
Showing posts from May, 2023

Darwinism and the Rwandan Genocide

Imagine if you will that you had a good relationship with a neighboring group of people, and things were fine for many years. Some people from your group even married people from their group. Things changed. They are now considered inferior and should be killed. Folks in your group accepted those racist views and the reasoning behind them. Obviously, this describes Nazi Germany. It also describes other places. A common factor is evolutionary thinking, which influences many areas in societies, such as law . It may be surprising to learn that Darwinism was instrumental in the Rwandan Genocide of 1994. Ntrama church altar, site of one massacre, Flickr / Scott Chacon ( CC BY 2.0 ) German colonists, and then later the Dutch, brought their Darwinist views and imposed them on Rwandan tribes. This Victorian myth of origins elevates white people to the pinnacle of evolution. By presupposing evolution and racism, colonists infected the people with the view that one tribe (race) was superior...

New Jellyfish Discovered, no Evolution

In a way, it should not be surprising that a jellyfish was discovered way down in the deep blue sea — well, not so blue at such depths. More like black because light does not reach there. We have not explored the sea extensively because of darkness, pressure, temperatures, and more. We looked at how anemones are unfriendly to believers in descent with modifications evolution a while ago. They are so delicate, fossilization is rare. Jellyfish are also fragile and the proper conditions are necessary for fossilization. Jellyfish Atolla reynoldsi ,  NOAA ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia The fossil record shows something that is unsurprising to biblical creationists: Jellyfish have always been jellyfish even after millions years in the conventional dating system. They were created to be what they are. Sure, there are varieties. But no sign of transitional forms in all that time. The eyes of the box jellyfish are baffling to secular scientists. Maybe A. reynoldsi  has som...

Secularists Make Excuses for No Space Aliens

Lisa Myworries, supervisor of the Winkie Guards at the Darwin Ranch, recently mentioned having problems. Someone on the staff was selling peyote buttons to the Guards. She said it was difficult enough to keep them on task, then someone gets that stuff to them. The ranch hands hallucinate, which explains some of their Just-So Stories in the name of evolutionary science. Space aliens are the imaginary invisible friends of secularists, and both the ranch hands and the Guards think they are talking to the aliens. Scientists studying space alien, made with Bing AI Image Creator It is a reasonable conclusion that materialists put so much time, money, and effort into finding extraterrestrial life is that they believe it would prove not only evolution, but also a Creator-free origin of life. Think about it: Origin of life studies are not going forward; they are disjointed. Mayhaps someone should ask Dave Farina why their is no unity and so much failure in OoL research. All that wasted educati...

Why James Tour Lost the Origins Debate to Dave Farina

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edited for wording 23 February 2025  Something that keeps getting slipped over the transom in my study is news about Dr. James Tour. He is a professor of several things including chemistry at Rice University, and friendly with the Discovery Institute, an Intelligent Design organization. He makes Darwin sad by refuting claims of materialists on the origin of life. No, I refuse to accept the claims of Darwin's acolytes on social(ist) media and elsewhere that the OoL has nothing to do with evolution, as that claim has been handily refuted many times over. Background image by Cowboy Bob Sorensen , photos from James Tour's YouTube post, then modified* Dave Farina considers himself an educator on science topic and has made good use of the popularity of YouTube. His channel is Professor Dave Explains . (People can give themselves whatever name they want in their channels, but in science and academia, claiming titles like doctor or professor is akin to stolen val...

The Carnian Pluvial Earth History Fiction

Every once in a while, the hands at the Darwin Ranch out yonder near Deception Pass like to join in the celebrations when secularists bring something out of mothballs and parade it like it was actual science. Since climate change is a big subject nowadays, the Carnian pluvial episode was promoted. Most people are probably unaware of this story, but it involves a supposedly wet period of a million or two years in Earth history. It was in the Carnian stage of the Triassic period. Water on rocks, Pixabay / Dominik Fuchs When the tale is told, it is said that this period was important for the evolution of dinosaurs, mammals, and other critters. There was also a great deal of climate change (when it wasn't raining). The evidence is subjective, and once again, a desperate attempt to explain history and evolution fails in light of creation and the Genesis Flood. Lots of story, very little substance This is leading up to a feedback article at Creation Ministries International, which provid...

