The Perplexing Platypus of Crabs

Other biblical creationists and I think that not only does God have a sense of humor, but he has set up various creatures to be discovered to defy Darwin's acolytes. We have examined the platypus here several times, and when evolutionists study it does not go well.

The title of this post is not something I dreamed up all by my lonesome. It is based on terms that secular researchers used themselves, and the alleged evolution of this crab fossil is troubling for evolution.

Callichimaera perplexa is puzzling to evolutionary paleontologists. Not only is there no evidence for crab evolution, they cannot explain its complex eyes.
Callichimaera perplexa, photo by Javier Luque via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Charles Darwin famously admitted:
To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.

He went on to say that he believed that it evolved anyway.

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Scientists compared the fossilized crab with those living today, and they were able to use preserved soft tissue (which should not even exist over so many alleged years). They were a bit on the small side. There is no evidence for crab evolution, and they admit that they cannot find anything for the eyes. Like Darwin and human eyes, these scientists believe in crab complex eye evolution despite no evidence. They want to keep that faith and foolishly reject placing their faith in the Creator.
Scientists have discovered a new kind of fossil crab with huge eyes that was probably a free-swimming predator. Found in mid-Cretaceous strata Darwin-dated at 95 million years old, the perplexing creature has been named Callichimaera perplexa. Its swimming habit is especially unusual because modern adult crabs “scuttle across the floors of silent seas, hardly reliant on small eyes as they scavenge or graze.”

The new crab possessed a combination of anatomical features so strange it is called the “platypus of crabs,” so bizarre that it has forced a redefinition of what is a crab. The headline of a study published in the journal Cell indicates how surprising this creature was: “The remarkable visual system of a Cretaceous crab.” The authors believe that “True crabs (Brachyura) are one of the few groups of arthropods to evolve several types of compound eyes” but, they acknowledge, they currently have no evidence of its supposed evolution.

If you see fit to keep reading, visit "No Evidence for the Evolution of Crab Eyes."