Amazing Design in Waterfowl
Many creatures are wonderful to behold, and the specified complexities used by the Master Engineer are amazing. Some critters are considered ugly or even repellant, but people can get past "the eww factor" to appreciate them for what they are.
It is easy to appreciate waterfowl — the family Anatidae — such as ducks, swans, geese, and others for their beauty. Many are sources of food (although people are reluctant to eat swans). Some migratory birds are protected by law but can also become nuisances.
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Common Loon, Unsplash / Jeremy Hynes |
You might be familiar with the Hans Christian Andersen tale of the Ugly Duckling. . . . one hatchling appearing somewhat different to the others. Noticing this, the other birds and animals subject the hatchling to much verbal and physical abuse, deeming it as ‘ugly’.The Ugly Duckling, along with its nest companions, belongs to the family Anatidae, which includes ducks, geese, and swans. Anatidae contains over 160 living species of waterfowl (a term which in the US means all varieties of ducks, geese, and swans) spread across multiple genera. . . .Waterfowl are mostly herbivorous, though the diet of some species includes fish, molluscs, and aquatic arthropods. They are found on every continent except Antarctica. As for the Ugly Duckling, we’ll return to that tale at the end.
The full article is located at "Waterfowl: The original flying boats." Geese are big and can get mean, especially when the young are involved. But swans are the largest waterfowl, and when they get vicious, they can break arms with their wings. This guy is fortunate that he only got a bruise: