
Showing posts from June, 2021

Neanderthal DNA Fake Science News

Time and time again, we see how scientists elevate the naturalism narrative over actual science. When they do not have something that works, they use the best-in-field fallacy  instead of abandoning it. Similarly, secularists try to find ways of clinging to refuted "junk" DNA myth . Now they are doing the same thing with Neanderthals. Even though believers in universal common descent evolution get burrs under their saddles when people say that humans evolved from apes (or monkeys), those critters they present sure do look like apes. Also, evolution popularizers also use the same kind of terminology. Cut people some slack, willya? Neanderthals were portrayed as a link between humans and apes, but it has been definitively shown that they were indeed fully human . Researchers tried to bring Neanderthal down a few notches from humanity with a DNA study. It did not go well. Using poor sampling and incomplete research, scientists made assertions that are the opposite of what is rev...

Parenting Skills of Poison Dart Frogs

It has been said that bright colors on critters are a warning, and an excellent example is the poison dart frogs down Central and South America way. They get their name because natives used them to poison their darts — so someone who has a penchant for toad licking should stay home. There are many varieties of these little lethal lovelies, and their toxicity is variable. The strawberry poison dart frogs have less poison, several varieties of color, and apparently they can discriminate to be with those having similar markings. Racist? Speciesist? Credit: Flickr /  Pavel Kirillov  ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Darwin's disciples are puzzled as to  why their poison doesn't make them croak . Some people actually have them as pets , they just don't feed them the things that produce toxins. In the wild, their contact poison also makes their parenting procedures even more curious. Mom frog carts each young'un on her back for a while. Many frog species simply lay their eggs in water and le...

Raiding Influences for the Ark of the Covenant?

This time, we will ride a different trail than usual. This is about the Ark of the Covenant, which has raised many questions throughout history. Its location is unknown, though there are many legends as to its whereabouts. No wonder archaeologists are frustrated. Try crate 9906753. In the Old Testament, there are many details about the construction of the temple, making of and the Ark, and so on. God commanded many aspects for building it, but not every detail of its design. Some people wonder if the Israelites raided Egyptian influences when they made it. Credit: Free Christian Illustrations Let's ride up yonder hill so we can look down and get a bigger picture. First of all, we do not have any images of the Ark of the Covenant for reference, so saying it had Egyptian influences is speculation. Even so, such influences may not be out of the question. Since God didn't provide a blueprint, builders were able to use some creativity. Indeed, people frequently draw from other sourc...

Evolutionary Infighting and Creation Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Time and again, reports are brought to me by my prospector friend Stormie Waters about the occasional ruckus at the Darwin Ranch. She was over at Sour Wells a spell back. Along came Jacqueline Hyde (who was not quite herself again), the lady friend of Rusty Swingset (the foreman) and they commenced to jawing about the latest dustups. Then they came over to visit and give me the lowdown. Evolutionists tend to portray their worldview as mostly unified with just a few details to be ironed out. Not true. As we have seen on this site alone, there is considerable dissent among them . Apparently, some want to give evolution a complete overhaul instead of continuing to put lipstick on a pig and chanting the natural selection  mantra. Biblical creationists need to make our move and use this divide for the gospel message. Credits: Pixabay /  Gareth Weeks (for the pig) and  Irum Shahid (for the lipstick) For several examples of how evolutionary dogma ...

Language Attainment Speaks of our Creator

While a few of us have the ability to learn several languages without much difficulty later in life, most have to work very hard to get a working knowledge of a new one. When in a different country, someone is saturated with the language, and people draw upon their existing associations to learn it. With young children, it is different. Learning a language, and even multiple languages, is easier for young people. Their brains are still developing, and they are making connections to words with their senses. Credit: Freeimages /  dog madic When I was holding our son who had been born just a few hours before, his mother spoke and he turned his head (already!) to look in her direction. Children know voices before they are born, and begin associating sounds with their visual input. Those sounds they make are their way of learning how everything works. Another memory is that our very young daughter was vocalizing, but old enough to do some imitation. I said, "Baby babble." She mana...

Modern Deserts and Ice Age Lakes

A few of the hands at the Darwin Ranch decided to head over to a lake for some swimming, but all they found was a desert. It turns out that  geologists named lakes that existed in the past, and they read them too quickly.  It is baffling to uniformitarian scientists, who believe deep time and gradual processes are the key to the present, can produce so many lakes and such. Using forensic (historical) science, geologists can see evidence for rivers and lakes in areas that are arid and semi-arid. Some of these lakes were huge. They were scattered all over the world, including Death Valley . Dante's Ridge, Death Valley image credit: Hoerner / NPS (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Secular models for the Ice Age (they believe in many ice ages, without evidence, because they are necessary to their naturalistic narrative) are troubled when it comes to explaining formerly wet deserts like the Sahara and these others. The Genesis Flood models are consistent with the...

