Stupid Astrobiology Tricks: Life on Enceladus?

Every once in a while, something so outrageous comes across the news feed and I want to cry out, "Who pays these jaspers?" But we already know the answer, because they are paid from grants and the secular science industry — much of this is our tax grotzits at work. Consider bioastrology — I mean, astrobiology. Perhaps this child is not right in the head, but it seems that a field of science needs something to study. Atheists and evolutionists have no evidence for their invisible friends (a position held by blind faith), but they take their pseudoscience seriously . Once again, there are unfounded speculations of life on Enceladus. Enceladus image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/PSI Those plumes of methane may be signs of life in hydrothermal vents under a huge ice crust. While there are thermophiles (organisms that live in hot temperatures) on Earth, there is no reason to think they formed out yonder. Bioastrologers — there I go again, I mean astrobiologists — are ignoring scie...