
Showing posts from December, 2021

The Cowboy Creation Cultist

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  A spell back, someone on Twitter was peddling a book about how he, a scientist, went from atheism to faith. I was intrigued and looked up some background on the author. It turns out that he is affiliated with the Untied (misspelling intentional) Methodist Church. I replied, "It is indeed unfortunate that you are telling your story of coming to faith, but are a leader in a church that doesn't believe the Bible." The UMC is notoriously liberal in theology. Modified from Pixabay /  Willgard Krause Seymour Garte got a mite riled over my blunt remark, and his reply consisted of several false statements.  He believes in the "grandeur" of Darwin's evolution and wrote a chapter on it (his book is praised by other TEs as well). Why do theistic evolutionist compromisers insist on millions of years of death and suffering, where their god is a cruel monster that uses such methods? Also, why did their god lie about creation in Genesis and all thro...

Powerful Design of the Peculiar Puffin

If someone describes a black and white bird that spends a lot of time in cold ocean waters, it is easy to assume that the penguin is being described. Not necessarily. Get a few more details, old son, and also know that not all penguins are entirely black and white. This is about a northern Atlantic seabird. While penguins range in size from six feet to thirteen inches, puffins are about thirteen inches (33 cm). Both spend time in the sea, but puffins are on the water more than in it.  RGBStock / Kevin Tuck Cute things, kind of clownish looking (sorta like Puddles Pity Party around the eyes). The strategic placement of the black and white demonstrates design, and that beak is used in mating and greeting. Like other seabirds (plus some reptiles and a few fish), they can drink salt water and then throw it off through a salt gland. Puffins are surprisingly intelligent, too. Swans are often associated with elegance, eagles with majesty, and owls with wisdom, but not every bird seems ...

Adjusting Billions of Years Pleases Darwin

It is no secret that Charles Robert Darwin needs his followers to sacrifice science and logic in order to give him huge amounts of time. Otherwise, he cannot perform his evolutionary wonders when there is lack of faith on the part of his votaries. But they come through. When reading sacred writ from the secular science industry, discerning people may notice phrases like "earlier than thought". New discoveries require adjustments, and the false claim that "science is self-correcting" is invoked . In reality, naturalists get tangled in their webs while trying to force-fit data into observations they have made themselves. This requires the hope that folks aren't skilled enough in critical thinking to catch them moving the goalposts, tampering with the evidence, and using dreadful logic. When caught defying real science, they try to evosplain the problems away. Rescuing devices are frantically created for things such as a star that is determined to be "older...

Wokeness and Canceling Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Although I want to write about biblical creation science and refutations of universal common ancestor evolution, culture and politics force themselves into the material. Part of the problem is that the secular science industry supports leftist causes , so science-related discussions become tainted with the stuff . The secular science industry has tried for years to replace the Creator with false gods of Evolution and Natural Selection. Evolutionists are reaping what they have sown — and  this time it scares them .  Mostly made at PhotoFunia Materialists impose their naturalistic origins mythology on the world in the name of science and reason. Such philosophies cry "Havoc!" and let loose the dogs of absurdity. Even atheist Friedrich Nietzsche had a  glimmer of the truth  that we need God. Wokeness is a result of their worldview. In these days of postmodernism , which includes situational ethics and subjective morality , wokeness  is ...

Yeast — Rising to the Occasion

Fermented drinks like beer have been used for almost thousands of years, but the function of yeast in its making was not known until recently. The same applies to bread. The biblical word used for yeast is leaven . But what is it? Yeast is a they more than an it . Many bakers know that yeasts are microorganisms and that there are many different kinds. They make the bread dough rise and give it flavors, and are essential for fermented drinks. Bread Dough, Pexels / Vaibhav Jadhav Fermentation may seem like a bad word to people who avoid alcoholic drinks, but it is actually a process that occurs naturally in many places. There are wild yeasts and some have been tamed by savvy wranglers; baker's yeast is a combination of domesticated yeasts. (I'll allow that it sounds unusual to say that single-celled organisms can be domesticated.) Yeast cells act very much like human cells and are useful in studying genetics. Yeast (or at least its products) has been known and loved by human bei...