Bad Design Claims and Human Reproduction

Over at The Question Evolution Project on Fakebook, we have been posting one of the favorite giggling points of misotheists. Namely, the alleged bad design of the human eye. Such dysteleology is easily refuted with: This  series of articles by Dr. Jason Lisle  (I linked to the first, the rest are linked at the end of each subsequent article) A  video by the late Tommy Mitchell, MD The article " Backwardly wired retina 'an optimal structure': New eye discovery further demolishes Dawkins " Others However, atheists have a bumper sticker mentality: "Dawkins said it, I believe it, that settles it". (It is indeed unfortunate that people who claim to believe in science and reason reject those very things.) Then they use a faulty appeal to authority to people who have no idea what they're talking about, then use all of those things to confirm their biases. In the same way, faulty presuppositions and bad logic are used to deny God because women have miscarriages...

Two Creation Facts Observed in the Everglades

The Florida Everglades is a huge part of southern Florida. In fact, the ecosystem there is unique and it is a national park , what with the state being a peninsula and all. It is not the kind of place for a greenhorn to go stomping around without an expert guide. Of course, people expect to see alligators and such, but there are other critters to prompt everyone to stay alert. We have a couple of, "See? The Bible told us so!" moments that involve cats and snakes. Credit: USFWS / Lavonda Walton ( via Wikimedia Commons ) They got them some cougars! Pumas or panthers (pick a title you prefer) are the biggest cats in North America. While seen in many movies and shows set out West, subspecies are spread out. Sadly, the Florida cougars were on the road to extinction. They also go themselves some pythons! When hurricanes messed up pet stores and some got loose — well, with cougars and pythons, we see a Bible truth in action. Another truth seen in the Everglades is the intrusion of d...

The Perplexing Volvox

Algae are found in many varieties, usually contributing to the ecosystem. (There are occasional bad boys that cause harmful algal blooms , however.) A green variety known as Volvox  has several interesting features. Floating on the water and making food through photosynthesis is probably boring, even for single-celled organisms. Someone who knows the details may object by saying Volvox  is multicellular. Well, that can be both yes and no.  I'll allow that they're less impressive to the naked eye, but things get interesting under the microscope.   Credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Frank Fox , ( CC BY-SA 3.0 DE ) Disregarding mandates for socialist distancing, they group together into colonies. Then they use their tiny propellers to motor around with a single-minded purpose — quite a trick to do that without a brain. Believers in particle-to-protoplasm claim evolution did it (without evidence), but it is far more rational to believe that the fact...

Evolutionists Believe in Rafting and Luck

Misotheist C. Richard Dawkins and others tell us that our existence is a series of improbable events, and some actually go so far as to admit they believe that everything is the product of luck . However, believers in fish-to-fool evolution often make Evolution and Natural Selection into entities. This defeats how chance and randomness that were married up with time and mutations. It does not go well, especially since mutations are not so random after all. Then things get...truly bizarre. Mostly made at Atom Smasher Another interesting fact is how internet evolutionists ridicule creationists for the concept of animals rafting as part of the post-Flood dispersal . Knowledgeable people are aware that evolutionists have problems with animal distribution, and they also use the same concept as creationists! (Type "animal rafting" into a search engine and see your ownself.) In fact, luck and rafting are essential to biogeography and evolution. Remember, this kind of fact-free spec...

Dinosaur Bones Discovered in Ireland

A long-lasting case of anti-Irish discrimination has been put to rest, this time because they have some dinosaur bones to call their own. (Of course, it was not actual bigotry, just the way things happened.) Ireland can join the "We have dinosaurs" club. This was another instance of scientists essentially saying, "Let's give those things another look-see now that we have better equipment than when they were first discovered". It was concluded that they had a Megalosaurus and a Scelidosaurus . Click for more bigness These critters were found in marine rocks. Yeah, so? The Emerald Isle has a lot of sedimentary rocks, you know. Dinosaur bones and fully permineralized fossils are frequently found in those rocks. Secular ad hoc excuses may be satisfying for people who are already committed to uniformitarianism, but thinking people realize that the "swept out to sea, then buried" idea is a massive failure that ignores scientific processes. What does explai...