Yet Again, Saturn's Rings are Young

For thousands of years, planets were only known as brighter stars that moved differently than the others in the night sky. Telescopes came on the scene, and more wonders unfolded. In 1659, Christiaan Huygens determined that Saturn has a ring system. With greater technology (including space probes to go up and look), more rings in the system have been found. Those around Saturn baffle scientists with their structures and complexity, defying secular planetary formation speculations. Rings have been discovered on other bodies in our solar system . Saturn and rings, NASA / JPL-Caltech and others (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) It amazes this child how biblical creationists will relate that secular scientists admit Saturn's rings are far younger than they thought , then misotheists mock us — yet we are often more current with science than they are! Scientists are adding fuel to the fire by reaffirming the youthfulness of the rings. Also, the rings are  ephemera...

Anemones are Unfriendly to Evolution

Sea anemones are not helpful to evolution. These friends of clownfish did not fossilize easily, like their jellyfish cousins. Apparently anemone fossils are rarer than those of jellyfish. Like with so many other creatures, there is no sign of evolution in the fossil record. The old story of something dying and sinking, then getting covered up and eventually become permineralized into the fossils we all know and love is false, but secular dogma. That is why secular scientists are started by fossils of soft creatures, organs, and the like. Sea Anemone, Flickr / Bernard Spragg (public domain) For something to fossilize, it requires rapid burial. This provides the materials as well as the conditions lacking in the typical secular story. The overwhelming majority of the billions of fossils that were buried all around the globe are marine organisms. This easily indicates the Genesis Flood. Interestingly, secularists are also discussing rapid burial. Unsurprisingly, they do not mention the ...

Genetics and the Old Recipe Box

Nonfiction books in libraries are usually filed according to the Dewey Decimal System, grouping subjects in an order that many people prefer (unlike the Library of Congress system). This child was reasonably skilled at using the library card catalog . It was a pointer of sorts, indicating the probable place on the shelf where a book was located. More involved was another system, unique to each designer, of recipe cards. Standard index cards were stored in metal or wooden boxes, having details of recipe ingredients and instructions. They were often grouped by subjects. Recipe Box, Flickr / Joy Garnett ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ), modified The article featured below takes a unique approach that shows similarities and differences between the ol' recipe box and the science of genetics pioneered by creationist Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him). Both have sets of instructions for making an organism. Some living things could have similar ingredients, but differences in finer details yield different ...

No Love for Dinosaur Soft Tissues

Keep in mind that the word fossil  is often used loosely in paleontology, not always permineralized (turned to stone). Soft tissues and the like have been found for many years, and fossil hunter Mary Anning did paintings with fossilized octopus ink in 1865 . Squid ink was allegedly 165 million years old  and also used for artwork. Believers in an ancient earth were forced to notice soft tissues when Mary Schweitzer announced soft, pliable dinosaur blood vessels in 2004. This could not be ignored. Claiming contamination did not work, so to give Darwin the millions of years he needs his wonders to perform, weird excuses ensued. Dinosaur, RGBStock / Kevin Tuck , modified at Photo Funny In their worldview, secular scientists presuppose that Earth is ancient and that life evolved from minerals. They are continually thwarted by the facts, and have to force what is observed into their presuppositions. It would be in their best interests to question deep time and question evoluti...

Evolutionists Blunder on Bumblebee Intelligence

Riding back one day after visiting my prospector friend Stormie Waters, I felt a thump  near my left shoulder but paid it no nevermind. A few seconds later and owwww ! Near as I can figure, a bumblebee smacked into me, fell down a ways, crawled up and stung me. These fuzzy creatures are sometimes thought of as stupid and aggressive, but neither is true . The incident was just one of those things. They have good eyesight to distinguish flowers, and they are better pollinators than honey bees. Bumblebee, Hippopx ( CC0 1.0 ) Many creatures have been discovered to have higher levels of intelligence than expected. They also have abilities that are truly amazing (such as birds having a built-in GPS ). Bumblers were presented with a puzzle box that would give them a tasty reward when opened. Some could figure it out themselves, but did better when they watched other bumblebees — and learned. Of course, Darwinists had to talk about the origin of such behaviors in social insects instead of...

Sanitizing Darwin's Racist History Again

Sometimes when creationists bring up Charles Darwin's racism, it puts  burrs under the saddles of his followers. They claim it is an ad homiem  and a distraction, but the fact remains despite their protestations. It has also been extensively documented. His racism is extremely relevant, as it is entrenched in his evolutionary conjectures. We saw how a couple of his biographers falsely tried to say that his theory had a noble motive , the abolition of slavery. Professor Joseph L. Graves, Jr. is up to something similar. Celebration of Abolition of 1866 via NYPL , colorized at Palette , then modified at PhotoFunia The professor is celebrated as the first black man to get a doctorate in evolutionary biology, and my response is, "Big deal." Evolutionary biology is self-serving and has little value to real science. Also, how many black people are attracted to studying something this area? (Asking for a friend.) Seems strange to prop up a field where your "rac...

