
Showing posts from March, 2023

Chemists and Perfumers of Ancient Egypt and Israel

As noted by many, historical disciplines such as origins science, geography, archaeology, and other things are forensic in nature . To reconstruct the past (with or without Gil Grissom and people like that), procedures similar to law enforcement detective work are utilized. The Bible is a historical document that has never been refuted in any way, and there are numerous clues in the texts to help researchers go all Lt. Columbo. Genesis includes details about Joseph, for instance. Connect those with other historical facts, archaeology, and science, pictures of the past emerge. Sphinx and pyramid, RGBStock /  Michal Zacharzewski Someone was able to know that a certain mummy was of an Egyptian nobleman because of the smell. The better processes and perfumes for embalming were utilized by families that could afford them, so chemistry as well as history and culture provide clues to the bigger picture. Indeed, some of the containers were labeled as to ingredients and purposes, others we...

Evolutionary Psychology is Absurd

When people have mental health difficulties, it is often recommended that they see a psychologist. The largely discredited Sigmund Freud probably comes to mind, but there are many versions of psychology. They are all wrong. Talking to a therapist may help and whatever medication cocktail that is prescribed may benefit (even though they do not really know how those medicines work). Pretty much all kinds of psychology are based on atheistic materialism. The worst of the lot is evolutionary psychology . Psychologist, Pexels / Alex Green Give it some thought. They believe there is no God and presuppose evolution, then try to justify their malarky by building on a faulty foundation. Their philosophies and conjectures are fraught with contradictions. Do you want to trust you mental health to someone who believes in luck but has a nihilistic outlook on life? No Creator, no hope, no final justice or rewards, no joy. Some of the newest ideas are...truly bizarre. One tinhorn thinks that psychop...

The Real Story of the Petrified Forest

When I was in town yesterday for supplies, I bumped into Lotta Lyez and Al Buehterawl from the Darwin Ranch. Al was excited about a trip to Arizona, since the foreman Rusty Swingset allowed him extra time to visit Petrified Forest National Park . Al said it was breathtaking. He started to tell about its features, but Lotta cut him off to repeat what he told her earlier. It was the same thing in many ways that we hear from deep time proponents about gradual processes interspersed with volcanic activity. The truth is quite different. Giant petrified logs, Petrified Forest National Park, NPS / Hallie Larsen (usage does not imply endorsement) Not only are there thousands of logs that have turned to stone, but numerous colors that inspire people to say the place looks painted. Supposedly, forests were knocked over and were turned to stone over long ages. Also, there are layers of different colors. Those and other details that don't fit explanations from uniformitarian geology. Creation...

Fossil Fish Brain and Evolutionist Absurdity

Here is another instance where fossils were reexamined using modern technology, and this fish skull fossil provided some surprises for the secular science industry. It was found over an 'undred years ago, then in Manchester, England. There was not much to look at because there was only the small skull. The brain and other areas were preserved very well. This indicates that it was rapidly buried in sediment. Secular scientists are moving away from the slow burial for fossilization story because of things like this. Fish image from Clker clipart, modified at LunaPic Once again, evolutionary thinking needs to be revised because this fossil is extremely old (by secular schemes) but it is not "simple" like the narrative requires. As we have seen so many times before, they are attempting to turn evolutionary defeat (which includes evidence for the Genesis Flood and recent creation) into a victory. It gets difficult to take these jaspers seriously. Over a century ago, a fossil ...

Failed Predictions and Planetary Formation Theories

Some time after the Big Bang, solar systems formed all over the cosmos. Science does not support any of the solar system formation theories. The nebular hypothesis  is the best of the worst , so secularist keep it on the mantelpiece to show off when company stops by. Like biological evolution, cosmic evolution has a wagon train-load of problems. Just-So Stories are told and adjusted. Oceana is at war with Eur asia and the war with East asia must be won; switch it up without missing a beat and the unthinking public does not notice. NASA /  Jenny Mottar  (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Scientists make mistakes and correct them, we get that. But that idea not something that can be used as a place of refuge when predictions are made and observations are recalcitrant toward expectations. There's a great need for humility in the secular science industry. Instead, they pretend to be excited when data refutes their presuppositions. Secularists also stretch, s...