Unlocking DNA Secrets using the Biblical Creation Framework

Little did Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him) know when he initiated the study of genetics that Darwin's votaries would falsely claim that it supports their belief system. When Crick and Watson discovered the structure of DNA, the study of DNA became much more intense. Indeed, the study of genetics has become much more refined in recent years, and DNA is an important part of many criminal investigations. The more scientists discover, the more they learn that much more exploration is needed. Credit: RGBStock /  Sanja Gjenero  (background modified) Many surprising results have come from studies, including how "races" and ethnic groups are much more closely related than people think. (For that matter, Neanderthal DNA has been studied, and modern humans are closely related to them as well.) The study of DNA not only affects humans, but animals as well — and indicates recent creation, not evolution. Bad news for secularists: studies are well in keeping with a biblical creationi...

Ice Sheet Studies Consistent with Creation Science Models

If you ever take a notion to do some mountain climbing, skip Mt. Everest, Kangchenjunga, Mt. Elbert, or any of those things, try a real  challenge. Make tracks over to the Gamburtsev Mountain Range. Lesser known, and about the size of the Alps. The interesting part is that you cannot climb them because they are under a huge amount of snow and ice near the South Pole, so forget what I said about climbing them. We can move on to the main reason for this discussion. Using radar and recently-developed technology, ice sheets in the Antarctic and Greenland have been studied. Using fundamentally flawed radiometric dating methods and other assumption-laden methods, scientists tagged ages of several million Darwin years onto them. Once again, observed data does not fit uniformitarian expectations. Credits: Flickr / Penn State and National Science Foundation ( CC BY-NC 2.0 ) Over the assumed millions of years, there should be signs of massive erosion. One rescuing device is that t...

Yet More Evidence of Youthful Saturn

When calling Earth, Saturn, the solar system, and so on, "young", it is relative. But it gets a mite awkward to use titles like, "Saturn is not Displaying Evidence for Billions of Years Even After Additional Information is Acquired". However, that is what we see happening. The second-largest planet out yonder has been studied intensively, and the evidence is bad medicine for believers in billions of years. Secularists and churchian compromisers are committed to deep time so Papa Darwin can work that old black magic.  Worse, it indicates that everything was created much more recently than they want to admit. Credits:  NASA / JPL-Caltech / Space Science Institute (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The moons of Saturn reveal that they are a fraction of their assumed age, so secularists use the tried 'n' true method of Making Things Up™. This includes wild guesses about life on the moons, and illogical guesses about space rocks impacted Encel...

Sea Sponges Inspire Building Materials

There is something I say frequently because it is worth emphasizing: It is the often-observed fact that the more we learn about nature, the less "simple" it becomes. People in the thrilling days of yesteryear thought that cells were simple, but advancements in technology and scientific understanding left that notion behind. This happens frequently. Despite the bleating of atheists and other anti-creationists, evidence that the Master Engineer designed living things (as well as space, the laws of physics, logic, and so on) is increasingly abundant. It is galactically foolish to claim that living things  appear  designed, but are actually not. Glass sponge  Euplectella aspergillum image credit: NOAA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) A "simple" glass sponge called Venus' flower basket is obviously not designed, but it is the product of time, chance, mutations, random processes, luck, and so on. That's why scientists are drawing inspiration fr...

Francis Bacon, Science, and the Two Books

The first thing we need to do is get our Bacons sorted out, since there were two notable historical fellows with that name. Both came from England, and each studied natural philosophy  (which is now known as science ). Both of them also studied theology. Roger Bacon was a friar, and I like using bacon  and friar  in the same sentence. He was a pioneer of the scientific method and believed the Bible. We can jump ahead a few hundred years, around the time of King James I, to Francis Bacon. He was brilliant, and like the other Bacon, cooked up advances in what has become known as the scientific method. A part of the fame of Francis is his idea of "two books". Main image credit before Francis Bacon portrait insert: Pexels /  Polina Tankilevitch While Francis believed the Bible, he also considered nature itself to be a book provided by God to teach us things not in the Bible. Apparently, he wanted to keep science and Scripture apart, and secularists have run with th...

Evolutionists Sweating the Small Stuff

As I write this post, our area is having the warmest weather so far this year. Appropriate timing. Anyway, it is common knowledge that animals and people perspire as a means of cooling themselves in hot weather. Moisture comes out and then evaporates. In high humidity, the moisture is unable to evaporate quickly, so sweating is obvious. I understand that in dry areas like Arizona, people can become dangerously dehydrated without knowing it. Physical activity such as sports cause us to sweat more. Stay hydrated, people! Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos /  Serge Bertasius Photography Believers in universal descent-with-modification keep insisting that humans and apes had a common ancestor way back yonder. I'll allow that there are superficial resemblances, but the important ones are exaggerated or even lied about (for example, human-chimp DNA similarities ). The differences are greater than the similarities, testifying to the fact that God created us in his image. Strip away the storytellin...