Weak Speculations of Early Land Plant Evolution

Once again, my prospector friend Stormie Waters had ventured past Creek Road and was in sight of the Winkie Guards at the Darwin Ranch ( not   the one in the Bridger-Teton National Forest ). At that moment, foreman Rusty Swingset was heading out, so Stormie hid behind some   greasewood . Rusty passed close to her, but he was busy talking with some ranch hands about land plant evolution from stonewort and didn't notice her. (She gets shy when trespassing.) Some evolutionists are writing checks on the bank of science that cannot be cashed. Stonewort image by   Jeremy Halls   at Flickr ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) If you study on it, evolution is taken by faith, not by sight. People have believed it by relying on   science of the gaps : eventually, evidence would be found. Materialists presuppose evolution, and when it comes to land plants, believe they have found a way to fill in the evolutionary gaps appealing to genetics. However, they have no actual evidence...

Secularists Have High Hopes for Webb Telescope

It was natural to doubt the James Webb Space Telescope may not blast off on Christmas Day 2021 as promised, since there were numerous delays over the years. Those with the tingly spider sense were right, and Webb went out there, thataway. Ten billion US dollars was spent on something primarily of interest to astronomers. They hope it works, since unlike the Hubble (which humor columnist Dave Barry called the " Hubble Orbiting Space Paperweight " because it failed at first), there will probably be no second chances. JWST artist's conception, NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Every once in a while, doomsday people issue hysterical clickbait that an asteroid will come "dangerously close to the earth" or some such. Visions of panicked people screaming in the streets and looting, cats and dogs living together — but the asteroid was ten times the distance between the earth and the moon . "Yeah, but by cosmic standards, boy, that's clo...

Christmas Presents from the Master Engineer

It is readily apparent that everything in the universe was designed, from celestial objects to humans to single-celled organisms. A commonly used argument by apologists is that a building requires a builder, a painting requires a painter, so all these things with specified complexity require a Creator. However, that argument from intelligent design is all right for a starting point, but it does not go far enough . You may convince a skeptic that there is a higher power, but then what? Made at PhotoFunia Through his creation, the Master Engineer has made himself known from the beginning. It is a good thing for us that we don't have to speculate; he made himself known through special revelation. The Maker is the God of the Bible, and he has given us gifts for Christmas. The Creator of the world and all that is in nature has been identified! He speaks every language on earth. Here is the English version of what he said: Take a look over at " Nature’s Maker Identified ."

The Protective Atmosphere of Earth

This is something that is easy to take for granted, but one way to appreciate air is when one is not getting any. Living things are designed to breathe without having to think about it, which would make for sleepless nights. Sure, most people know that the atmosphere has oxygen for us to breathe. But the atmosphere is far more than just a bunch of nitrogen, oxygen, and other gasses. Other planets have atmospheres, but they are nothing to write home about. Ours is unique. Earth atmosphere and moon / ISS013-E-54329 / NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Darwin's quockerwodgers cannot account for the origin of Earth's atmosphere, its six layers , how it is responsive to various conditions in space, its function in shielding us, and more. When reading about it or seeing pictures, wow, that sure is a mighty thick atmosphere — but that is because Earth is big. If everything were reduced proportionally, the atmosphere would be surprisingly thin. It testifies of ho...

Bird, Airplane, and Bicycle Formations

Yes, I know this is an unusual title as well as combination of subjects. Stay with me. In " Engineering and Migratory Birds ", it was shown that birds are designed and equipped for their long journeys. Now we will look at the dynamics of that V formation. "Because it is cheep, Cowboy Bob?" That's cute. Actually, the formation is cheaper than going it alone when it comes to the expenditure of energy. There is also physics involved that they do not have to consider — but researchers do. Pelicans in formation (cropped), Flickr / Peter Kaminski ( CC BY 2.0 ) When airplanes are flying in a tight formation, not only do they have to keep from touching each other and possibly losing control, but the movement of the air affects them. (I wonder if this is an example of aerodynamic biomimetics, where humans draw inspiration from what they observe in nature?) Obviously, birds are using their own power and not jet engines or propellers. In a surprisingly similar way, bicycl...