An Evangelist for the Gospel of Darwin

Although they keep it under wraps, the hands at the Darwin Ranch have worship services. Sebastian the latrine digger was talking about new prayer candles on order and select writings from Charles Darwin would be printed up in smaller volumes as gospels. Study on it a spell. Everyone has a worldview. Evolution is religious in nature, with not only the origins mythology, but also salvation and the coming glorious future. They presuppose atheistic naturalism in a way similar to Christians presupposing the truth of the Bible. Evangelism photo Library of Congress , 1939, colorized at Palette , monkey photobomb added  As stated in previous posts and articles, people have their worldviews that use presuppositions. We all interpret things through those lenses. Professing atheists often lean toward Postmodernism , saying there is no absolute truth or moral standard. When atheists assert things are right or wrong, or want to use evolutionary thinking for good in the world, they are inadverte...

Giant Ants Found in Canada

Think of Them! , the 1954 movie where atomic blasts caused ants to mutate into giants that ate people. Excellent science documentary. Well, except for the fact that mutations do not work that way at all, and it is impossible for ants to get that big . Relatively speaking, ancient ants and other creatures were giants in comparison to those living today. There were ants called  Titanomyrma by paleontologists, comparable in size to a small wren. Secular scientists saw their fossils in various places, but their arrival in Canada did not fit their paradigm. Titanomyrma gigantea , Wikimedia Commons / Ghedoghedo ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) A Titanomyrma  fossil was found in Canada caused no small difficulty to secular scientists, such as how they crossed continents during cold times. Some weird speculations were proposed, but no go. If scientists would tear down the Darwin Wall and consider creation science Genesis Flood models, they would not need to evosplain things with nonsense. Evolutio...

Wondering at Wolverines

Michigan is called the wolverine state, and unofficially the wolverine is the state animal. Strange because they never had a large population of the critters. Now they are found way up yonder in the Northern Hemisphere, including Alaska, Canada, Northern Europe, Russia, and so on. They are endangered because of the usual problems like trapping and habitat reduction. When wolverines have the land, they are big-time travelers. If you happen to be in their area, it is best to just leave these strong and fierce animals well alone, Logan. Wolverine at Glacier National Park, NPS  (Public Domain, usage still does not imply endorsement) Wolverines are in the same group as badgers (another fighter) and weasels...I rather doubt that there have been talking animal movies made where a wolverine was the hero. They are because they will fight a wolf or a bear for a kill.  No known attacks on humans , though. These fierce overgrown gorgeous weasels are very intelligent as well. There are man...

Round Electrons Refute the Big Bang

It may seem counterintuitive, but the Big Bang and all those studies of the vast universe involve the tiniest particles. The Big Bang has been Frankensteined over the years and has little resemblance to the original, but all those rescuing devices do not hold up — and even work against it. Indeed, several years ago some physicists were experiencing cognitive dissonance when they said that the universe should not even exist . In addition, there are different kinds of particles comprising parts of an atom, including opposite antimatter versions . Big Bang abstract, Pixabay / Geralt (Gerd Altmann), modified at PhotoFunia Good science in particle physics works against Big Bang cosmogony. Like a relationship status on some social(ist) media: "It's complicated." If the Big Bang were true, there are certain asymmetries that should be detected way down at the subatomic level. Electrons are too perfectly round. Science supports creation (which secular scientists will not admit), ...

Studying Dead Fish for Deep Time

As discussed here several times, believers in descent with modifications evolution often conduct inefficient science. Many use the principle of Making Things Up™ and telling Just-So Stories that deceive people into thinking that they were in the presence of real science. One wonders if sloppy science is in an effort to avoid the facts, such as the presence of soft tissues in dinosaur fossils . Those should not exist after an alleged 65 million years. Research was conducted using dead sea bass in an attempt to determine why some soft parts fossilize but not others. Fossil sponge, Flickr / James St. John ( CC BY 2.0 ) Once again, secularists use bad logic by presuming evolution and deep time, then basing their research on those things. These wonder what kind of environment could cause fossilization. Biblical creationists argue that the global Genesis Flood provides those conditions, and this may be why they don't cowboy up and seriously deal with soft tissues and creation science Fl...

