
Showing posts from September, 2022

Flowering Plants Further Disrupt Darwinism

People who study origins and evolution have heard of Darwin's Abominable Mystery. Like the irreducibly complex eye was a serious problem for Darwin  (yet he still believed in gradual evolution anyway), the fact that flowering plants appear in the fossil record too soon was another problem for him. Neither was resolved. Evolutionists are prone to lying to con people to accept evolution, and they did so a spell back about DAM . This time, however, they are honest about the inescapable conclusion (based on their systems) that flowering plants existed millions of years sooner than they previously thought. Phylica pubescens , WikiComm  Marco Schmidt ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Something that adds to their problem is that a flower found in amber is a Phylicia, which is basically identical to its living counterparts. It did not see fit to evolve after being subjected to "evolutionary pressures" through all those alleged millions of years. In addition, there should be a chain reaction...

Bears as Evidence for Creation

There are many varieties of bears roaming several parts of the world, including the famous grizzly bear (a subspecies of the larger brown bear in coastal regions), and the endangered sloth bear living in India. Evolutionists and biblical creationists superficially agree that they had a common ancestor. Where we differ is that Darwinists think that everything evolved through evolution, time, chance, natural selection, and luck, but creationists believe in the biblical created kinds  mentioned in Genesis. Natural selection played a part in bear speciation, but the original created kinds had the necessary genetic material already. Brown Bear, Pixabay / Robert Balog Bears of long ago would not have looked and acted exactly like those we have today, and many of the features are hidden away because they are anatomical. Also, some have claws that are useful for digging, others have claws that help them climb. Most are vegetarian, but others will eat whatever is handy. The Creator designed...

The Magical Mystery of Eye Evolution

When a creationist of even a little stature writes or posts something refuting a major dogma of evolution, and it must follow, as night the day, a misotheist is compelled to argue. Here is an example of same nonsense, different day. Several weeks ago, I shared the post, " Genetics and the Coffin of Darwinism ." A misotheist shared it on his Fakebook Page for the purpose of ridicule, and attempted to refute the very recent scientific material  with a propaganda piece from 2010 ! (He constantly refuses to read creationist material. Based on my observations, I lack belief that people like this would understand scientific material from either side, even if they did read it. They might even see citations from evolutionists who admit they don't know certain things.) Encounters like this frequently happen regarding the evolution of the eye. Staring fox up close, Unsplash / Erik Mclean Regarding the way fundamentalist Darwinists throw links at creationists to refute us, there is ...

Webb Telescope Confirming Creation Cosmology

After many years and a great deal of expense, the James Webb Space Telescope was put in orbit.  Secularists have high hopes for the JWST regarding the Big Bang and life beyond Earth, and were greatly relieved that it is working properly. Now they think they can check out cosmic evolution. It should be kept in mind that we are talking about preliminary findings, and peer-reviewed material takes longer to become available. It's the nature of that beast. We need to look back to see why all the ruckus. JWST deep field galaxy cluster SMACS 0723, NASA / ESA / CSA / STScI (usage does not i mply endorsement of site contents) Regular readers have seen material on how the Big Bang, a concept that was mostly established in the early twentieth century, is often Frankensteined with new parts stitched in (rescuing devices). Although a tenet of faith for materialists who claim to love facts and science, there is no empirical evidence for the Big Bang. Lots of theory, lots of attempted confirmat...

Scientists Believe Water was on Mars Despite Evidence

Remember when people thought that there could be life on Mars, but it would be difficult because Mars is such a desert? Then scientists pulled bottles of snake oil out of their carpetbags, saying that Mars not only had water long ago, but oceans and possibly a global flood? Good times, good times. The folks at NASA had their Curiosity rover checking out the planet, even spotting a crab and a lady , but provided disappointment for Earthlings when Gale Crater turned out to have no signs of water. Later, Perseverance landed in Jezero Crater in 2021. Jezero Crater imagined as a lake, NASA / JPL-Caltech (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents Nope. Ain't got none here, neither. What may have looked like sedimentary rock was actually igneous. They "saw" evidence of water because they wanted to, and maybe they neglected to be dutiful scientists and consider other possible explanations for what they observed. After all, evolutionists do not consider evidence of the Cr...

