attempting to deceive. Assertions of liar are only assertions. Indeed, making them without evidence makes you the liar. You savvy that?
Dave gives the impression that he has a huge ego. Anyone who disagrees with him is stupid, and he denigrated the audience several times — even though he had supporters. He even cursed at them; apparently the f-word is appropriate for academia now. A very stupid assumption he made is that the audience (who wanted to see this science debate) could not understand, and anyone who supported Dr. Tour approved of his "lies". Farina fancies himself smarter than Dr. Tour, and insulted his intelligence numerous times (Prov. 27:3). He also claimed to have reduced Tour's credibility to zero, but quite the opposite happened (Prov. 29:9, 18:2, Psalm 14:1).
James Tour spotted Dave Farina several important steps in the origin of life to shorten the discussion. He said that he was going to treat Dave like he would one of his own graduate students. (If that involves both parties shouting over each other, I'm not into it.) Even so, Tour demanded several times that Farina write the chemistry on the board. Dave insisted that the evidence is there in his citations, but he never made an effort to show that he knew what he was talking about. It reminds me of when Darwin's disciples say there are "mountains of evidence for evolution" and then expect everyone else to go and look.
Why Dr. Tour Lost the Debate
ID proponents are saying that James won the debate on science. I know what I heard in the debate, and that Dave didn't meet the challenges. That would qualify me to carry Dr. Tour's briefcase, but I cognate nothing pertaining to that kind of science.
James is a devout Christian, but it is indeed unfortunate that he is unaware of several important things essential to the Christian life. First, all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in Christ, and this affects every area of our thinking. He should not have done the "neutral ground" thing and leave God out of it. Although Dr. Tour apparently does not espouse what is called Intelligent Design Theory, I must remind people that the ID movement has very serious limitations.
"Does that mean you wanted him to use the Bible as a science reference, Cowboy Bob?"
Not hardly! Atheists presuppose materialism, and Christians should be presupposing the truth of Scripture in all areas. We cannot be neutral. However, we can and should present evidence in a presuppositional framework.
Dave has a fundamentally-flawed epistemology because he hates God (Rom. 1:18-23) and needs to repent (John 3:16, Luke 24:46-47, 2 Peter 3:9). By taking the God-free approach, Tour lost the debate because he denied what God says about the unbeliever and about knowledge! The irony is that the origin of life is a matter of faith and it is philosophy, not science. Indeed, knowledge itself is impossible without God. Yes, we use operational science when discussing historical science like origins, but the whole picture must be taken into account.
I'm asking a lot because I want people to understand. Please read (or reread) "Evidential or Presuppositional Apologetics?"
I strongly recommend that James reads The Ultimate Proof of Creation by Dr. Jason Lisle. It is not a "smoking gun" or "knockout punch" to drive unbelievers to their knees in repentance, but is a powerful apologetics method. Also, Dr. Lisle has several videos on the subject that are available on YouTube and other places. If Tour had been up on this (and on calling out logical fallacies), the debate would not have been painful to endure.
Apparently Dr. Tour does not believe in recent creation, so he may have trouble explaining the global Genesis Flood.
The Intelligent Design People are Thrilled
- Stay Tuned, but Here Are a Few Notes on Dave Farina versus James Tour by David Klinghoffer
- Where’s the Chemistry? On the Origin of Life, James Tour Exposes Professor Dave as “Clueless” by Casey Luskin
- Atheists Review Professor Dave’s Debate Performance by David Klinghoffer
- “Well, Everyone Has to Have a Birthday” — How Professor Dave Botches Probability by William A. Dembsky (the title does not do this insightful article justice)
- Hello, Professor Dave: James Tour’s Criticisms of OOL Research Echo Those of Other Experts by Brian Miller
- A War of Words? How to Tell Who Won the Tour-Farina Debate by Casey Luskin
- Professor Dave in His “Debate” with James Tour Showcases the Art of Citation Bluffing by Brian Miller
- “Professor Dave” and the Art of Projection by Robert Shedinger
- Professor Dave — Conspiracy Theorist by David Klinghoffer
- James Tour Focused on Science, Dave Farina on Character Assassination: So, Who Wins? by Casey Luskin ("Farina’s style is incredibly common, especially among Internet atheists, and it’s an ugly way of suppressing dialogue, debate, and the search for truth. Beware of Internet atheists and others who seek, in this way, to turn the conversation into an exercise in dysfunction.")
- Exposing Professor Dave’s Playground Tactics and Citation Bluffing Blitz by Casey Luskin (contains a great deal of technical material on the issue)