Asia Data for the Genesis Flood

Despite the common misconception of scientists going to and fro on the earth, collecting data and then forming theories, they have existing ideas and try to see if data support them. From there, they build theories and all that good stuff. Like their secular counterparts, biblical creation scientists try to do the same. Unfortunately, the secular science industry has a passel of grotzits to spend on their pursuits, but creationists are severely limited, having to rely on donations instead. Even so, the Institute for Creation Research has been gathering data to support Genesis Flood models. Grand Canyon of Thailand, Pxhere / icon0com Another similarity between creation and secular scientists is disagreement. Scientists put forward an idea and sometimes passionately defend it, others reject it and present their own. As it happens with secular scientists, it occurs with creationists. They do agree that the Bible is true, the earth is young, and there was a global Flood. One disagreement i...