Toumaï is not our Evolutionary Ancestor, Either

Articles about a critter that is considered a "fossil hominin",  Sahelanthropus tchadensis , have been dropped over the transom here. It was presumptuously nicknamed  Toumaï  ("hope of life" in the Daza language) and some Darwinists think it is the oldest human ancestor. Sahelanthropus  was originally found in Chad in 2001, but I wonder if this supposedly earthshaking discovery is not touted so much is because there was controversy from the beginning. The bones are fragmented, and there is even speculation that people from long ago had fiddled around with it. Sahelanthropus tchadensis , Wikimedia Commons / Bjoertvedt ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Perhaps researchers may have wanted to avoid another  Lucy-type controversy , but that's just my speculation. After all, bones may not even belong to the same kind of creature. A recent study reveals that paleoanthropologists presupposed evolution and were thrilled by finding what they expected to see, but others did not gallo...

Infant Grasping is not Evidence for Evolution

As many parents and caretakers have seen, pressing a finger in the palm of an infant usually causes the child to hold on. It is interesting to experience, but tends to fade after a few weeks. Those who believe that humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor claim that it is primitive  and  vestigial . Because evolution. Because ape infants do it. Darwinists have not fared well in their claims of vestigial structures, and saying such things about the Palmar Grasp Reflex is risible. Palmar Grasp Reflex, Open Resources for Nursing ( CC BY 4.0 ) One reason it is so foolish to claim that the reflex is an example of our alleged evolutionary ancestry is that it is very important, and if it is not being exhibited, it is a cause for concern . And yet, when Darwinoids say things like, "The original purpose of the reflex is vestigial or unknown, though it can aid in diagnosing specific pathologies. It serves nothing more than a rudimentary, phylogenetic function necessary for the ar...

New Studies on the Venus Flytrap

Although it only lives in a small area of the eastern United States, the Venus flytrap is quite famous. Cultivated versions are available for sale, but in its native habitat, it is endangered. People like to try to trigger it to close, but the Venus flytrap discriminates. The right areas must be touched a certain number of times, then that 100-millisecond trap springs shut. Potential prey seldom escapes, but this plant is still checking on what was caught. If it had received a false positive, it relaxes. Otherwise, it begins digestion after five more stimuli occur. Venus Flytrap, Flickr / Mark Freeth ( CC BY 2.0 ) The entire activity of Snappy has been studied all the way down to the DNA, and researchers learned that the best-watered plants have the fastest closure times. There is still more to learn, and Darwin's acolytes are using typical "it evolved" nonsensical words — nonsensical, because they are used to bamboozle the masses because they have no evidence. In reali...

Alberta Dinosaur, Others Evidence of Genesis Flood

Scientists decided to cut sign for dinosaurs up yonder at Dinosaur Provincial Park in Alberta, Canada, and found what may be the best-preserved dinosaur yet. They say it was a juvenile hadrosaur, but not which kind of hadrosaur. Mayhaps because most of it is still encased? The researchers had a fanciful story with deep time and how lucky they were to be around when this dinosaur, buried for supposedly seventy-six million years, was becoming visible. Blinded eyes cannot see the light that the tissues could not have lasted that long. Magnapaulia laticaudus (hadrosaur), WikiComm / Dmitry Bogdanov ( CC BY 3.0 ) There are other speculations made that raise questions as well. In fact, some additional recent dinosaur news could prompt questions like, "Why is there a boneyard of assorted dinosaurs if Lethosaurs were supposed to be in a group for safety?" Once again, the evidence points to the global Genesis Flood, which would have provided the necessary rapid burial for such excep...

An Extra Artery in the Forearm does not mean Evolution

Frankly, (mind if I call you Frank?) it gets tiresome when on one hand, angry atheists laugh about how Christians see evidence for creation in many places, yet purveyors of mesons-to-medical doctor evolution claim to have evidence for their views every which way. If evolution were true, its proponents would give us the good stuff instead of spurious evidence, especially loss of function . Not hardly! In this example, it is claimed that an extra artery in some people's forearms, the  persistent median artery , is an example of evolution. A little bit of medical knowledge about the development of an unborn child helps clear this up. Forearm, Pexels / Israelzin Oliveira I lack belief that the number of people who have this condition has been increasing, since only a small sample study from 1846 is utilized. That alleged increase is probably why Darwinists are claiming that this is evolution. Just like with losses of traits in organisms, no genetic information is added, and nothing cha...