Our Moon Formed Very Quickly

Although Riekert Darkens was away from the Darwin Ranch doing his part-time carnival work, he managed to send them a telegram about new speculations in cosmic evolution. The ranch hands received it with the same joy that the early church received epistles from the apostles. Russell Watchtower read it to the group. Secular cosmologists have a variety of ideas for the formation of the moon, but all of them have insurmountable problems. Believers in stardust-to-stenographer evolution have to believe something  because the truth of special creation is unthinkable. Moon over Arizona, Unsplash / Ganapathy Kumar Our moon is unlike any other that we know about, even making it possible for life to be sustained through tidal actions. It is the right distance for a total eclipse, and there are other factors that make its creation the logical conclusion of observed facts . Secularists are going to balk at the new idea from their own people, but they are thinking that it formed very quickl...

Another Dinosaur Bird Candidate Crashes

President Ronald Reagan said, “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.” Similarly, Darwinists believe a lot of things that aren't so — and that they made up themselves. Consider  Cratonavis zhui . No, it is not a menu item. Secular scientists have problems with placing dinosaurs (see " Strange Dinosaur Classification is Strange " for one example). Now we have yet another Archaeopteryx to become a failed transitional form between dinosaurs and birds. Dinosaur bird thing via PxHere I'll allow that they have reasons for their confusion, but they are viewing through their Darwin spectacles instead of being as objective as they should be. Evolutionists often use viciously circular reasoning by assuming evolution to prove evolution, and C. zhui  has features that are similar to dinosaurs. It supposedly has a dinosaur head and a birdlike body There are several reasons to reject this as an example of evolution. In J...

Irrelevant Elephant Domestication Research

People complain about the waste of money spent on the space program or things that are truly insipid done in the name of scientific research, but where is the outcry over constant efforts to prove evolution through vacuous reasoning? Somehow the alleged self-domestication of elephants (we touched on this recently ) is being taken seriously. Part of the problem is the thinking that we are all related, having evolved from a common ancestor. Elephants are wild animals, old son, and thinking we share some personality traits does not make them our relatives. Elephant reading a book, made with  Bing Image Generator * and enhanced This self-domestication of elephants thing is based on natural selection, but where is the evidence? Assertions, presuppositions, and storytelling, sure, but that's it. Then they apply the concept to human behavior and hope it will pan out in the future. But these evolutionists don't understand their hypothesis (and calling it a hypothesis is overreaching). ...

Collapsing Arches Make Darwin Sad

Dust-to-Darwin evolution requires huge amounts of time, and secular geologists try to provide them. People are assured that Earth is billions of years old. They protect their belief system includes arguing from presuppositions and neglecting alternative explanations for observed data. Landforms that are supposed to be ancient have been collapsing — often dramatically. We recently saw how there have been large collapses of the cliffs of Dorset . Places in the American Southwest that were supposed to be millions of years old, and expected to last millions of years more, have crashed. Metate Arch, Devil's Garden, Flickr / Ken Lund ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) The guiding principle of secular geology is uniformitarianism : slow 'n' gradual processes over long periods. When asked about the causes of erosion, people will mention water and wind. Something that may not come to mind is lightning. I reckon severe weather, with heavy rainfall and lighting, is difficult to factor into secular pr...

Visitors to the Americas — First by Boat?

A few days ago, Roland Meadows and I were riding out near Stinking Lake (which is not as bad as it sounds) and the horses got nervous when we drew nearer to Deception Pass and the Darwin Ranch. We took another trail. Away. The ranch got us jawing about how animals dispersed after the Flood, and humans spread out after the language incident at Babel. I said that in the early nineteenth century, Russians came to Alaska and into California — note the bear and stars on their flag. Brazilian coast, ESA ( CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO ), usage does not imply endorsement of site contents Roland stated that around the Ice Age, animals dispersed by land and by rafting on log mats . He also told me that Greenland was green when the Vikings sailed to it way back yonder. What was very interesting to me, however, that Shoeleather Express was not the only means of travel. They were able to sail the seas earlier than evolutionists thought. There is also evidence that ancient peoples came to the Americas by boat...

Replacing Religion with Evolutionary Psychology

There is no need for religion since we are moderun people, so it has no valid explanatory power. At least, that is the view of atheistic naturalists They suppress the truth of God (Rom. 1:18-23) and disparage a wrong definition of Christian faith. But they have their own faith. They turn science into the secular religion of Scientism , and descent with modifications evolution is a primary dogma. Secularists use religious trappings and even corrupt ideals they stole from Christianity. This is easily seen in evolutionary psychology . Creepy AI-generated Charles Darwin as a psychiatrist, made at Simplified Evolutionary game theory answers questions and solves problems, they think, so cooperation evolved. How do they know? Is that a good thing? Evolutionists also try to evaluate happiness, which is...truly bizarre since happiness is subjective. Joy in serving the Lord would probably short-circuit their minds. Another weird thing is to use weak thinking to say that the alleged self-domestic...