Powerful Plants and Flood Recovery

Although it may take quite a while, plants find the nutrients they need. They also have a habit of growing and reclaiming land and getting into the foundations of buildings. I remember one time when the sewage for a house had backed up because a tree root had grown into the pipe. Plants are persistent things. They also play a big part in biblical creation science models. It is reasonable to use what is observed today regarding living things and expect that they acted much the same way in the past, yes? Creationists present evidence for the Genesis Flood, but it is understandable to wonder how plants played a part in the earth's recovery in the aftermath. Banding in quartzite image credit: Flickr / James St. John ( CC BY 2.0 ) By the way, I really despise alphabet/Google/Blogger with a passion. This site may become an archive, so eventually the excitement may very well be at Creation Cowboy if I can get the hang of the interface. Back in 1980, Mt. St. Helens provided e...