Darwinian Magic and Sauropods

 This post needs a different approach than usual, since the article featured below makes two points that are interlaced. It was a mite difficult for me until I caught on to where the author was going with it. First, Darwinists have their own lingo that helps them sound like real scientists. They can baffle and even impress the public with it, and bewildered people accept what scientists say because they're scientists. Evolutionists also hide their appeals to Darwinian magic in their word salad. Sauropod dinosaur, Unsplash /  Vaibhav Pixels This befuddlement is used in discussions of dinosaur size. If you've ever seen movies like  Them!  about giant ants, educated people have to suspend their disbelief with a vengeance. Why? Laws of gravity, physics, and that sort of thing limit the size a creature can reach. Giant ants (or a fifty-foot woman, for that matter) could not attack anything  because they could not move . Our Creator has set growth limits in organisms ...

Fascinating Moth Stealth Flying and Navigation

It is puzzling that some people are annoyed by moths, but that may be from the common little nuisance "bugs" that flit around lightbulbs at night. They may get on someone's. There are also people who do not like insects in the first place, so the Atlas moth could be a mite startling. Moths are puzzling to Darwinists, since butterflies and moths do not have any evolutionary history. They were created what they are, and remained so to this day. Here are two instances of additional problems moths pose for evolution. Chinese silk moth, Wikimedia Commons / Ivo Antušek (Public domain, thanks, Ivo) Although the phrase "blind as a bat" is as dead as a doornail regarding accuracy, bats rely a great deal on sending out sonar waves for navigation and hunting. They do like to chow down on moths, you betcha! Bats have a wide range of sonar sounds that get reflected back to them. Except for the Chinese silk moth. The Master Engineer designed the scales on its wings so that ...

Animals Minus Traits Equals Evolution?

During the autumnal equinox, the hands at the Darwin Ranch danced around a bonfire made of LEDs (because of the drought warnings), then splashed in Stinking Lake while singing hymns of praise to Darwin. One wonders if they had been ingesting peyote buttons again based on some of the goofy science they have been producing. Even those who are not inclined to use hallucinogenic mushrooms have still managed to enthrall undeveloped minds with fanciful tales. For example, the loss of traits  means onward and upward (vertical) evolution. Darwin approves of evolution fairy tales, modified from  Favourite French fairy tales  /  Barbara Douglas , 1921 This defies common sense, and you don't have to be a scientist to see that loss of traits should be the opposite of evolution. I reckon that the high priests of Darwinism are exalted masters and we should believe them because of who they are. Not this child! Not you thinking people, either; we aren't going to let them pull the w...

Evolutionists Mystified by Cartilage

Decades ago, I slipped on the ice and landed on my kneecap. That was where I learned about a fractured patella and why immediate surgery was required to reassemble the four pieces. I still have some of the hardware embedded, and have flashbacks when walking on ice. That stuff is cartilage. We do not hear about it much, other than maybe knowing that noses and ears have it. Cartilage is extremely important not only to us, but other creatures as well. Darwinists assume that bone evolved from cartilage, but have no evidence for either. Assumptions and assertions are not evidence, old son. Woman with earring, Pexels / Agung Pandit Wiguna Evolutionists admit to being mystified, just like they're mystified by many other things that the Master Engineer put in place in his wisdom. Cartilage is not simple (there are three different types), and has been the subject of study for years, including new studies that further reveal its complexities. Once again, the evidence points to the Creator. T...

Genetics and the Coffin of Darwinism

It has been said that the works of Charles Darwin on evolution through natural selection managed to kill God. That is the opposite of the truth. There is an abundance of evidence linked here and other places refuting evolution and deep time, but also affirming recent creation and the young earth. People believe because they want to, not because they are compelled by the evidence . In fact, some Darwin doubters are becoming more vocal , and there would probably be more speaking out if they were not in fear of losing prestige or even their jobs. Meanwhile, fundamentalist evolutionists insist that genetics supports evolution. Not hardly! DNA, RNA, Amino acids codon table , public domain, mostly modified at LunaPic Because evolutionists interpret data with presuppositions rooted in atheistic naturalism, they have their biases confirmed — even when the evidence shows otherwise. These are the folks that gave us so-called vestigial structures, "junk" DNA, and other hindrances to med...

Secularists Making Disease Worse through Disinformation

Although the material here deals with medical science, ethics, and morality, it is disturbing in many ways. Some people may wish to stop reading. Imagine if you will a group of people that has a disease which is unsightly, painful, and itchy. They are the primary carriers. Other people outside this group can get the disease by engaging in certain behaviors with those who are infected, so the disease may spread to the general population. The secular science industry, leftists, the media (but I repeat myself) do not want to offend the infected group by telling them the facts. That group may get hurt feelings and feel ostracized. But telling them the truth can save lives. Electron micrograph of monkeypox particles, Flickr / NIAID  ( CC BY 2.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia This is what is happening with the monkeypox. (Some have suggested changing the name so people will feel better.) The word pandemic  has been uttered. Now, it may be a coincidence, but this child believes there was ...