Log Mats Answer Genesis Flood Questions

Biblical creationists rightly make much use of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption, as it provides many illustrations of the Genesis Flood on a smaller scale. There are some unexpected things that were discovered later. Studying log mats led to further study that was useful. After the eruption, logs ended up in Spirit Lake and even covered a large portion of its surface . These and other log mats (basically, floating islands) have been studied by creationists and secular scientists alike, including for animal dispersion. Log mat on Spirit Lake, Flickr / Kelly Michals ( CC BY-NC 2.0 ) Misotheists have laughed at creationists for proposing that animals rafted after the Flood, but secular scientists also believe that animals have used floating logs and other conveyances to relocate. These things were huge. They were also their own ecosystems. There are several speculations by creationists about what happened after the Flood involving log mats, but these are feasible and many are based on ...

Giraffes and Evolutionary Just-So Stories

Believers in descent-with-modifications evolution tell a story of how the giraffe got its long neck, which has been repeated for many year. Some things are taught that even some Darwinists say are simply not true. While many examples have been given of evolutionists saying ridiculous things to bamboozle people into accepting evolution, there are also some that are willing to be upfront about the problems they have with certain claims. Giraffe evolution is one of those areas — and not just the neck, but the entire animal. Giraffes, Unsplash / Melissa van Niekerk Biblical creationists as well as Intelligent Design advocates like to point out that there are numerous biological details in giraffes that have to be in place or nothing works, nothing makes sense. (The okapi is related to the giraffe , and that critter also has Darwinists baffled.) They cannot explain the giraffe's neck , and its genome is also problematic for them , and other indications of specified complexity. Clinton R...

The Huxleys and Darwinian Deviance

A spell back, we discussed how the Huxley family was promoting Charles Darwin's myth of origins by developing conspiracies , but they wanted to keep up appearances in Victorian England. Looking proper was important in that era, perhaps more so than it is today. One reason is that they wanted to promote evolution, but did not want their activities to besmirch Papa Darwin. What was under the surface did not remain hidden much longer. For many atheists, Darwin is a sacred character. Satire, irreverence, and the truth about him are not to be tolerated. Some folks in the secular science industry are iconoclasts, willing to pull his statue off the pedestal and be straightforward about him. In addition, the extreme immorality of the Huxleys (who were some of Darwin's biggest supporters, remember) are shown as bearing bitter fruit. It is worth considering that evolution is the necessary creation myth for those who deny God. It is not just an intellectual choice (since the evidence for ...

Evolutionism and the Vietnam War

Although the phrase, "Ideas have consequences," originated in a 1948 book by Richard M. Weaver and is now almost a cliché, it still holds some validity. Misotheists get furious — furious , I tell you — when the truth about Charles Darwin's concepts are discussed by creationists. Although he did not directly  originate eugenics and social Darwinism , those developed from his teachings. Evolution had a direct influence on Hitler . Another gang of sidewinders that adored Darwin was the communists . There are others as well. Darwin's ideas also had consequences that were manifested in the Vietnam War. UH-1D helicopters in Vietnam 1966, US National Archives , US Department of Defense, public comain (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents by anyone) Some jasper commented on a recent post, "As far as I know, Karl Marx never killed anyone." Maybe not personally, but his ideas hitched up to Darwinian concepts have led to the deaths of millions . American ...

Ediacaran Fossils and Evolutionary Religious Faith

Way, way down in the standard geologic column is the Ediacaran layer, which has been receiving special scrutiny from secular scientists. It is below the Cambrian, which had the fossil explosion . As mentioned in the previous post , pristine fossils are being discovered and scrutinized with amazing equipment. These critters that lived on the bottoms of oceans were so well-preserved, scientists are actually able to learn what they had for their last meals! The suppertime plant molecules examined should not really exist if the fossils truly were about half a billion years old. Diorama of the Ediacaran, WikiComm / Fossiladder13 ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) One evolutionist was so enraptured, she exclaimed that this was a connection to our roots. (No word if she lit a Darwin prayer candle at the time.) Evidence connecting the Ediacaran biota found in these select fossils to humans is unconvincing. That's because humans were created separately, not evolved, and everything was created recently. The ...

Fossils too fine to be so Old

Fossils are everywhere, most of which are marine plants and critters. Many people find are unimpressive. The old story of how a fossil is formed is probably believed only by the most obstreperous secularist who is determined to keep the faith of deep time. To become a fossil, the organism needs to be rapidly buried. More and more fossils are being discovered that are pristine and reveal details of the creature. Obviously no fossils are forming today, but technology has greatly improved for analysis. Somehow, secularists insist that these things are very old. Snail on mushroom, Unsplash / Krzysztof Niewolny Study on it. Fossils are supposedly millions, even billions, of years old, but they are in fabulous condition. Delicate organisms such as snails have been fossilized (the shells having essentially the same minerals as those found today). Watch for rescuing devices to avoid evidence for the global Genesis Flood or recent creation. Don't get me started on soft tissues ... After an ...