Seaweed, Sea Otters, and Provision

Seaweed is found in a variety of sizes and colors, and many boat owners can tell you that it is extremely annoying when caught in the propellers of a motorboat. Fish eat it, and that huge brown sugar kelp can be eaten by humans . Nobody has offered me any. Sugar kelp grows along the coastlines in colder oceanic areas. There is some trading off in the animal kingdom with this seaweed that demonstrates how our Creator cares for the critters. For that matter, kelp's benefits to humans is beginning to be explored. Sugar kelp image credit: Flickr / Byrnes Lab  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Seaweed uses photosynthesis to get nourishment from the sun, but it is anchored so it doesn't get pulled out to sea. Sea otters are not interested in chowing down on the kelp, but other animals are — and the otters eat them. In addition, there is another interesting benefit from the otter-kelp pact. Tidewater-tossed seaweeds display God’s providence. Hidden in plain view, tidewater seaweeds are spectacular exhibi...

Bunches of Beetles

It seems like most folks have some critter or another that gives them the heebie jeebies, but they should put that aside and appreciate the Creator's design work. Beetles do this to my wife, and they are not exactly what I want to see flitting around the living room. But they are actually quite interesting. Not only interesting, but practically everywhere. Beetles perform useful functions in their diverse ecosystems. It is quite reasonable to deduce that God likes variety, and we can see this from the different types of beetles and where they live. Credit: Unsplash / Stephen Hocking Beetles have similar characteristics that might prompt a Darwinist to claim that it is proof of evolution, but that cavalry saber cuts both ways: it is evidence of common design. After all, why make everything different instead of utilizing designs that work? Insects are by far the most successful animal life form, if you judge by the total number of species. They are pushing the 1,000,000 mark, which i...

Ammonite in Burmese Amber Baffles Scientists

Amber is fascinating for scientists, since it is such a preservative of old life forms. In fact, it also works against deep-time proponents. (One example of this is the preservation of amino acids .) Today we shall consider the preservation of an ammonite in a chunk of Burmese amber. Ammonites were extinct cephalopods with shells, so they have no relation to the wicked descendants of Ben-Ammi mentioned in the Bible. But you probably knew those details. Since amber is hardened tree resin, how did a deceased marine creature end up there? Credit: PNAS via Wikimedia Commons ( CC BY 4.0 ) (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Ammonites varied in size, so they were not too large to become encased in a small chunk of amber. Its placement is the greater puzzle. Secular scientists have tried various rescuing devices, but they don't hold water. Plugging the data into a biblical creation science Genesis Flood model provides a far better explanation. Discovered in Myanmar, the ...

Martian Volcano Flusters Secular Scientists

Geologists who believe that the earth is billions of years old are constantly being surprised when observed data does not fit their deep-time presuppositions. This becomes even more pronounced by various celestial objects in our own solar system ( such as Pluto and Charon ). It should be eminently logical, Captain, that if an idea does not have supporting evidence, it should be abandoned , but the deep-time and evolutionary narratives take precedence. So, how about that volcanic eruption on Mars? Cerberus Fossae image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / University of Arizona (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) As we seen down here on Earth, secular scientists often use fundamentally flawed dating methods. It does not go well, and they should know better. As with other moons and planets in our solar system, geological activity is occurring. This should not be happening if our solar system was billions of years old. Rescuing devices, storytelling, and guesswork for cosmic evolu...

Science In Name Only

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  There are a few acronyms ending in -INO, which means In Name Only. RINOs (Republicans), (CINOs) Christians, and others. SINO will not work here because sino means Chinese (based on the Sinae , the Latin word for China). Mayhaps ScINOs? You can study on that and get back to me if something works, okay? People are suspicious of science at times, then they change horses in midstream and adore it. Especially if they think that scientists are paragons of virtue and impartiality, and will use their brilliance to solve le problème du jour . I disremember when, but one of the responses to a public opinion survey was something like, "Scientists will make a pill for it or something". Blind faith. Modified from an illustration by Sidney Paget used in "The Adventure of the Empty House" A term that has received abundant usage is virtue signaling . It is commonly used for people who are trumpeting their support for political and social causes, but can al...