Freshwater and Marine Plesiosaurs?

Plesiosaurs have been getting attention lately, and we have two complementary articles to examine. Those critters are a tricky bunch, and paleontologists get a mite confused. There is a prairie schooner-full of genera because...things change. Some were never official, others dropped because they are no longer considered plesiosaurs. Here is a list of 196 genera , at this writing. Over yonder in Morocco on the border with Algeria is the Kem Kem region, with a geological group of the same name. Numerous dinosaur fossils have been found there. This is where plesiosaurs caused confusion. Leptocleidus by Nobumichi Tamura at Wikimedia Commons ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) There were some interesting observations in the research, including what they ate. There is also a disparate group of other creatures fossilized there, including a mix of freshwater and marine organisms. Can you add hocs? There were several ad hoc  solutions to the problems presented, and assumptions as well. (One assumption is th...

Sharks in a Volcano: Relevance for the Genesis Flood

It sounds like a sci-fi movie, Sharks in a Volcano , where sharks are swimming in lava and menacing researchers. (Well, Sharknado  had five sequels, so it could happen.) The reality of the situation is something...truly bizarre. The volcano Kavachi is frequently on the prod, erupting and causing new islands to form — most of them do not last, however. Researchers went into this hot, toxic, dangerous place when the volcano had some down time. Sure, extremophiles exist, but they are usually microbes and such. Not this time. Kavachi undersea volcano eruption, NASA Earth Observatory / Jesse Allen & Robert Simmon (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Scientists found sharks, bony fish, and more living in that crater! Darwin's disciples, being what they are, think this can give insight into evolutionary history of such critters. (Evolutionists are frequently surprised by things, then play the "insights into evolutionary history" card.) From a biblical creati...

Evolutionists Disillusioned with Evolutionary Stories

Lisa Myworries, the supervisor of the Winkie Guards at the Darwin Ranch, was rather subdued when I bumped into her (almost literally) at the store in town. She noticed the mood at the ranch and how they go from thrilled to somber. This time is the latter. Charlie's cheerleaders are happy to be told Just-So Stories and unleash the flying monkeys on those of us who are unwilling to be satisfied with the unscientific statement " it evolved ." It has been documented that there are secular scientists who have the audacity — the unmitigated gall  — to doubt Darwin. Pond, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen  (cropped) That number is growing. A couple of people published a paper on problems with gradual evolution. "Survival of the fittest" oversimplifies things, and still fails to explain how complicated structures came into being in the first place. Something I have noticed, and Calvin Smith discussed quite well in " Science or Philosophy? ", is that people believ...

Research on Naked Mole-Rat Supports Creation View

This is not a pleasant subject, but not because it is a problem for creation. The object of interest is astonishingly ugly. The more pleasant name sand puppy  is not as common as naked mole-rat . Even so, they are under scrutiny because of several interesting traits — especially longevity. Naked mole-rats are different from other mole-rats, and get their name from being mostly hairless. They inhabit one area of Africa. Being moles, they dwell in underground burrows and have a queen in charge. Strange that these mammals are cold-blooded. Naked Mole-Rat, Wikimedia Commons / Roman Klementschitz, Wien ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Why do they live so long? They don't age like other creatures and researchers want to know why. The information may be used to help human lifespans. Darwinists believe that mutations are vital for evolution, but the greater the mutation rate, lifespans decrease and diseases increase. Evolutionary predictions fail. Naked mole-rats were given a highly-efficient maintenance...

Scissorhands, the Vegetarian Dinosaur

 As we have seen, the secular science industry likes to promote evolutionary myths using dinosaurs. (This post is related to a recent one on that subject .) Also, one may be forgiven for wondering if paleontologists are making much out of little. Its name is  Paralitherizinosaurus japonicus , but because of his scissor hands, perhaps they call it Edward for short. Very little is known. Only three bones were found, but imaginative feather-bearing reconstructions exist. They were partially based on similar dinosaurs. Paralitherizinosaurus  size comparison, Wikimedia Commons / SlvrHwk ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Although the remains had been known for some time, recently scientists realized that this dinosaur was another vegetarian. Those scythe-like claws were probably used for slashing plants. As with other organisms buried in the Genesis Flood, this one was found in marine sediments but it was not a sea dweller. Jurassic Word: Dominion  took huge liberties that defy both evolu...