Concerns of Creationists Misrepresenting Speedy Speleothems

Some folks get riled up when biblical creationists discuss them speleothems. More specifically, secularists impugn the integrity and intelligence of creation scientists, and appeal to opinion sites that sound sciency. However, that knife cuts both ways. It is true that some creationists get a mite enthusiastic and use faulty pieces of evidence, and we try to encourage them to leave the doubtful stuff alone. Regarding stalactites, the situation is complex because there are various factors to consider regarding chemistry and growth rates. Salterforth Pub stalactites, Flickr / Andrew Batram ( CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 ) Uniformitarian geologists insist that stalactites and other speleothems take huge amounts of time to form. Creationists point out notable exceptions. In this post , I linked to an article about how stalactites under the Salterforth Pub formed rapidly. Secularists get on the prod when things like this are given as evidence that speleothems can form rapidly, so they raise hob with cr...

Natural Selection in the Secular Science Industry

Disciples of the Lord Darwin have a problem because they are reaping what they have sown. After all, they believe in natural selection and survival of the fittest, so those things logically should occur in the secular science industry. The mysterious machines at work in their mind are not consistent with their fundamentally-flawed worldview. If morality comes from evolution , they cannot be consistent and lament unethical and immoral behavior. Secularists are inadvertently appealing to God when they want an ultimate standard. Hudson River...thing, Flickr / Cowboy Bob Sorensen ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) If using fake science, referencing retracted papers , submitting fraudulent papers and having them pass peer review makes them survive better — sure, why not? Some establishments have a "publish or perish" standard that puts tremendous pressure on some folks who simply want to go about their business conducting scientific research, so that probably contributes to the temptation to ch...

Evolution and Purging Bad Mutations

At the beginning of creation, everything was very good. After the Fall of Man, things began to deteriorate. That is why we have mutations and the degradation of the genome. Indeed, genetic entropy is a powerful refutation of deep time . One of the fastest ways to accumulate mutations is inbreeding depression.  (No, it has nothing to do with sadness from having the same relatives as one's spouse.) Rather, it is the loss of fitness that can lead to the extinction of a species. DNA Mutation, Pixabay / swiftsciencewriting , modified with FotoSketcher Many creatures don't breed with close relatives very often, but others are not very picky. Those populations can go extinct, but it has been suggested by evolutionists that purging  happens through intensified inbreeding. While most mutations are harmful and many are simply worthless, this intense inbreeding leads to the removal of the worst mutations. However, if this works at all, it is only in limited instances because all  ha...

Three Well-Adapted Desert Animals

One trick of minerals-to-man evolutionists is to claim that natural selection is evolution, and since most creationists believe in natural selection, we must also believe that Papa Darwin was right. Not hardly! Natural selection was actually the work of a creationist . Related to that is the charge that we believe in fixity of species . Yes, some folks did believe that God created everything as we see it, but such a concept was abandoned by most creationists long ago. We believe in the original genetically-rich created kinds . Sand cat, fennec fox, mulgara images from Wikimedia Commons* Not only do we accept the observed fact of natural selection (though not Darwin's creative force concept), we also believe in variation and speciation . The three animals here certainly couldn't survive in the Arctic, nor could their counterparts last in the desert. A combination of front-loaded genetic information, gene expression, plus natural selection made it possible for them to thrive. Int...

Early Human Tools? No, Horses Made the Tools

Imagine my surprise when I found out I was locked into my cabin and had to crawl out the window. It turns out my pony had fashioned a kind of padlock to keep me confined. When confronted, he said, "I'm sorry, Wilbur!" I keep telling him my name is not Wilbur. As seen before, purveyors of evoporn tell us that ancient humans were not yet intelligent. Because evolution. Evolutionists are surprised when ancient humans showed brilliance. But their primitive tools were chipped rocks? Pixnio / Marko Milivojevic Resonating with their cognitive dissonance is that it appears these primitive stone tools attributed to brutish early humans were from the activity of horses. Whoa! Other critters are known to make rudimentary tools as well, so how many alleged tools were from them and not man? Evolutionary presuppositions interfere with science, and you can bet your saddlebags that there would be fewer embarrassments if scientists began with a creation view, and that our Creator made hum...

