Stupid Evolutionist Tricks: Elephants, Rail Birds, and Tusks
We have two examples of evolutionary inconsistency to examine today. These show that Darwin's disciples are so intent on spreading the message of their death cult (death and extinction give rise to other life), they ignore basic science and their own mythology.
Specifically, that loss of features is evidence of progressing onward and upward. (These jaspers made the same vapid arguments about blind cave fish.) I reckoned that the idea of elephants losing their tusks was already refuted, but it came back like a bad zombie.
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Cropped from a photo by Charles J. Sharp at Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0) |
Hard as this may be to believe, evolutionists are celebrating a new case of natural selection at work: the loss of tusks in elephants due to poaching. Let us think this through.. . .Surely this is a joke, right? No. It got past peer review and was published in Science Magazine, the premiere journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
To read the entire article, journey to "Evolution by Subtraction Has No Teeth." Be sure find your way back here for the other item.
Rallidae are a diverse group of birds of varying sizes, and their family members are on almost every continent. Some are flightless, some are not, and some are flightless during moulting. Yet, evolutionists claim their lack of flight to be a shining example of "parallel evolution". Not hardly!
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Cropped from a photo by Francesco Veronesi at Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 2.0) |
A recent paper on a bird called the White-Throated Rail . . . has shown evidence for the repeated loss of flight in this flying species on several small islands in the southwest Indian Ocean near the islands of Madagascar and Mayotte, over an alleged 340,000 years or so. This has given rise to several flightless subspecies on these islands. . . .One of these, the Aldabra Rail (Dryolimnas cuvieri subsp. aldabranus), found on the Aldabra atoll (island reef) in Seychelles, is the last remaining flightless rail in the Indian Ocean. Fossil evidence indicates that the flightless rails on that island actually went extinct previously, then an essentially identical flightless species re-emerged. This was as a result of more of the flying rails arriving on the island, then once more losing flight. The researchers concede that this happened “in 20,000 years or less”—a blink of an eye in evolutionary terms.
To read the rest, fly over to "Rails derail Darwinism — Loss of flight is not evolution." We have one more entry in this series, you'll want to come back for it. You'll thank me later.
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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service / Joel Garlich-Miller |
Let's go back to the tusk business. It is frequently seen that when evolutionists cannot defend reality, they circle the wagons and fire off shots of, "Great example of evolution", and the lack of evidence "Gives insight". That'll be the day! Like Adrian Monk, they say, "Here's what happened."
Monk relates what happened, but evolutionary pit vipers concoct fact-free tales (without evidence) and present them as facts. Regarding tusks, they have no evidence to prop up their stories, and use the "ain't got a clue" smokescreen of "convergent evolution."
Tusks are canine teeth that continue growing. They are unique to mammals. A variety of mammals have true tusks, including elephants, warthogs, hippos, hyraxes and walruses. If a tusk gets broken, a new one will usually grow out. These differ from teeth which are coated in enamel, which confer durability and do not continue growing throughout life.
Harvard biologists decided to find out how tusks evolved, so they went to the first extinct animals that had them, named dicynodonts (“two-dog-tooth animals”). Here’s the upshot of what they found: tusks appeared in various groups without a common ancestor, and the team doesn’t know how they arose in other mammals. These failures of evolutionary theory did not stop them. The press release mentions the e-word evolution 22 times, and declares the findings a victory for evolution. Go figure.
To read it all, click on "Tusk, Tusk: Evolutionists Surprised by Tusk Evolution."