Ham — Deified by Egyptians as Horus

Some comparatively recent history, say, within two hundred years such as  Butch, Sundance, and Ethel is disputed . For that matter, there is dispute about the tall tales of Paul Bunyan. Some say there is no historical basis, others say Paul was a combination of two actual lumberjacks . It is a fact that the Bible provides accurate history, and no claim has ever been overturned by historical records or archaeology. Biblical people were real, not myths, allegories, fairy tales, or anything like that. Threads of history and culture relate to Noah's son Ham and his relationship with Egypt. Horus, WikiComm / Eternal Space ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ), modified with PhotoFunia and others Repeated verification of biblical records over such great amounts of time add support for the divine authorship of the Bible. You've heard of the Egyptian god named Horus, right? Mayhaps seen the Eye of Horus symbol, too. Sometimes he's a falcon, other times a dude with a falcon's head, or other manif...

Naturalism, Theistic Evolution, and the Real Problem

Since universal common ancestor evolution is taken for granted and asserted in all kinds of media, a Christian may be strongly tempted to think it must be true. Why not simply say that God used evolution and avoid the ridicule? That brings a prairie-schooner full of problems. Professing Christians are often afraid to take a stand for creation because they think science has proven evolution and an old earth. It is better to " just preach the gospel " and leave that other stuff for the scientists. Not hardly! Things get worse from there. Public domain images, with background and glow effect from Pixlr Atheists and other evolutionists reject evidence refuting evolution and affirming recent creation. When Christians compromise, they are showing disdain for the authority of Scripture and their lack of science knowledge. They are abandoning the biblical worldview and bedding down with the naturalistic worldview! It has many flaws, but compromisers are unaware or ignore them. Chris...

Deep Time and a Dorset Cliff Collapse

Humans are a strange bunch. In January of 2023, a huge amount of rock collapsed from a cliff in England onto the Bridport beach. People were warned to stay away afterward because the cliffs were unstable, but they went there anyway for pictures, walking the dogs , and such. This golden cliffs area is a part of Dorset, which is also considered a part of the Jurassic Coast. It is famous because of fossils. Since it is a tourist destination, people were able to get videos and photographs of the rockslide. East Cliff, Dorset in 2016, Flickr / Andrew Bone ( CC BY 2.0 ) This area is the setting for Broadchurch , a British crime drama. While nothing happened, the film crew was criticized in 2014 for filming too close to the cliff . The cliffs have had rockslides before, and people get concerned after the area receives heavy rainfall. That was what they think caused the two-stage 2023 collapse. Things that are supposed to have existed for millions of years, such as cliffs, landforms , coastli...

Planetary Ring Theory Anomaly

Saturn pleases us when the angle is just right and we can be amazed by its series of rings, but there are other planets that have rings as well. It took powerful telescopes to finally see them. The story goes that smaller bodies get too close to planets and break apart, forming rings. Way out yonder is a minor planet, a trans-Neptunian object, called Quaoar. That name came from a deity of indigenous people in the area that is now southern California. (I reckon it is preferable to one of his other names, Chinigchinix.) Smaller than Pluto, it has a moon. And a ring system ? Quaoar, NASA / JHUAPL / SwRI (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Cosmologists please themselves with their Just-So Stories about solar system formation and cosmic evolution, but those don't withstand scrutiny. Naturalists need tales that reject God the Creator, so they keep them despite their inadequacies. One of these is how rings form. Since a ring system was found around Quaoar where ...

Misportraying Atheists as Driven by Reason

Back in 2013, an article in Psychology Today  portrayed atheists in a positive way. There was an undercurrent of victimhood where these nice folks just want to go about their business and just happen to disbelieve in God and the supernatural. They do not bother others. One problem atheists have is that those who are not so militant read and hear the propaganda from angry misotheists. That would explain how a co-worker reluctantly told me that she is an atheist, acting like she expected some kind of personal attack. It is the professing atheists who are on the prod . Although they portray themselves as moved by science, evidence, and reason, very few show skill in those areas. It is interesting that a discussion can be civil until evolution is not shown reverence. Then the fangs and claws come out because atoms-to-atheist evolution is foundational to their worldview. After all, they need a creation myth to go with their belief that reason brings some kind of salvation. Take a warnin...