Darwinian Racism in American Medical Research

Regular readers have seen numerous instances where Darwinian views have not only hindered science, but been harmful as well. For example, alleged vestigial organs were surgically removed but later found to have tremendous benefits, and so-called "junk" DNA is useful after all . Darwin's disciples try to downplay  soi-disant  scientific racism and social Darwinism that ran rampant from Victorian times and well into the 20th century. Although some of those things have faded, Americans participated in a disgraceful Naziesque medical study on black men that ended in 1972. Tuskegee syphilis study / CDC (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The United States Public Health Service (PHS) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) promised a six-month study of syphilis on black men, but those men were not informed they had the disease. Nor were they given readily-available treatments. Syphilis is a nasty, sneaky disease that is preventable and can prove fatal. Like N...

Over-Engineering Defies Darwinists

Ironically, Russell Watchtower is the head of the Ministry of Truth propaganda division at the Darwin Ranch. Like in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four , Minitrue obscures facts that interfere with the evolutionary narrative. He used the term over-engineered . Oopsie. Unpleasant fellow and not very bright, he missed the fact that evolution requires purposelessness and no Creator. By saying over-engineered , he implied both design and a Designer. Lotta Lyez, the kitchen maid, refused to speak to him for two days. Do you see the irony? Freeimages / Henrik Groth-Andersen Another evolutionist made the same mistake when discussing the lungs of crocodilians. They were over-engineered in his view because they're capable of more than those critters need. I took my my Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Ring™ out of its glass case and saw that it meant, "Ain't got a clue." They proceeded to dream up fact-free nonsense about probably having been faster in earlier years. Computer ...

Haleakalā National Park and the Young Earth

The fiftieth state of those formerly United is Hawai'i, an archipelago in the Pacific ocean. The Big Island is the state's namesake, but it is less populous than the smaller islands like Oahu and Maui. We have another national park adventure, this time to Mele Kalikimaka — "No, Cowboy Bob, that is a Christmas song!" Oh, right. If you want to know why Merry Christmas is pronounced that way, see this video . Anyway. seeing my notes and the title, we are checking out  Haleakalā National Park over on Maui. Haleakalā Crater, FreeImages / Chris LaCroix We discussed volcanic eruptions in Iceland and the Philippines  a spell back, so this time we'll ignore the six active volcanoes in Hawai'i (four of which are on the Big Island) and consider Mt. Haleakalā. Nice and dormant, so rude surprises from it are unlikely. Like other national parks, the propaganda mill is promoting millions of years. How do they cognate to that? This child thinks secularists are willingly dece...

Amazing Spider Webs Defy Evolution

Know the joke that says walking into a spider web instantly makes you a karate expert? Rather amusing. Anyway, we have two articles that illustrate how our Creator has given spiders web-building skills. That is marvelous in and of itself, but we will focus on studies of two spider types. Spider webs are surprisingly intricate, even down to their strength and how they can change when needed. Humans are studying them for our own purposes (biomimetics), but giving credit to evolution. RGBStock / Gesine Kuhlmann An  algorithm  has nothing to do with Bill Clinton's Vice President playing bongo drums. Rather, it is essentially a method of doing repeated tasks efficiently. They are essential in computer programming.   (The concept makes me think of macros  in some word-processing programs.) A tiny spider called the hackled orb weaver spins its web at night, working by touch. Scrutinizing six of them, researchers saw what can be called an algorithm in each of them to unifor...

Lunar Recession and the Young Earth

Whenever the fact that the moon is receding from the earth is presented, one can hear raucous laughter from the Darwin Ranch* as far toward town as Stinking Lake. They bring out Lotta Lyez, the kitchen maid, to recite the rescuing devices. Ridicule is a standard operating procedure for misotheists, because (like dinosaur soft tissues) the implications are devastating for long ages. Papa Darwin needs lots of years his magick to perform. Using calculations of secularists against them, lunar recession is evidence for recent creation. Moon over Grand Canyon, Pexels / Eberhard Grossgasteiger At the current recession rate as an upper limit and calculating backward, the moon would have been  touching  our marble 1.5 billion Darwin years ago. That is not possible, obviously. The standard paradigm for secularists is slow and gradual processes, like we see in geology. From a creationist perspective, the moon has not moved away from Earth all that much. However, the small amount of reces...